Owning guns is saving your life and property

I'd challange the inbred Hillbillies to see how much retention they have on the education I have provided them since I've been here.
How much lower are England and France murder rates?

Topper, you keep spouting the same irrelevant argument. You want to use England and France as examples, but choose to ignore Switzerland. How educated is that?

Also, if you want to compare populations, you have to determine the similarities and the differences which will impact that comparison. Have you done that? Or is it a single fact that you use and ignore the rest?

Murders of civilians by civilians is very low in nations with dictators or oppressive regimes. Do you include those in your comparisons? Or do you stick with a single, over-simplified comparison of apples to oranges, all while disparaging the intelligence of others?
doubling of 1 is 2
going from 99 to 100 is and increase of 1
outside of being some gun nut who jizzes on NRA mags
WTF does rate of increase matter when the higher increase is exonentially lower.

If there is an increase in violent crime after removing guns, whileour crime rate has continually dropped, it matters a great deal.

Topper, do you believe removing guns from legal gun owners would stop crime?
doubling of 1 is 2
going from 99 to 100 is and increase of 1
outside of being some gun nut who jizzes on NRA mags
WTF does rate of increase matter when the higher increase is exonentially lower.
Well it should be obvious to anyone with any sort of intellect. If less guns were to equal less death, then the murder rate (highest in western europe by the way) should go down. Instead less guns has equaled 2x as many deaths. So thereforfe, since this is the only factor in your mind, less guns would equal 2x deaths here as well. Unless there is some sort of variable or difference between our two countries that would make the comparision invalid (and you've said there isn't).
Answer we are 4x as murderous as England and France

Maybe we have more dumbasses
I believe we can top them, it won't happen until the Alabubba Jesus freak wing of the repukes is repudiated.
Answer we are 4x as murderous as England and France

Maybe we have more dumbasses
I believe we can top them, it won't happen until the Alabubba Jesus freak wing of the repukes is repudiated.

Intelligence isn't your strong suit is it? If there ar no variables between un and England, our rates would DOUBLE just as theirs have.
Intelligence isn't your strong suit is it? If there ar no variables between un and England, our rates would DOUBLE just as theirs have.

are you grind or just a new troll

why do you think England and France are smart enough to murder 4x less often then we do Hillbilly?
are you grind or just a new troll

why do you think England and France are smart enough to murder 4x less often then we do Hillbilly?

Well their murder rate is doubling with less guns. Since guns are THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US AND EUROPE then therefore the EXACT SAME THING will happen to us as will happen to them, which is doubling murder rates.
typical NRA tool

they are less murderous, have less guns, must be less stressed with more vacations

If I have a thousand murders in one place and two in another, not being a moron I don't care what the rate of increase in the 2 place is. But then I'm not an NRA dues paying uneducated gun nut.
typical NRA tool

they are less murderous, have less guns, must be less stressed with more vacations

If I have a thousand murders in one place and two in another, not being a moron I don't care what the rate of increase in the 2 place is. But then I'm not an NRA dues paying uneducated gun nut.
Woah, woah, woah there. Are you saying that there are differences in Europe BESIDES GUNS? But... that would mean your comparision of the two is invalid.

In an unrelated note, fuck this keyboard on my phone.
are you grind or just a new troll

why do you think England and France are smart enough to murder 4x less often then we do Hillbilly?

And they are ignorant enough to believe that removing guns from legal gun owners would reduce murder rates.
they prob don't have any areas as ignorant as cousin marrying Alabubba

And we certainly have areas more ignorant than Alabama. For example, the back woods, semi-literate, cajun country in Louisianna. It makes Alabama look like MENSA.
Killing one's fellow man is not normal human behaviour. It might well have been in another millenium, but in this one it is definitely deviant behaviour.
Now, we know this because the first thing we say at the news of a murder is that some 'nut-job' just killed whatever.
Now if I wish to own a chain saw, a machine whose only designed function is the felling and trimming of trees, it is fairly safe to assume that I have a tree to fell, or trim.
If I buy a car, a machine whose only designed function is to transport people and things from one place to another then it is safe to say that I wish or need to go somewhere.

Now, if you are an NRA member this logic doesn't work. If I buy a gun, a device whose only designed function is to kill living things I can say I bought it to shoot Coke cans from fence posts!

Why are there fewer gun crimes per capita in Europe than in America? Sanity.

