Prove to me that God doesn’t exist

And your reasoning for why God wouldn’t use evolution to create life?

Also remember that humans not only can’t reproduce it but cannot even explain it. Non believers would have you believe that it just magically came into existence which is on the exact same level as believing in God.
It's possible that it just magically came into existence, and yes that's on the exact same level as believing in God. It's called a faith basis.

Of course we at least have the Bible, they got nothing.
"We" have a faith basis, just as "they" have a faith basis.
Okay, so you acknowledge the possibility that a giant bunny leaves eggs for kids on Easter, Santa Claus circles the earth in a day and delivers presents to all the kids in the world, and Harry Potter is protecting us from an evil wizard named Voldermort.

Did you decide to show up and immediately demonstrate how galactically stupid you are? Congrats, mission accomplished.
@Tinkerpeach ... and this is a correct assessment coming from CONCART, of all unlikely sources, so this thread isn't boding very well for you... :(
Why does the world have to be created?
Heck, even BidenPresident comes up with a good question to ask... WOW... This thread has one heck of an "opposite day" sort of feeling...

Answer: It doesn't. It's possible that the world has always existed, just as Christians claim that God has always existed.
Heck, even BidenPresident comes up with a good question to ask... WOW... This thread has one heck of an "opposite day" sort of feeling...

Answer: It doesn't. It's possible that the world has always existed, just as Christians claim that God has always existed.

Ever consider that you're the opposite? You are the least educated person in most discussions. Have some humility you hypocritical Christian.
Best evidence against God
Evolution by natural selection is caused by random genetic mutation, not by a rational divine guiding hand.
This is not evidence against God. I know many Christian theists who are also big fans of Darwinism. They believe that God is VERY smart, as in orders of magnitude more intelligent that mere mortals, and that the entire evolution of all life is just part of "The Plan" and is "business as usual" for the Christian God.

Best evidence for god
The observed fine tuning of the physical constants of the cosmos are mathmatically and probabilistically highly unlikely
You have got to be fucking kidding me. Yes, I have heard Christians chant this but this is a necessary part of the Christian faith, and is just a religious "perspective" and is not, in any way, a rational analysis. It's not even remotely accurate.

[apologies to Christians -- warning: don't read this part if you're really not interested in atheist perspectives]
This is not the best evidence for God; it is the most convincing evidence against the existence of the Christian God. The observable universe is a random dust cloud. The nature of the universe is totally hostile to human life, with the exception of one infinitesimally small speck to which humanity seems to be banished to struggle for limited resources that has many starving every day. There is no hope for escape to any other suitable location. There is nothing within reach that is not utterly hostile to human life, yet the universe is vast beyond comprehension. Humans gaze with telescopes out into space in all directions and the only places observed that do not represent instant death for humans are beyond exceedingly rare, are not reachable for any population of humans given all available resources on earth, and nonetheless represent nothing but torture chambers in which a generation would suffer greatly until meeting its demise.

There is nothing "finely tuned" about the observable universe. It is completely random and hostile. It leads to the question "Why is it like this?" The answer is "Maybe there is no 'why' because it wasn't intelligently created." Anyone who has listened to a child look up into the nighttime sky and say "Wouldn't it be neat/great if ...?" might ask himself "Yeah, it certainly would ... so why isn't it?" If children can imagine improvements, how could any "creator" have thought that a totally random and hostile vastness was somehow optimal? I marvel at those Christians who become confused when I tell them that it would be a simple matter, even for children, to design a better universe than the one we have.

gfm7175 has what I consider to be the best Christian take that I have heard thus far (for the observable universe being what it is), which is that this life is not even a blip that registers when compared to eternity, and that we wouldn't understand happiness if we never experienced pain, and that we wouldn't understand good if we never experienced evil. Maybe the hostility of the universe can be looked at as effectively ensuring that Christians will appreciate heaven when they get there. As such, there is no reason to pretend that the universe is somehow Disneyland for humanity.
Can't prove a negative.
Actually, yes one can (via a closed set).

For instance, if you have 10 red marbles, 8 blue marbles, and 2 yellow marbles inside of a bag, then I can prove the non-existence of white marbles inside of the bag. How so, you ask? I can simply pull out all 20 marbles from that bag and show you that none of them are white. Simple as that.
Actually, yes one can (via a closed set).

For instance, if you have 10 red marbles, 8 blue marbles, and 2 yellow marbles inside of a bag, then I can prove the non-existence of white marbles inside of the bag. How so, you ask? I can simply pull out all 20 marbles from that bag and show you that none of them are white. Simple as that.

That's not proving a negative, Sybil. Nice try though. :thup:
Actually, yes one can (via a closed set).

For instance, if you have 10 red marbles, 8 blue marbles, and 2 yellow marbles inside of a bag, then I can prove the non-existence of white marbles inside of the bag. How so, you ask? I can simply pull out all 20 marbles from that bag and show you that none of them are white. Simple as that.

The existence is unknown while they're in the bag.
I verified that God does not exist. I checked everywhere. He isn't anywhere. Now that we have that out of the way, does that close out this thread?
EVERYWHERE? Are you sure? Hopefully you didn't miss his presence somewhere along the way... :)
Please feel free to worship a God of your choice!

It's a free country!

Aren't you glad that no one can take that right away from you here in the U.S.?
The Democrat Party, of which you support, are trying their damnedest to force you into worshipping particular gods, such as the goddess Climate (Church of Global Warming).

In order to assist her in her battle against the Global Warming villain, you will have to give up some of your freedoms, including your freedom to choose to drive gas powered vehicles, tractors, lawn mowers, etc... and your freedom to choose to eat as much red meat as your heart desires.
He needs all the help he can get. LOL

What interests me is that I believe he actually believes they are different people.

I wonder if the therapists start the sessions with 'I want to talk to GFM now, can I speak with GFM?'