PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

Recently on the news the president has been trying to do damage control on his admission that he knew the coronavirus was bad right from the start. He has been saying that he just didn't want to cause a panic. Really?!!!! Oh, it's ok if they die. Just so long as they don't panic. What a joke. I also saw on the news last night that in one state there were 44% of those asked who supported the president. How can anybody be that stupid. After basically murdering over 193,000 people, I would have been surprised that 4% of people supported him.

Also, what was this "panic" supposed to cause. People out in the streets raping and pillaging? Not very likely. But I can tell you what this "panic" would be more likely to cause. People demanding that scum bucket actually do something. And maybe that lying piece of shit actually believes in human caused global warming. But says it isn't real to keep people from "panicking."

Denial of history.

1) Trump put travel restrictions in place and provided materials and supplies to hospitals DESPITE Democrats blocking everything and making fun of him. Now DEMOCRATS make up this lie.
2) There is nothing to panic about Covid19. This unusually mild virus has been less of a problem than other respiratory viruses.
3) The data is faked. The media and Democrats inducing panic through fear mongering, and Democrats shutting down their State's economies does nothing for the virus and is unconstitutional. Like the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid keeps spewing random numbers for data, keeps telling people they're all gonna die, and uses that to shut down capitalism.
4) The masks do not stop a virus. At least 99.97% of the population is not sick. Why are they wearing masks? They can't infect anyone with anything.

It's the same old song. The fear mongering. The shutdown of capitalism. The call for dependency on government. The "We know better than you do" refrain. It's all BULLSHIT.
The Democrat party is the same party funding and supporting BLM and Antifa. They both have said they will riot even more if Biden loses the election.
The Democrat party is the party of racism, bigotry, hate (what have they done that didn't involve hate for Trump?), denial of science, denial of mathematics, denial of history, and try to blame what they do on anyone else they can find.
They are liars, cheaters, thieves, and are out to overthrow the Constitution of the United States and implement fascism by oligarchy. Between Democrats controlling the New York Times, the Associated Press, the L.A. Times, MSNBC, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, many forums, and schools, they have a propaganda machine that is unprecedented.

Trump has deputized the Oregon State police. They have federal powers now, and can bring federal charges, getting around that lame prosecutor that won't prosecute rioters and arsonists. No more catch and release program. These fuckers are facing 10 years easily. He is endorsed by practically every law enforcement organization out there. He has removed taxes and regulations (a lot of them were from Obama) that was strangling the economy. It took off like a rocket. The Democrats shut it down due to "Covid19", ignoring the mildness of this virus and how few people it is actually infecting (it has killed no one. Pneumonia can kill, and this virus can induce it, but it can be treated if caught early. They are going to keep the economy shut down as much as they can purely out of hatred for Trump.

And as usual, the Democrats are just throwing insults around hoping that's somehow going to convince anyone. They threaten to throw a riot tantrum if they don't get voted into power. They make up random numbers and call it data, to fear monger and push their Marxist agenda. They are the ones trying to defund and destroy the police and any other authority (except themselves). They are the ones trying to erase history by destroying any monuments commemorating it. They are the ones behind the fear mongering. They are the ones trying to project their own problems on others.

Fuck the Democrats.
The world isn't against me, it's against you.
I'm not the one paranoid suggesting everybody is a sock.
So now that the words appear on your computer screen, you can't speak to how they're not extortion.
they're not extortion because they don't say do this for me or else.
Trump's "though" is the conditional Javelin aid on the favor he's about to ask of Zalensky.
feel free to prove it anytime.
If not, then what was it?
him doing his job asking people to investigate corruption of Joe Biden.
LOL! Nothing 'sham' about it whatsoever. That pathetic whore literally was impeached, and none of your tears will change that fact.
An "impeachment" based on no crime committed, no specific charges levied, no witnesses, and was thrown out by the Senate. In 'impeachment" that itself was illegally done.
And there never was a China travel ban.
Bald faced LIE. See
Why do you support the murder of 200,000 Americans?
Random number. Fiction. Why do you support arsonists, rioters, looters, criminals, gangs, or the Democrats?
Recently on the news the president has been trying to do damage control on his admission that he knew the coronavirus was bad right from the start. He has been saying that he just didn't want to cause a panic. Really?!!!! Oh, it's ok if they die. Just so long as they don't panic. What a joke. I also saw on the news last night that in one state there were 44% of those asked who supported the president. How can anybody be that stupid. After basically murdering over 193,000 people, I would have been surprised that 4% of people supported him.

