PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

Sure it is, when placed in the context of what they were talking about.
so why is it only TDS psychopaths that make the claim that it is.

You are screeching from the asylum that you are not crazy just like all the other crazy people.

Explain why you're not crazy

This wasn't about hamburgers, this was about extorting Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden by holding up Congressionally-approved aid.
I already heard the fiction it is not real.

I'm sorry there's dirt on Biden if you didn't want that maybe you should have not voted for Biden because he's dirty. But the phone call was in no way extortion. That claim was based on what some person that may or may not exist interpreted by the president's tone and then told to another person that may or may not exist and then The whistleblower if that person exists heard it from the third person.

basically like every other complaint you have about the guy it's fake.

You have to paint Trump as a victim because if you don't, you have to admit he is a conman who hoodwinked you by playing to your own worst instincts and poor judgment.
oh yes because I desperately want to save face in front of someone who I've told repeatedly that I have negative respect for.

I wasn't Hoodwinked I voted for him because of the wall he's building the wall. I voted for him cuz I wanted lower taxes he's lowered taxes. I voted for him because I wanted him to cut spending he has cut spending.

Everybody's not just secretly a psychopathic far leftist idiot like you.
In a year, should Trump lose, you're going to pretend you never even heard of him.
Why would I have heard of John McCain I heard of mitt Romney I heard of Bob Dole.
You're the ones who demanded we "READ THE TRANSCRIPT".

Doing so shows Trump tried to extort Ukraine.

"I would like you to do us a favor, though..."


He wasn't convicted because the GOP is scared of him. Except for Romney.

It's not the President's job to hold up aid allocated by Congress to a foreign country in order to get that country to dig up dirt on your political opponent.

That's an abuse of power.

Case closed.

The President can withhold or hold up any foreign aid he feels needs to be, you ignorant triggered psychopath. :palm:
so why is it only TDS psychopaths that make the claim that it is.

You are screeching from the asylum that you are not crazy just like all the other crazy people.

Explain why you're not crazy

I already heard the fiction it is not real.

I'm sorry there's dirt on Biden if you didn't want that maybe you should have not voted for Biden because he's dirty. But the phone call was in no way extortion. That claim was based on what some person that may or may not exist interpreted by the president's tone and then told to another person that may or may not exist and then The whistleblower if that person exists heard it from the third person.

basically like every other complaint you have about the guy it's fake.

oh yes because I desperately want to save face in front of someone who I've told repeatedly that I have negative respect for.

I wasn't Hoodwinked I voted for him because of the wall he's building the wall. I voted for him cuz I wanted lower taxes he's lowered taxes. I voted for him because I wanted him to cut spending he has cut spending.

Everybody's not just secretly a psychopathic far leftist idiot like you.

Why would I have heard of John McCain I heard of mitt Romney I heard of Bob Dole.

^Learning quickly why it is pointless to attempt coherent debate with triggered leftist loons. :laugh:
You're the ones who demanded we "READ THE TRANSCRIPT".
and outside the paranoid delusion of a tedious psychopath there is no extortion.

That's why the Senate didn't vote to impeach.
Doing so shows Trump tried to extort Ukraine.
only within the paranoid delusions of a psychopath TDS suffering NBC.

Seek help
"I would like you to do us a favor, though..."
no implied extortion there at all it's fake you were lied to and you wanted to believe it so badly because you're so consumed by your derangement.

He wasn't convicted because the GOP is scared of him. Except for Romney.
Within the deranged delusion of TDS suffering psychopaths only. Outside of that delusion in what we call reality no.
^Learning quickly why it is pointless to attempt coherent debate with triggered leftist loons. :laugh:

It's not about debate I think that ship sailed long ago. It's about kicking them when they're down. It may seem mean but it's to keep them from getting back up. by breaking the psychopaths you actually purify the Democrat Party.
It's not about debate I think that ship sailed long ago. It's about kicking them when they're down. It may seem mean but it's to keep them from getting back up. by breaking the psychopaths you actually purify the Democrat Party.

You can't kick loons like LyingVagina426 down. They don't know they are being mocked, kicked and losing. The only thing a debate with LyingVagina426 will get is the ever ending circle of stupidity. :laugh:
Recently on the news the president has been trying to do damage control on his admission that he knew the coronavirus was bad right from the start. He has been saying that he just didn't want to cause a panic. Really?!!!! Oh, it's ok if they die. Just so long as they don't panic. What a joke. I also saw on the news last night that in one state there were 44% of those asked who supported the president. How can anybody be that stupid. After basically murdering over 193,000 people, I would have been surprised that 4% of people supported him.

