PA called for Satan

I see women over 50 through my mom right now. They really believe that Hillary has worked all her life for this. That 35 years of experience bullshit really settled in, as if it were fact. So they view this as one of them, working all their lives, and then some guy comes along and he gets the promotion that was due them. They’re not going to let this go, period.

When you have a black man and a woman running in the democratic primary, whoever reached the point first where they could not win without the superdelegates overturning the popular vote and delegate count, had to drop out. Once either one of them decided they were staying in past that point, this thing got dirty. If the shoe were on the other foot, white women would have felt like the man came down put his foot on her neck and said “uh uh, you didn’t really think we were going to let you up here did you?” and white women would have voted for McCain out of spite or stayed home. In our actual scenario, this is how black people will feel and they will react the same way. I know everyone says it can be put back together again by Nov, but I don’t believe it after PA. I think that all the kings horses and all the kings men aren’t putting this back together again.
If hillary is the nominee, I might have to vote for Ralph.

I’m going to vote for Cynthia McKinney, no shit. This way I get to vote for the first black president and the first woman president. If it’s Hillary. I still think it’s going to be Obama but he’s been so tarnished by this fight, I no longer believe he can beat McCain. And I never thought Hillary could, because her negatives have always been through the roof.

There is only one possible hope…and that is that Obama is holding back on Hilary because he knows he can’t risk a Lazio moment. If he is perceived to be “beating on her”, he will go down. She milks that advantage for every thing it’s worth and then some. I am stunned that the Clintons have not bothered themselves to worry about offending the black vote. Obama clearly does not want to lose women.

If he is freed from that bs which he would be against McCain, he might be better able to land a punch. He is in a tough spot running against the first feasible woman presidential candidate. There is no doubt about that.
I see women over 50 through my mom right now. They really believe that Hillary has worked all her life for this. That 35 years of experience bullshit really settled in, as if it were fact. So they view this as one of them, working all their lives, and then some guy comes along and he gets the promotion that was due them. They’re not going to let this go, period.

When you have a black man and a woman running in the democratic primary, whoever reached the point first where they could not win without the superdelegates overturning the popular vote and delegate count, had to drop out. Once either one of them decided they were staying in past that point, this thing got dirty. If the shoe were on the other foot, white women would have felt like the man came down put his foot on her neck and said “uh uh, you didn’t really think we were going to let you up here did you?” and white women would have voted for McCain out of spite or stayed home. In our actual scenario, this is how black people will feel and they will react the same way. I know everyone says it can be put back together again by Nov, but I don’t believe it after PA. I think that all the kings horses and all the kings men aren’t putting this back together again.

unfortunately I think your right. the last 3 times the dems battled this hard for the nominee they lost the general. I am a big fan of obama but all this civil war has fractured him.. i even turned the channel on his rally last night because it was boring.
"I know everyone says it can be put back together again by Nov, but I don’t believe it after PA. I think that all the kings horses and all the kings men aren’t putting this back together again."

Mega-ditto's. Which goes back to another call you made - that Clinton just wants to set herself up for 2012. When I here her or her surrogates speak now, they are always talking in very ungrounded, detached-from-reality kinds of terms. They talk about wrapping up the nomination by June, and Hillary having won Michigan. I don't think they really think they can get the nomination at this point. They know what it will do to their chances to have the elected delegates negated by the Supers, and I'm sure they know the Supers likely won't do that, anyway.

They just want the Dems & Obama to lose this year.
I see women over 50 through my mom right now. They really believe that Hillary has worked all her life for this. That 35 years of experience bullshit really settled in, as if it were fact. So they view this as one of them, working all their lives, and then some guy comes along and he gets the promotion that was due them. They’re not going to let this go, period.

