PA called for Satan

Dean called on all of the supers last week to make an immediate decision. He didn't get so much as a peep in response.

Next to Hillary, he looks weak. He's been all wishy washy on MI & FL, and he won't be able to close this deal on his own. The only prayer would be if there is some sort of coalition that includes Gore, Edwards, Pelosi & a few others, who make a very public display of uniting to end this.

They probably won't. There will never be another election in my lifetime that was served up on such a grand silver platter, and they seem determined to find a way to blow it. And if they do, they'll probably still nominate Hillary in '12, just like she wants them too.

Gore and Edwards don't have the balls to step up to the plate.
He can't really do anything about it though. He's got no authority to force her out whatsoever. His control is through the DNC's money. She doesn't necessarily need it and in the end the DNC is not going to refuse to give money to the Democratic candidate. Same thing with the Supers. He can refuse to support their campaigns (those that are elected officials) but that's about it.

That's the problem here. No one has the authority or ability to force Clinton out of the race and she's not going on her own.

I agree with the above and would add that even if he had the power, he wouldn't do it. He is scared to take any action (to an extent it is understandable). I think he and other party leaders are afraid of it appearing that they are "forcing the little woman" out of the race. I think if this situation were reversed they would be equally afraid of "forcing the black man out".

The other problem is that even if Gore, Edwards, Pelosi etc... all came to Hillary privately and said "for the good of the party, you should step aside. You can't win without a super delegate coup.".... Hillary would simply smile and tell them to f off.
They ran a racist fucking campaign, and are pro-war...people might as well as vote for a Republican. So I’ll go third party and I fully expect a key part of the democratic base, black voters, to do the same. If they don't come back to the Democratic party after 08, the party has that coming.

You should have heard the conversation on black talk radio this morning. There are a lot of people who will not vote for Clinton now even if she ran against the grand wizard of the KKK.

And you;re right .. the Clintons are pro-war and shills for the plutocratic system.
i find it harder and harder to believe some dems would not support whichever dem wins the nomination - while the reps are assholes, the dems are heading for wining the stupidity of the year award

lets flush both parties down the drain and vote for a real winner, alfred e neuman- or mickey mouse (nobody messes with the mouse - if you do the mickey mafia will get you)

You think the Clintons are going to support Obama if he gets the nomination?

I don't .. nor do I play "the lessor of two evils."
I think she is soley playing for the VP spot now. It's been obvious for weeks Obama is the Nominee. She want's to say I bring X votes to you
I think she is soley playing for the VP spot now. It's been obvious for weeks Obama is the Nominee. She want's to say I bring X votes to you

You think Obama would offer her the VP slot? Even if he did, no way does she take it. She is not going to play second fiddle.
I think she is soley playing for the VP spot now. It's been obvious for weeks Obama is the Nominee. She want's to say I bring X votes to you

She would never accept the VP spot, and it's highly unlikely he'd offer it.

She's playing to ruin his chances in the general.
You should have heard the conversation on black talk radio this morning. There are a lot of people who will not vote for Clinton now even if she ran against the grand wizard of the KK K/Ron Paul.

And you;re right .. the Clintons are pro-war and shills for the plutocratic system.

Its becoming fascinating isn't it?!

Show's that are usually geared toward local gossip/lifestyles have heated callers dialing in and they can't stand Hillary. Her and Bill have actually made a piece of the black electorate accessible to republicans. I don't think the Clintons understand that this won't just blow over in a couple of months. People are bitter and PO'd at how the democrats are taking the black vote for granted.

Myself included.
Yeah, but they won't kick in till this race is called. I think it's going to be too late by then. I hope I'm wrong and you're right.

I also think she is setting this thing up so that if the superdelegates don't give her the nomination, white women over 50 feel like they got fucked by men, again.

I don't think theyr'e going to vote for Obama.
Exit polling last night had almost a quarter of Hilary supporters saying that they won't vote for Obama in a general election. Of the 13% that said race matters in their choice 75% voted for Hillary. I honestly believe now that white women are not going to vote for Obama to punish him for defeating a woman. Both firsts are important but for a large group of white women ONLY a woman president is acceptable and if she is not the candidate they will vote for McCain or not vote at all. Hillary's candidacy is working to insure that McCain is president. Oh well we get the government we deserve.
This is the best race ever though, from a strictly dramatic standpoint.