Also, what was this "panic" supposed to cause. People out in the streets raping and pillaging? Not very likely. But I can tell you what this "panic" would be more likely to cause. People demanding that scum bucket actually do something. And maybe that lying piece of shit actually believes in human caused global warming. But says it isn't real to keep people from "panicking."

What Pandemic? Why do you have to be checked to even know you have the virus? If this was a REAL PANDEMIC no one would have to test'd be sick and seeking medical help. There might be countless individuals testing positive but the vast majority did not even know they had any coronavirus anti-bodies in their system.......they felt fine, the are fine, they are not getting sick.....they are becoming IMMUNE. Idiots. Its over put a fork in it. As of now the only thing the fake news can report are THE NUMBERS BEING TESTED as POSITIVE (with up to 90% of those positives being FALSE POSITIVES from a common cold virus which carries the same signature as all other coronavirus).

You will not hear them talk about the death count getting higher, hospitalizations getting higher.......why? Because the morality of the virus is going down, down, down...........Just because you test positive does not mean YOU ARE SICK or you are a carrier.:bigthink:

Go back to projecting MOB VIOLENCE........its more intertaining. Vote Elephant you get Jack Ass you get MOBS.
You can't kick loons like LyingVagina426 down. They don't know they are being mocked, kicked and losing. The only thing a debate with LyingVagina426 will get is the ever ending circle of stupidity. :laugh:

yes it probably doesn't mean much what I'm doing but I'm just one man. If we as a collective gathered around and started beating down these people then it would be devastating. Lunatics like this character I'm responding to on this board would be like flat earthers.

They know we have this power and that we're capable of using it that is why they're so freaking scared of Donald Trump. His election was but a glimmer of that power. A flicker of that flame of rage. Indicating that bed of coal filled with power.

Are my campfire metaphors doing anything for you? Lol.

What I'm saying is if we all did it they would break.

I tend to be a little more on the conservative side and the libertarian. So that means I typically vote for republicans. I think it's important for the Republican Party that there be legitimate Democrats who aren't psychos. Take for instance mitt Romney. The only reason that guy is a republican is because of the left would crucify him for his religious beliefs. He has safety from that within the Republicans. And he is a psychopathic Democrat in all other ways. If left unchecked that's what Republicans will become. They're able to become that because the Democrats embrace the lunacy of the far left.
It's not the President's job to hold up aid allocated by Congress
Hey moron, it absolutely is the President's job to oversee the delivery of aid, to control the timing, to ensure all prerequisites are met and to withhold aid until Congress can consider the President's recommendations to reconsider the aid given new information.

You should have read up on all of this before forming violent and misinformed opinions.

... to a foreign country in order to get that country to dig up dirt on your political opponent.
Hey moron, it absolutely is the President's job to get other countries to help the US Federal government. Did you never go to school? It's like you know absolutely nothing.

You're a moron. Case closed.
yes it probably doesn't mean much what I'm doing but I'm just one man. If we as a collective gathered around and started beating down these people then it would be devastating. Lunatics like this character I'm responding to on this board would be like flat earthers.

They know we have this power and that we're capable of using it that is why they're so freaking scared of Donald Trump. His election was but a glimmer of that power. A flicker of that flame of rage. Indicating that bed of coal filled with power.

Are my campfire metaphors doing anything for you? Lol.

What I'm saying is if we all did it they would break.

I tend to be a little more on the conservative side and the libertarian. So that means I typically vote for republicans. I think it's important for the Republican Party that there be legitimate Democrats who aren't psychos. Take for instance mitt Romney. The only reason that guy is a republican is because of the left would crucify him for his religious beliefs. He has safety from that within the Republicans. And he is a psychopathic Democrat in all other ways. If left unchecked that's what Republicans will become. They're able to become that because the Democrats embrace the lunacy of the far left.

You will never break someone so woefully lacking in intelligence they don't know they look like morons. :laugh:

I prefer "the point at them and laugh" tactic. But hey, I am watching your attempts with LyingVagina426 and wish you good luck.
Hey moron, it absolutely is the President's job to oversee the delivery of aid, to control the timing, to ensure all prerequisites are met and to withhold aid until Congress can consider the President's recommendations to reconsider the aid given new information.

You should have read up on all of this before forming violent and misinformed opinions.

Hey moron, it absolutely is the President's job to get other countries to help the US Federal government. Did you never go to school? It's like you know absolutely nothing.

You're a moron. Case closed.

Psychotic morons like LyingVagina426 think it is only okay if it is Obama or Biden doing it. ;)

Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired