Preppers and Nutters, the party is over.

It isn't a mandate for the poor that we are discussing. It is a mandate that ALL insurance packages cover contraception. We have Medicaid for a reason. That is to cover the poor. No objections to having Medicaid cover contraception.

A person can be poor and not on Medicaid. Like most students. Compare their income to expenses. They are usually severely in debt. Talk about raising the debt ceiling!

The average student doesn't have enough money to eat properly. They can't afford to go to a restaurant or a movie or concert or participate in any activity that costs money. Are we going to deny them the one activity they can enjoy for the sake of a few dollars for contraceptives? Where is your compassion? and christie have no problem insulting those who prepare, calling them all sorts of names....yet would rob them and commit arson against those who did prepare

just wow

It's not the preparing. It's the lack of sharing. When there is a crisis the government can pass laws against hoarding.
But we're not talking about small children; no matter how much your face hurts from being bitch slapped, with your own logic and failure to answer the question.

We're talking about a persom who was unable to look after himself, be it a child or an adult. He required supervision and having guns he can access is not proper supervision.

His mom was a prepper
You should try that "thinking" thing yourself, before posting.
With no information to back your ASSumptions, you are trying to make it appear that you have knowledge of what occured and how.

But you go ahead and keep preaching from your soapbox; even though the one you're on, was built by the bodies of 20 dead children.

What assumption? He got the guns. Or are you unable to correlate "he got the guns" to "he was able to access the guns"? The mother was still in bed. Obviously he didn't have to make a noise and smash something in order to get the guns or the mother would have investigated the noise.

Think, man. Think! Use a bit of logic and common sense.

From Oslo, Norway... one of the most gun-free areas of the planet:

The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks against the government, the civilian population and a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011, claiming a total of 77 lives.
The first was a car bomb explosion in Oslo within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST).[1] The bomb was made from a mixture of fertiliser and fuel oil[11][12] and placed in the back of a car.[13] The car was placed in front of the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and other government buildings.[14] The explosion killed eight people and injured at least 209 people, twelve of them seriously.[8][9][10]
The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party (AP). A gunman dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification[15][16] gained access to the island and subsequently opened fire at the participants, killing 69 of them,[5][6] and injuring at least 110, 55 of them seriously;[9][10] the 69th victim died in a hospital two days after the massacre.[7] Among the dead were personal friends of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and the stepbrother of Norway's crown princess Mette-Marit.[17]
It was the deadliest attack in Norway since World War II,[18][19] and a survey found that on average, 1 in 4 Norwegians knew "someone affected by the attacks".[20] The European Union, NATO and several countries around the world expressed their support for Norway and condemned the attacks. On 13 August 2012 Norway's prime minister received the Gjørv Report which concluded that Norway's police could have prevented the bombing of central Oslo, caught mass killer Anders Behring Breivik faster at Utøya and that more security and emergency measures to prevent further attacks and "mitigate adverse effects" should have been implemented on 22 July.[21]
The Norwegian Police arrested Anders Behring Breivik, a then 32-year-old Norwegian right-wing extremist,[22] on Utøya island[23] and charged him with both attacks.[24] The trial against him took place between 16 April and 22 June 2012 in Oslo District Court, and as at all his remand hearings[2][3] Breivik admitted to having carried out the actions he was accused of, but denied criminal guilt and claimed the defence of necessity (jus necessitatis).[25] On 24 August 2012 Breivik was convicted as charged and sentenced to 21 years of preventive detention in prison, which at the end can be repeatedly extended for 5 years as long as he is considered a threat to society.

Did you forget about McVeigh? How about the WTC van bombing?

And that's in one of the most gun-populated areas of the world.

His mom was a prepper

Exactly! A person authorized to home school providing an environment in which guns are collected and the idea the world is going to crash and the resulting shortages and turmoil and need to defend oneself is the atmosphere and lesson being taught to a mentally ill individual who had already displayed anti-social behavior.

As I asked before can it get any more fvcked up? This idea of home schooling where the child is a virtual captive of the family living their entire life under the views of one or two individuals is a sick policy as is evident in this case. All children should be required to attend school in order to insure such craziness does not happen. With their young (in this case disabled) minds they are subjected 24 hours a day to what could be a severely deranged adult.

One has to wonder if Adam would have turned out differently had he been surrounded by optimistic people. Was she his mother and teacher and doctor and counsellor? And as for the rumor they had connecting bedrooms......I'm not even going there.

God what a mess. There is enough material here to keep law enforcement and doctors/psychiatrists/psychologists busy for a long time. Computer entries, diaries, interviewing people they knew. I hope someone takes this on and follows up on the different avenues the investigation will take.
Exactly! A person authorized to home school providing an environment in which guns are collected and the idea the world is going to crash and the resulting shortages and turmoil and need to defend oneself is the atmosphere and lesson being taught to a mentally ill individual who had already displayed anti-social behavior.
Authorized? Every parent is authorized to provide home shooling.
As I asked before can it get any more fvcked up? This idea of home schooling where the child is a virtual captive of the family living their entire life under the views of one or two individuals is a sick policy as is evident in this case. All children should be required to attend school in order to insure such craziness does not happen. With their young (in this case disabled) minds they are subjected 24 hours a day to what could be a severely deranged adult.
Yes, they should be subjected to your version of what they should be subjected to instead. Thank God you are just a fucking canadien.
One has to wonder if Adam would have turned out differently had he been surrounded by optimistic people. Was she his mother and teacher and doctor and counsellor? And as for the rumor they had connecting bedrooms......I'm not even going there.
When public schools are capable of teaching children with autism, lets us know.
God what a mess. There is enough material here to keep law enforcement and doctors/psychiatrists/psychologists busy for a long time. Computer entries, diaries, interviewing people they knew. I hope someone takes this on and follows up on the different avenues the investigation will take.

Yes, there is enough material in this one post alone to keep a forensic phychiatrical team busy for a long time. Keep your authoritarian bullshit in Kanada.
It's not the preparing. It's the lack of sharing. When there is a crisis the government can pass laws against hoarding.

your solution was to 'storm the house and burn it down' and yet you rail against gun violence. odd dichotomy.

if it is not about preparing, why do you constantly mock 'preppers'? and then admit that preppers are actually necessary and even cite that there are laws against hoarding. i think it is a wise idea for everyone to have some preparations.
Did you forget about McVeigh? How about the WTC van bombing?

And that's in one of the most gun-populated areas of the world.

The point that seems to be comfortably flying over your pinhead is, no level of gun restriction will prevent violent massacres.

This is your stupid and boneheaded statement:

It's a real stretch to say that if automatic/assault-type weapons aren't available, they'll just make bombs.
You're just pulling that out of the air. There is no reasonable backup for it.

In a matter of a few minutes, numerous incidents were offered up as "reasonable backup" to refute your failed point.

It's a real stretch to say that if automatic/assault-type weapons ARE available, they won't make bombs.
How is stopping the making of moonshine enforced? It would also be very easy to ensure that legal bullets had a chemical signature different from clandestine bullets.

No, Tom, it wouldn't. And the enforcement of 'illegal moonshine' is based primarily on sale of it.
No, Tom, it wouldn't. And the enforcement of 'illegal moonshine' is based primarily on sale of it.

Of course it would, you could easily add some exotic rare earths like erbium, yttrium and lanthanum for instance. The precise amounts would be kept secret and would allow mass spectroscopic analysis to be performed easily on ersatz bullets.