I fear we will soon be greeted with a view of perpetual war and internationalist fascism as far as the eye can see. Both parties have been 100% corrupted and they really don't even try to hide it anymore.
God I hate when I agree with you :)
"Oh well we get the government we deserve."

Well, not all of us, but some certainly do.

When it comes to the average American voter, I am an elitist. I am better & smarter than the ones who voted for Bush in 2000 & 2004, and I am better & smarter than the ones who voted for Hillary yesterday. I wish they simply wouldn't vote, because they are clearly underqualified to do so, but it is what it is.
"He can't really do anything about it though. He's got no authority to force her out whatsoever"

It's a philosophy thing. Dems just don't run themselves the way Republicans do, which is kind of one of the endearing things about them, but also their Achilles heel.

If Karl Rove or Lee Atwater headed the DNC, no one would have cared about PA yesterday, because the race would be over.
And the people said "Amen".
He will offer and she will accept.
She has next to zero chance to win at this point.
He'll throw in the crump of zhar of Healthcare to beaf it up.
Exit polling last night had almost a quarter of Hilary supporters saying that they won't vote for Obama in a general election. Of the 13% that said race matters in their choice 75% voted for Hillary. I honestly believe now that white women are not going to vote for Obama to punish him for defeating a woman. Both firsts are important but for a large group of white women ONLY a woman president is acceptable and if she is not the candidate they will vote for McCain or not vote at all. Hillary's candidacy is working to insure that McCain is president. Oh well we get the government we deserve.

I agree Soc.

To me it all goes back to what I said earlier. Because one is a woman, and one an African American, the second it got to the point that one couldn’t win without the superdelegates stepping in, that person had to leave the race, gracefully. Once that didn’t happen, this thing was doomed. Obama voters aren't going to vote for her either. I disagree with Tiana and maybe several others, certainly with Top. I think John McCain is our next President. That means lives. Young lives. But that’s how it’s going to be. And all because The Clintons said the rules are different for them, and they didn't have to leave the race once she lost 11 in a row and the math turned against her. That's what's going to put an R in the white house after 8 years of the biggest and most stunning failure of an adminstration, a party, and an ideology in my lifetime. None of it is going to matter.

The republicans must be calling her up and offering to lick her ass. She just gave them what they shouldn't have been able to get.
Exit polling last night had almost a quarter of Hilary supporters saying that they won't vote for Obama in a general election. Of the 13% that said race matters in their choice 75% voted for Hillary. I honestly believe now that white women are not going to vote for Obama to punish him for defeating a woman. Both firsts are important but for a large group of white women ONLY a woman president is acceptable and if she is not the candidate they will vote for McCain or not vote at all. Hillary's candidacy is working to insure that McCain is president. Oh well we get the government we deserve.

I am curious to see if they change their tune after one of the two is officially out of the race. Are they saying it to try to sway super delegates decision? Most likely not, but who knows.
Hillary is a non issue as she is scheduled to be abducted by aliens this summer.

Ohh wait maybe that was last summer ?
That could explain things.
I agree Soc.

To me it all goes back to what I said earlier. Because one is a woman, and one an African American, the second it got to the point that one couldn’t win without the superdelegates stepping in, that person had to leave the race, gracefully. Once that didn’t happen, this thing was doomed. Obama voters aren't going to vote for her either. I disagree with Tiana and maybe several others, certainly with Top. I think John McCain is our next President. That means lives. Young lives. But that’s how it’s going to be. And all because The Clintons said the rules are different for them, and they didn't have to leave the race once she lost 11 in a row and the math turned against her. That's what's going to put an R in the white house after 8 years of the biggest and most stunning failure of an adminstration, a party, and an ideology in my lifetime. None of it is going to matter.

The republicans must be calling her up and offering to lick her ass. She just gave them what they shouldn't have been able to get.

Is the problem Hillary Clinton or is it the people who are still voting for her .. even after she has exposed her true character and even after she has said "We must win the war in Iraq", and "I will obliterate Iran"?

The Democratic Party is a party of centrists and guaranteed to be so with the creation of the DLC, otherwise known as the Clinton wing of the party.

Liberals need a party of their own.