People die while we wait! Tomorrow is too late!

my guess is nthe Dems are hoping nobody has diddly

As for a Date , yes wealthy people have the right to do as they wish, and if Obama paid for this date more power to him, but I think Yurt was referring to the $72,000 Date we paid for

Damn you sure do like Yurt don't ya, always so personal, post 79,

actually, I like yurt even less than I like you, if that is possible.

If you don't like presidents who take their wives on dates to NYC, vote for someone else.

Oh wait... you already DID... and your vote was on the losing side.

awww... that is too fucking bad, ain't it? :cof1:
actually, I like yurt even less than I like you, if that is possible.

If you don't like presidents who take their wives on dates to NYC, vote for someone else.

Oh wait... you already DID... and your vote was on the losing side.

awww... that is too fucking bad, ain't it? :cof1:

do you go to church?
actually, I like yurt even less than I like you, if that is possible.

If you don't like presidents who take their wives on dates to NYC, vote for someone else.

Oh wait... you already DID... and your vote was on the losing side.

awww... that is too fucking bad, ain't it? :cof1:

LMAO, oooo are ya stinking your tongue out as ya say that, lol

I seen ya say you are 59, why not act it???

I would say all presidents take there wives out, just not to many tell the American people to tighten there belts then do so, LOL
LMAO, oooo are ya stinking your tongue out as ya say that, lol

I seen ya say you are 59, why not act it???

I would say all presidents take there wives out, just not to many tell the American people to tighten there belts then do so, LOL

why don't YOU act like you are an adult with an IQ above double digits? perhaps because it is too much of a stretch to do so?

Obama is stimulating the economy.... if you don't LIKE it, jeffie... vote against him like you did the last time....

maybe in 2012, you'll have better luck.

until then.... keep up the bitching and moaning.... it is the source of great humor for me, if nothing else. thanks for that.
onceler, onceler.....why must your lie be so easy to disprove.....

i don't walk lockstep.....if you just open your eyes and debate, you would see that.......

You'd be more convincing if you didn't skip right over bravo's pure hackery and try to create some sort of equivalency between the economic crisis & people actually losing their lives in Katrina.

I mean, seriously...that is absolutely pathetic, as are most of your bogus comparisons & attacks on Obama.

There are plenty of legitimate criticisms out there, but you never make them; it's always about the cheap shot.
If you could produce evidence of that, I would discuss it with you... my guess is, you got diddly squat.
The buses are paid for by "Organizing for America", which is funded by the Democrat National Committee, which is funded by George Soros. Doesn't that bother you at all?

The largest stated contrubutors to the DNC are:

Goldman Sachs
JPMorgan Chase & Co
Deutsche Bank AG
Susman Godfrey Llp
Time Warner
National Amusements Inc
Citigroup Inc
Watts Law Firm
Lehman Brothers
Sullivan & Cromwell
Harvard University
Latham & Watkins
DE Shaw & Co
University of California
General Electric
Microsoft Corp
Bain Capital
Google Inc
Skadden, Arps et al
Henry Crown & Co
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The buses are paid for by "Organizing for America", which is funded by the Democrat National Committee, which is funded by George Soros. Doesn't that bother you at all?

I contribute every single month to the Democratic National Committee along with millions of other committed democrats so I am helping to pay for those buses, too. Does it bother me that George Soros also contributes? absolutely not. In fact, it delights me.
I contribute every single month to the Democratic National Committee along with millions of other committed democrats so I am helping to pay for those buses, too. Does it bother me that George Soros also contributes? absolutely not. In fact, it delights me.
Isn't that 'government by the wealthy'?
George Soros Contributions to 527 Organizations, 2008 cycle
The Fund for America $3,500,000
America Votes $1,000,000
Young Democrats of America $250,000
EMILY's List Non-Federal $250,000

Top 50 Federally Focused 527S Organizations
Committee Total Receipts Affiliation
Service Employees International Union $27,432,667 Liberal
America Votes $25,959,173 Liberal
American Solutions Winning the Future $22,722,547 Conservative
EMILY's List $13,659,555 Liberal
Isn't that 'government by the wealthy'?


I am not wealthy... lots and lots of folks who contribute monthly the the DNC are not wealthy. The fact that some wealthy people are also democrats is a good thing, from my perspective.

Why not, just for grins, post a listing of the top twenty five contributors to the RNC and then beat yourself up for that.:pke:

I am not wealthy... lots and lots of folks who contribute monthly the the DNC are not wealthy. The fact that some wealthy people are also democrats is a good thing, from my perspective.

Why not, just for grins, post a listing of the top twenty five contributors to the RNC and then beat yourself up for that.:pke:
The RNC isn't paying to bus folks into local "Town Hall" meetings. But here wave documented evidence that the DNC, through its wealthy donors, is paying to bus folks into local meetings for the purpose of taking over 1/6 of the US economy, not to mention usurping the Constitution, and it doesn't bother you in the least.
The RNC isn't paying to bus folks into local "Town Hall" meetings. But here wave documented evidence that the DNC, through its wealthy donors, is paying to bus folks into local meetings for the purpose of taking over 1/6 of the US economy, not to mention usurping the Constitution, and it doesn't bother you in the least.

you don't think that donors to the RNC are attempting to influence the direction of public policy with their donations? :pke:
who cares? and what would that have to do with Jeff's insane fascist position that Americans should only be allowed to exercise their rights of assembly and free speech within their own congressional districts?
Who cares? Why, the Ds do! At least they care about who is supposedly "paying" for R's handwritten signs and whether or not notices of upcoming town meetings are on a website they think may be "astroturfing", it's only their own they ignore as they astroturf their way into the hearts and minds with paid protesters.

The latest story I read is actually a pro-healthcare group that plans to actually stage 500 different paid protester "events" before Congress returns. Who do you think funds that group? Enough to actually pay "protesters"?
Not by busing folks to Town Meetings. :pke:

who cares? there are lots of methods.

some more efffective than others.

and you honestly don't think that insurance companies helped fund efforts to mobilize people to attend and disrupt town hall meetings earlier in the summer? :pke:
Who cares? Why, the Ds do, at least they care about who is supposedly "paying" for R's handwritten signs and whether or not notices of upcoming town meetings are on a website they think may be "astroturfing", it's only their own they ignore as they astroturf their way into the hearts and minds with paid protesters.

The latest story I read is actually a group that plans to actually stage 500 different paid protester "events" before Congress returns.

I could care less.... unlike Jeff, I don't think that there should be any restrictions on where American citizens can or cannot go to assembly and rally for political causes.
I could care less.... unlike Jeff, I don't think that there should be any restrictions on where American citizens can or cannot go to assembly and rally for political causes.
Right Mr. Straw Man, nobody said to outlaw it, only that it speaks volumes about who is "astroturfing" when you have to pay people to show up to your "protest" event.

It says even more when one of the paid "protesters" and D activists tries to garner more support by being an "Agents Provocateurs" smashing photos of Obama and trying to blame it on Rs... Fish's avatar comes to mind, one idiot unpaid volunteer scratches a "B" on her face, it's big news. One D causes $10,000 damage (more actually) with a hammer, they're trying to say he's not a D...
Right Mr. Straw Man, nobody said to outlaw it, only that it speaks volumes about who is "astroturfing" when you have to pay people to show up to your "protest" event.

bullshit. Jeff has said that people ought to be able to attend town hall meetings only in their own congressional districts. I disagree... and if something speaks volumes to you, damo, by all means listen.