PA called for Satan

I don’t think Dean is impotent, I think he is the one to do it. Tiana is right about that. I think he has been chafing at the bit to do it, but the party elders haven’t wanted to cut the Clintons yet. They were hoping she would go down in PA. They have got one big problem on their hands this morning.
This is the best race ever though, from a strictly dramatic standpoint.

I fear we will soon be greeted with a view of perpetual war and internationalist fascism as far as the eye can see. Both parties have been 100% corrupted and they really don't even try to hide it anymore.
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I'd say that's mainly conservatives. Liberals are a lot more open minded and willing to see 'their' candidates at face value. I can't recall any republicans have a discussion like this in regards to one their own that clearly deserved it.

i used to be very right.. I am moderate now and planning to vote for obama.
I don’t think Dean is impotent, I think he is the one to do it. Tiana is right about that. I think he has been chafing at the bit to do it, but the party elders haven’t wanted to cut the Clintons yet. They were hoping she would go down in PA. They have got one big problem on their hands this morning.

time will tell on that one. if he lets this go till Denver then hes a hack.
mccains cant hide his emotions over how happy this dem civil war makes him..
i used to be very right.. I am moderate now and planning to vote for obama.

Yeah I know. You are one of the few, maybe the only righty I have ever seen do that. I mean, look around Chap. 7 and a half years of a failed administration that holds a 20 something percent approval rating, but somewhere around 50% plan to vote for McCain and they don’t care WHO the dem nominee is. So you’re a rare example. A good one, but rare.
Yeah I know. You are one of the few, maybe the only righty I have ever seen do that. I mean, look around Chap. 7 and a half years of a failed administration that holds a 20 something percent approval rating, but somewhere around 50% plan to vote for McCain and they don’t care WHO the dem nominee is. So you’re a rare example. A good one, but rare.

You didn't know me when My name was RtWngAvngr. That was before I woke the f up.
Dean called on all of the supers last week to make an immediate decision. He didn't get so much as a peep in response.

Next to Hillary, he looks weak. He's been all wishy washy on MI & FL, and he won't be able to close this deal on his own. The only prayer would be if there is some sort of coalition that includes Gore, Edwards, Pelosi & a few others, who make a very public display of uniting to end this.

They probably won't. There will never be another election in my lifetime that was served up on such a grand silver platter, and they seem determined to find a way to blow it. And if they do, they'll probably still nominate Hillary in '12, just like she wants them too.
Yeah I know. You are one of the few, maybe the only righty I have ever seen do that. I mean, look around Chap. 7 and a half years of a failed administration that holds a 20 something percent approval rating, but somewhere around 50% plan to vote for McCain and they don’t care WHO the dem nominee is. So you’re a rare example. A good one, but rare.

I'm currently reading Audicity of Hope. If I thought so little of the guy I definitely wouldn't buy his book and spend time reading it.
Yeah I know. You are one of the few, maybe the only righty I have ever seen do that. I mean, look around Chap. 7 and a half years of a failed administration that holds a 20 something percent approval rating, but somewhere around 50% plan to vote for McCain and they don’t care WHO the dem nominee is. So you’re a rare example. A good one, but rare.

I think more then you know. Many like me don't trust ANY politicians and pick lesser of two evils to them personally. In the past the lesser evil is the one not threatening to raise my taxes.
Dean called on all of the supers last week to make an immediate decision. He didn't get so much as a peep in response.

Next to Hillary, he looks weak. He's been all wishy washy on MI & FL, and he won't be able to close this deal on his own. The only prayer would be if there is some sort of coalition that includes Gore, Edwards, Pelosi & a few others, who make a very public display of uniting to end this.

They probably won't. There will never be another election in my lifetime that was served up on such a grand silver platter, and they seem determined to find a way to blow it. And if they do, they'll probably still nominate Hillary in '12, just like she wants them too.

Yeah, I can totally see it playing out exactly this way. I guess I have become very cynical, because I remember I used to think you were cynical. Now you sound realistic. It’s finally happened. I’ve become the bitter spinzer Top always said I would be.
Dean called on all of the supers last week to make an immediate decision. He didn't get so much as a peep in response.

Next to Hillary, he looks weak. He's been all wishy washy on MI & FL, and he won't be able to close this deal on his own. The only prayer would be if there is some sort of coalition that includes Gore, Edwards, Pelosi & a few others, who make a very public display of uniting to end this.

They probably won't. There will never be another election in my lifetime that was served up on such a grand silver platter, and they seem determined to find a way to blow it. And if they do, they'll probably still nominate Hillary in '12, just like she wants them too.

He can't really do anything about it though. He's got no authority to force her out whatsoever. His control is through the DNC's money. She doesn't necessarily need it and in the end the DNC is not going to refuse to give money to the Democratic candidate. Same thing with the Supers. He can refuse to support their campaigns (those that are elected officials) but that's about it.

That's the problem here. No one has the authority or ability to force Clinton out of the race and she's not going on her own.
He can't really do anything about it though. He's got no authority to force her out whatsoever. His control is through the DNC's money. She doesn't necessarily need it and in the end the DNC is not going to refuse to give money to the Democratic candidate. Same thing with the Supers. He can refuse to support their campaigns (those that are elected officials) but that's about it.

That's the problem here. No one has the authority or ability to force Clinton out of the race and she's not going on her own.

I guess that’s true, but Onceler is right that if enough of the really high-profile dems, Gore, Edwards, Pelosi, came out together and went public to state “for the good of the party, Hillary must go this week”, then that would change the game a bit, don’t you think? I mean, who has even tried?
There are three catagories of canidates in this election.

1) One who supported the war in Iraq and still does.
2) One who supported the war in Iraq and now admits it was a mistake.
3) One who never supported the war in Iraq, and still maintains it was a mistake.

# 3 gets my vote.
# 2 gets my vote if # 3 is out.
# 1 Will not likely get my vote unless he changes his stance on the war, then it would be a toss up for me between 2 and 3.
Yeah, I can totally see it playing out exactly this way. I guess I have become very cynical, because I remember I used to think you were cynical. Now you sound realistic. It’s finally happened. I’ve become the bitter spinzer Top always said I would be.

LOL...I am truly sorry, Duhla. I hope I haven't rubbed off on you.

I had a hopeful few days there between Iowa & NH. I guess it's probably greedy to ask for more than that in a lifetime, at least in the realm of politics.
"He can't really do anything about it though. He's got no authority to force her out whatsoever"

It's a philosophy thing. Dems just don't run themselves the way Republicans do, which is kind of one of the endearing things about them, but also their Achilles heel.

If Karl Rove or Lee Atwater headed the DNC, no one would have cared about PA yesterday, because the race would be over.
"He can't really do anything about it though. He's got no authority to force her out whatsoever"

It's a philosophy thing. Dems just don't run themselves the way Republicans do, which is kind of one of the endearing things about them, but also their Achilles heel.

If Karl Rove or Lee Atwater headed the DNC, no one would have cared about PA yesterday, because the race would be over.

Well, the Republican system is designed that way. Winner-take-all formats will do that. The Democratic proportional system ends up this way where you have two candidates with lots of support. That's the problem, the system is designed to work this way. It just never has before.

I do agree though that this wouldn't happen to the Republicans. They're much more disciplined.
i find it harder and harder to believe some dems would not support whichever dem wins the nomination - while the reps are assholes, the dems are heading for wining the stupidity of the year award

lets flush both parties down the drain and vote for a real winner, alfred e neuman- or mickey mouse (nobody messes with the mouse - if you do the mickey mafia will get you)
Ron Paul. We'll draft him for the Libertarian Nomination and everybody can vote for him...

You know you want to. He has a blimp!
All the lemmings are not republicans.

Clinton has revealed her true character and intent. Now she insists that "we must win the war in Iraq" and she threatens to "obliterate" Iran.

This is exactly why I'm not a democrat .. and if Clinton steals the nomination I will vote for McCain.

Wow to the bolded part.