Simple really, isn't it.
Killing one's fellow man is not normal human behaviour. It might well have been in another millenium, but in this one it is definitely deviant behaviour.
Now, we know this because the first thing we say at the news of a murder is that some 'nut-job' just killed whatever.
Now if I wish to own a chain saw, a machine whose only designed function is the felling and trimming of trees, it is fairly safe to assume that I have a tree to fell, or trim.
If I buy a car, a machine whose only designed function is to transport people and things from one place to another then it is safe to say that I wish or need to go somewhere.

Now, if you are an NRA member this logic doesn't work. If I buy a gun, a device whose only designed function is to kill living things I can say I bought it to shoot Coke cans from fence posts!

Why are there fewer gun crimes per capita in Europe than in America? Sanity.

Simple really, isn't it.

Do cops carry guns in China?
Killing one's fellow man is not normal human behaviour. It might well have been in another millenium, but in this one it is definitely deviant behaviour.
Now, we know this because the first thing we say at the news of a murder is that some 'nut-job' just killed whatever.
Now if I wish to own a chain saw, a machine whose only designed function is the felling and trimming of trees, it is fairly safe to assume that I have a tree to fell, or trim.
If I buy a car, a machine whose only designed function is to transport people and things from one place to another then it is safe to say that I wish or need to go somewhere.

Now, if you are an NRA member this logic doesn't work. If I buy a gun, a device whose only designed function is to kill living things I can say I bought it to shoot Coke cans from fence posts!

Why are there fewer gun crimes per capita in Europe than in America? Sanity.

Simple really, isn't it.

But you're an idiot and therefore, your assertions are just the rantings of one.

Trigger Happy

by Al Yankovic

Got an AK-47, well you know it makes me feel alright
Got an Uzi by my pillow, helps me sleep a little better at night
There's no feeling any greter
Than to shoot first and ask questions later
Now I'm trigger happy, trigger happy every day

Well, you can't take my guns away, I got a constitutional right
Yeah, I gotta be ready if the Commies attack us tonight
I'll blow their brains out with my Smith and Wesson
That ought to teach them all a darn good lesson
Now I'm trigger happy, trigger happy every day

(Oh yeah, I'm)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
(Oh baby, I'm)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
(Oh I'm so)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
Better watch out, punk, or I'm gonna have to blow you away

Oh, I accidently shot daddy last night in the den
I mistook him in the dark for a drug-crazed Nazi again
Now why'd you have to get so mad?
It was just a lousy flesh wound, Dad
You know, I'm trigger happy, trigger happy every day

Oh, I still haven't figured out the safety on my rifle yet
Little Fluffy took a round, better take him to the vet
I filled that kitty cat so full of lead
We'll have to use him for a pencil instead
Well, I'm so trigger happy, trigger happy every day

(Oh yeah, I'm)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
(Oh baby, I'm)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
(Oh I'm so)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
Better watch out, punk, or I'm gonna have to blow you away

Come on and grab your ammo
What have you got to lose?
We'll all get liquored up
And shoot at anything that moves

Got a brand new semi-automatic weapon with a laser sight
Oh, I'm prayin' somebody tries to break in here tonight
I always keep a Magnum in my trunk
You better ask yourself, do you feel lucky, punk?
Because I'm trigger happy, trigger happy every day

(Oh yeah, I'm)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
(Oh baby, I'm)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
(Oh I'm so)trigger, trigger happy
Yes I'm trigger, trigger happy
Better watch out, punk, or I'm gonna have to blow you away
Killing one's fellow man is not normal human behaviour. It might well have been in another millenium, but in this one it is definitely deviant behaviour.
Now, we know this because the first thing we say at the news of a murder is that some 'nut-job' just killed whatever.
Now if I wish to own a chain saw, a machine whose only designed function is the felling and trimming of trees, it is fairly safe to assume that I have a tree to fell, or trim.
If I buy a car, a machine whose only designed function is to transport people and things from one place to another then it is safe to say that I wish or need to go somewhere.

Now, if you are an NRA member this logic doesn't work. If I buy a gun, a device whose only designed function is to kill living things I can say I bought it to shoot Coke cans from fence posts!

Why are there fewer gun crimes per capita in Europe than in America? Sanity.

Simple really, isn't it.

Lets look at a scenario as an example, and you tell me whether or not you think a gun is appropriate?

A man works out of town. His wife is a petite lady. They have a nice house and it is obvious that they make a good living. They live in a rural area, and the response time for law enforcement is (on average) 20 to 30 minutes.

Should they trust in the good will of their fellow man when she is home alone? Should they hope that any burglar or intruder is stupid enough to take more than 20 mins to gain access to their home?

Also, while the majority of guns are designed to kill, not all are. There are numerous target rifles that would be pitifully inept at killing.

And, last but not least, are hunting firearms included in your "insanity of the US" opinion?