Also, what was this "panic" supposed to cause. People out in the streets raping and pillaging? Not very likely. But I can tell you what this "panic" would be more likely to cause. People demanding that scum bucket actually do something. And maybe that lying piece of shit actually believes in human caused global warming. But says it isn't real to keep people from "panicking."

but he took the right action in stopping travel from china, while dems were calling him xenophobic.
Isn't there somebody saying atheists and agnostics are the same thing somewhere?

Are you seeing the stupidity you bring to the conversation. So if you're laughing it's because of discomfort because you don't understand what's going on.

I know what is going on...and I thank you for showing me that I got to you with my comment.

Usually you are more guarded. Something I said must have kicked you in the balls.

OK, so now you're going to step in it.
You think that because you are a dumbass who is confused and who is under the strange misconception that everyone else is equally confused. Go ahead and ask your STUPID question.

How does getting Zalensky to announce an investigation into a US citizen help the federal government?
Hey moron, so the US can salvage credibility from the illegal actions of a corrupt previous administration. The US wants Ukraine to be a willing, supportive ally as opposed to a resentful enemy. I shouldn't have to teach you this but nothing surprises me anymore about how much schooling you missed as you napped in the back row.

Why isn't the federal government doing that investigation?
Really? You don't know that Ukraine is a sovereign nation? You think Trump can execute a warrant to have Zalenskyy turn over documents? You're a moron.

Why outsource it to Ukraine?
Really? You don't understand that Ukraine might have a valid grievance at having been illegally strongarmed by Biden in the manner about which he bragged? Zelenskyy is going to hold his investigation and he requested information from Trump, and Trump asked Zelenskyy to work with the Attorney General, so it looks like a mutual "team effort" that will be underway and we can expect Ukraine to eventually submit an official protest that will need to be addressed. Imagine the international conflict of interest if Biden were President when that were to happen. But you hate the United States and actively WANT its credibility shot so I understand where you're going with this.
Is talking BS the best you can do? Maybe you should learn something first. You should be able to look up this documentary. It is called, "The Virus: What Went Wrong." It tells the whole story. It tells who knew what and when. And what was and what wasn't done. Also, why would there be a meeting over something the president called a hoax. And right from the beginning and thereafter he treated it like a hoax.

Propaganda documentary.

You are fear mongering. YOU are the hoax.
Trumppers have no dignity.

They make up all kinds of shit for their man, only to find he will admit the opposite readily when it serves him.
I saw that moron argue for days about the difference between agnostics and atheists.

It must really have hurt!

Makes my day.

And I suppose you think there are no differences between agnostics and atheists???

C'mon. Don't make it easy for me.
the virus was made in a chinese lab to help implement the technocratic one world/population reduction agenda.

you're lost, overkill. lol. overkill. blatant.
Grok needs hel. Woodward played the tape with Daffy admitting exactly what Overkill said. He confessed he knew very early how bad Corona was. So he chose to lie about it. So does Grok and rightys on this board.

You really think you are going to get away with this lie, don't you? :rolleyes:
Look this up. "AP Fact Check: Trump's inaccurate boasts on China travel ban." This is one of the things it says. "Most major airlines had already suspended flights to China prior to the announcement on Jan. 31." And doing so wasn't Trump's idea. Strangely enough, he actually took the advice of health experts. But all of that didn't keep him from calling it a hoax and all the rest. Did it. Trump himself admitted that he played the whole thing down. So there you got it right from the horses mouth. Now, do you want me to shoot down your bullshit about corona patients being sent to nursing homes? Because believe me, I can.

You are in denial.
It must really have hurt!

Makes my day.

And I suppose you think there are no differences between agnostics and atheists???

C'mon. Don't make it easy for me.

right. atheists are definitely tools of evil. whereas agnostics are just young or compulsive fence sitters because they think that indicates intelligence.
No, it's all there in the record. He was impeached for very real offenses.
Name them. They must be criminal offenses.
The linchpin of the case was not what you are claiming; there were multiple witnesses who confirmed all aspects of the claims, including his own hand-picked ambassador.
None. There was no case.
The impeachment happened, no matter how much that makes you soil yourself in impotent rage, and everybody knows it, including you.
You really thing that's going to make a difference?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!