PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

Well I guess the whole world's just against you then. Because the rest of us don't get that implication.

The world isn't against me, it's against you.

So now that the words appear on your computer screen, you can't speak to how they're not extortion.

Trump's "though" is the conditional Javelin aid on the favor he's about to ask of Zalensky.

If not, then what was it?
Well I guess the whole world's just against you then. Because the rest of us don't get that implication.

Oh, you people would "get it" if it had been Obama or Clinton doing it.

You guys are so actually is funny to watch you squirm.
There is no evidence Biden strongarmed anyone into doing anything for his family.

There is evidence that Trump strongarmed Zalensky into doing something for him, though...

Zalensky: I would also so like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Drumpf: I would like you to do us a favor, though...

Except for his son growing six figures salary from a position he is not qualified in the least for. But we'll sweep that under the rug.
But those prerequisites weren't in the legislation.
Hey moron, they're not in the legislation because regulatory specifics are an EXECUTIVE function, dumbass. The President is the Chief Executive and yes, while Congress allocates money in the budget for aid, the President EXECUTES the delivery of the aid which means he controls the process in its entirety. Biden would have been fine to withhold the $Billion if it had been for some US national security reason but because it was to benefit his son, that is a major no-no on the scale of "Go directly to JAIL, do not pass GO, do not collect $200."

You're a moron. You are clueless. I'm surprised to figured out how to breathe in time.
Oh, you people would "get it" if it had been Obama or Clinton doing it.

You guys are so actually is funny to watch you squirm.

Apparently YOU didn't get it when it was Obama or Clinton.

You're the definition of PHONY and STUPID. Add HYPOCRITE to that repertoire.

Except for his son growing six figures salary from a position he is not qualified in the least for. But we'll sweep that under the rug.

Oh, so now you're opposed to unqualified people sitting on company boards? Wait until I tell you about the President's son-in-law and daughter....
Well, if the shoe fits...

When you lost the argument, do you differ to your comfort zone kind of like a child sucking his thumb are clutching a security blanket.

That's what I see when you do that. I know you probably think you're just being absolutely as clever as can be. And I know It causes you angst when I don't see it as clever because you insist over and over and over on it.

At this point who cares?
Oh, so now you're opposed to unqualified people sitting on company boards? Wait until I tell you about the President's son-in-law and daughter....

Hey moron, they're not in the legislation because regulatory specifics are an EXECUTIVE function, dumbass.

OK, so show us the regulation. Go ahead. What are you waiting for?

The President is the Chief Executive and yes, while Congress allocates money in the budget for aid, the President EXECUTES the delivery of the aid which means he controls the process in its entirety.

No. No no no. You are wrong. He does not control the process. Yes, he executes the law...the law written BY CONGRESS. That law specifically said that Ukraine was supposed to get a certain amount of aid, which they would use to buy the missiles from us. By holding up that aid, the President abused his authority. That's why he was impeached.

The President is the Chief Executive and yes, while Congress allocates money in the budget for aid, the President EXECUTES the delivery of the aid which means he controls the process in its entirety.

Prove it.

You're a moron. You are clueless. I'm surprised to figured out how to breathe in time.

The farther this thread has gone, the more unbalanced you've become.
When you lost the argument, do you differ to your comfort zone kind of like a child sucking his thumb are clutching a security blanket.

What comfort zone is that? And why does this feel like you're plagiarizing my standard attacks because you're not creative or intuitive enough to come up with your own?
Oh, you people would "get it" if it had been Obama or Clinton doing it.

You guys are so actually is funny to watch you squirm.

Isn't there somebody saying atheists and agnostics are the same thing somewhere?

Are you seeing the stupidity you bring to the conversation. So if you're laughing it's because of discomfort because you don't understand what's going on.
When you lost the argument, do you differ to your comfort zone kind of like a child sucking his thumb are clutching a security blanket.

That's what I see when you do that. I know you probably think you're just being absolutely as clever as can be. And I know It causes you angst when I don't see it as clever because you insist over and over and over on it.

At this point who cares?

So this is just a re-hash remix of the attacks I levvied against you the other day.

Clearly they worked so well that you thought you could usurp them and turn them back on me.

But the problem with being a copycat is that the person you're copying can recognize it right away.

That's why I don't believe you believe anything you say here. You can't come up with retorts of your own, so you just steal them from others. You're just a phony.
What comfort zone is that? And why does this feel like you're plagiarizing my standard attacks because you're not creative or intuitive enough to come up with your own?

Believing there is a conspiracy against you...socks.

You feel that way because you're a smooth brain.
So this is just a re-hash remix of the attacks I levvied against you the other day.

Clearly they worked so well that you thought you could usurp them and turn them back on me.

But the problem with being a copycat is that the person you're copying can recognize it right away.

That's why I don't believe you believe anything you say here. You can't come up with retorts of your own, so you just steal them from others. You're just a phony.

And I don't care what you believe.