When you have a black man and a woman running in the democratic primary, whoever reached the point first where they could not win without the superdelegates overturning the popular vote and delegate count, had to drop out. Once either one of them decided they were staying in past that point, this thing got dirty. If the shoe were on the other foot, white women would have felt like the man came down put his foot on her neck and said “uh uh, you didn’t really think we were going to let you up here did you?” and white women would have voted for McCain out of spite or stayed home. In our actual scenario, this is how black people will feel and they will react the same way. I know everyone says it can be put back together again by Nov, but I don’t believe it after PA. I think that all the kings horses and all the kings men aren’t putting this back together again.

An aside to this - The Clintons have done what no republicans have been able to do over the last few decades no matter how hard they try. They will have actually dissuaded a lot of the black vote away from the democratic party, should she win. People are pissed and you hear it all the time in a lot of Black media. The fact is the democrats are doomed if she gets elected: Independants will jump ship and I have a gut feeling that now that the Clintons have showed their @sses, they will lose a substantial part of the Black vote.
"I know everyone says it can be put back together again by Nov, but I don’t believe it after PA. I think that all the kings horses and all the kings men aren’t putting this back together again."

Mega-ditto's. Which goes back to another call you made - that Clinton just wants to set herself up for 2012. When I here her or her surrogates speak now, they are always talking in very ungrounded, detached-from-reality kinds of terms. They talk about wrapping up the nomination by June, and Hillary having won Michigan. I don't think they really think they can get the nomination at this point. They know what it will do to their chances to have the elected delegates negated by the Supers, and I'm sure they know the Supers likely won't do that, anyway.

They just want the Dems & Obama to lose this year.

I know. I really hate her for it Onceler. She was never going to get a vote out of me, including in the NY state Senate, after her cluster bomb vote. But now, it's gotten to the point that if I see her face, grinning...I have the same reaction I do to bush. It's that bad.
Well If McSame wins it will pretty much sink the repubs for another 30 years. 2004 X 10.

2004 should have done that. But the Dems have gone to crap as well .
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An aside to this - The Clintons have done what no republicans have been able to do over the last few decades no matter how hard they try. They will have actually dissuaded a lot of the black vote away from the democratic party, should she win. People are pissed and you hear it all the time in a lot of Black media. The fact is the democrats are doomed if she gets elected: Independants will jump ship and I have a gut feeling that now that the Clintons have showed their @sses, they will lose a substantial part of the Black vote.

They ran a racist fucking campaign, and are pro-war...people might as well as vote for a Republican. So I’ll go third party and I fully expect a key part of the democratic base, black voters, to do the same. If they don't come back to the Democratic party after 08, the party has that coming.
I’m going to vote for Cynthia McKinney, no shit. This way I get to vote for the first black president and the first woman president. If it’s Hillary. I still think it’s going to be Obama but he’s been so tarnished by this fight, I no longer believe he can beat McCain. And I never thought Hillary could, because her negatives have always been through the roof.

There is only one possible hope…and that is that Obama is holding back on Hilary because he knows he can’t risk a Lazio moment. If he is perceived to be “beating on her”, he will go down. She milks that advantage for every thing it’s worth and then some. I am stunned that the Clintons have not bothered themselves to worry about offending the black vote. Obama clearly does not want to lose women.

If he is freed from that bs which he would be against McCain, he might be better able to land a punch. He is in a tough spot running against the first feasible woman presidential candidate. There is no doubt about that.

I don't agree with that. I think he can definitely beat McCain. McCain is getting a free ride because the democratic contest is so contentious (sp?) at the moment. He can destroy him in the general on the war alone and his hawkish comments. Not to mention taxes. McCain has flipped flop on that issue too. McCain's in addition to a pill head thieving wife has got nothing but an old battle wound and a flag on his vest.

I definitely think he's holding back because he doesn't want to be perceieved as beating up on an old woman. No questions. He could have taken her to town on lying about the sniper bullets, her pro attack stance on Iran and her affiliation with a pedo priest. But he didn't. He's very strategic and smart. And almost every play has been the right play. What he needs is his grassroots supporters to do the dirt for him.
Well If McSame wins it will pretty much sink the repubs for another 30 years. 2004 X 10.

