PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

Well, the House voted to Impeach, and the GOP voted to acquit.

Except for the "though".

What were they talking about right before he asked for that favor, Mr. "I've Read the Transcript"?

You really think that's going to make a difference??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You think it's the President's job to get other countries to investigate US citizens?
It depends. Biden is an excellent example of a "Yes" answer.

And yes, it was extortion:
Nope. Zalenskyy cleared that up in a jiffy.

Biden did that though. That idiot even boasted about it. And when he got caught he tried to blame Trump for what he did.

It worked to some degree. Can't say I'm surprised this dude not only touches women inappropriately without permission, he does it to little girls. And they don't seem to care.
But those prerequisites weren't in the legislation. They appeared afterwards, ad-hoc, and then were quickly abandoned once the whistleblower went public.

Had there been no whistleblower, the aid would have never gotten there or Zalensky would have announced a fake investigation into Biden.

What's obvious is that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, and if I were to hold what you're saying to greater scrutiny, you would abandon the thread or devolve it to something boring.

Show me where in the Constitution it says the President can hold up aid to a foreign country unless they do him a favor?

Article II.
OK, so now you're going to step in it.

How does getting Zalensky to announce an investigation into a US citizen help the federal government?

Why isn't the federal government doing that investigation?

Why outsource it to Ukraine?

Because the event happened within the confines of the Ukraine, dumbass.
Show the evidence. And by the way, he was qualified both by education and experience to be a lobbyist.

Hunter Biden was guilty of corruption for taking a seat on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings that paid him up to $50,000 a month even though he had no experience in the energy field or doing business in Ukraine. The ONLY reason he was given that post was because he was Biden's son. His daddy tried to stop the prosecutor from investigating Burisma's corruption. Stop acting like a dumb hack.

Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Trumppers have no dignity.

They make up all kinds of shit for their man, only to find he will admit the opposite readily when it serves him.

No, that would be YOU. You support those that lie, cheat, steal, fund and support rioters, arsonists, and vandals. You support Biden, a man that DID threaten the Ukrainian government using the power of the Presidency for personal gain (and even bragged about it). You make up shit. You think you can get away with the same old lies year after year.

No longer.
OK, so show us the regulation. Go ahead. What are you waiting for?
Just ask, although I shouldn't have to teach you this.

US Constitution, Article. II., Section. 1.
The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.
There is ZERO executive authority in Congress. Congress decides that there is money for aid to Ukraine. The President EXECUTES that law, including building the timetable (OMB).

No. No no no. You are wrong. He does not control the process.
Now it's your turn: Show me this supposedly Congressionally-mandated timetable for delivery of those funds to Ukraine.

I'll help you out. When you give up looking because you aren't finding anything because Congress doesn't have any Executive authority, try looking at the people who set the timetable, i.e. OMB. Then, take a wild guess for whom the OMB works? [hint: The President]. Take a guess as to why the OMB builds timetables to support the President's foreign policy and why they adjust timetables based on ... well, ... the same thing, i.e. the President's foreign policy.

I have to admit that I was not expecting to have to teach you GOV 101 ... yet here we are.