Well, I know. I mean, the board I used to post on, the die hard R’s are real backwater trash. Five bucks a week is something to them, you know? So they are on the bottom of the food chain, and they’ll be the first to go hungry and homeless. The R’s on this board, are of a higher socio-economic status, and they’ll be a lag before it hits them. One by one, they’ll lose their jobs. The war will spread. Maybe a volunteer military won’t be feasible if we get into a spot we cannot now foresee.

And all of that will bring me happiness. That will be the only happiness left in this country for me. The bitter happiness of smiling revenge. Well, plus shoes and sex.
"But now, it's gotten to the point that if I see her face, grinning...I have the same reaction I do to bush. It's that bad."

Yeah; I definitely have "CDS," as Dungheap likes to say. I still can't believe I used Satan for this thread, but man, was I pissed off last night. I just can't get over Democrats. Last night is one of the reasons I never really consider myself a "Democrat," even though I vote Dem about 99.9% of the time.

Spot on with the 35 years experience/new guy getting promotion analogy. I never considered it quite in that way before, but I'm sure that's how many women see it.
I don't agree with that. I think he can definitely beat McCain. McCain is getting a free ride because the democratic contest is so contentious (sp?) at the moment. He can destroy him in the general on the war alone and his hawkish comments. Not to mention taxes. McCain has flipped flop on that issue too. McCain's in addition to a pill head thieving wife has got nothing but an old battle wound and a flag on his vest.

I definitely think he's holding back because he doesn't want to be perceieved as beating up on an old woman. No questions. He could have taken her to town on lying about the sniper bullets, her pro attack stance on Iran and her affiliation with a pedo priest. But he didn't. He's very strategic and smart. And almost every play has been the right play. What he needs is his grassroots supporters to do the dirt for him.

Yeah, but they won't kick in till this race is called. I think it's going to be too late by then. I hope I'm wrong and you're right.

I also think she is setting this thing up so that if the superdelegates don't give her the nomination, white women over 50 feel like they got fucked by men, again.

I don't think theyr'e going to vote for Obama.
They ran a racist f*&^king campaign, and are pro-war...people might as well as vote for a Republican. So I’ll go third party and I fully expect a key part of the democratic base, black voters, to do the same. If they don't come back to the Democratic party after 08, the party has that coming.

Also it will prove a nice little lesson to them. Dean needs to step and make her get out of it. She can do no good for the party and she can't be McCain - period.
you all have come a long way in recognizing the true colors of Clinton.. Sometimes i feel like none of you want to ever change your opinions about anything so its pointless to debate.
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"But now, it's gotten to the point that if I see her face, grinning...I have the same reaction I do to bush. It's that bad."

Yeah; I definitely have "CDS," as Dungheap likes to say. I still can't believe I used Satan for this thread, but man, was I pissed off last night. I just can't get over Democrats. Last night is one of the reasons I never really consider myself a "Democrat," even though I vote Dem about 99.9% of the time.

Spot on with the 35 years experience/new guy getting promotion analogy. I never considered it quite in that way before, but I'm sure that's how many women see it.

You should have heard what I was calling her last night. My bf is the only one I’ll say those things to about her. I would never want to be quoted on them. I’ve written articles about people who call her those kind of things.

That’s right, I’m a big hypocrite, just as the righties always suspected. And I want to retain the right to hang those bastards high whevever they go there. I have so little joy right now, so I don't care.
Yeah, but they won't kick in till this race is called. I think it's going to be too late by then. I hope I'm wrong and you're right.

I also think she is setting this thing up so that if the superdelegates don't give her the nomination, white women over 50 feel like they got f*&cked by men, again.

I don't think theyr'e going to vote for Obama.

That's why I think Dean needs to step in ASAP.
you all have come a long way in recognizing the true colors of Clinton.. Sometimes i feel like non of you want to every change your opinions about anything so its pointless to debate.

I'd say that's mainly conservatives. Liberals are a lot more open minded and willing to see 'their' candidates at face value. I can't recall any republicans have a discussion like this in regards to one their own that clearly deserved it.