Prove to me that God doesn’t exist

EVERYWHERE? Are you sure? Hopefully you didn't miss his presence somewhere along the way... :)
Now that you mention it, you have me second-guessing whether I missed the spot behind the northernmost trash can off the east side of Camp Nou in Barcelona. Actually, now I'm second-guessing several other places as well. Let me check everywhere one more time. I'll get back to you.
Please don't take this the wrong way ... but Cypress is leading you astray in both of his statements.

I'm going to comment as a response to his posts. Feel free to ask for any clarification that you believe is warranted/needed.
I read through it and it's definitely an interesting take on the fine tuning argument, one that I haven't heard discussed in my Christian circles. ;)
But yeah, your conclusion is definitely how I would look at such a perspective of the universe...

You might've also heard many Christians make comments along the lines of "[we're] just passing through [this world]"... This type of commentary comes from "my mindset" of which you accurately described, about needing 'bad' to truly appreciate 'good'. It's a Christian mindset that, now with the "knowledge of good and evil", that our future existence in heaven will be even better than it was during the "Adam/Eve days" because we will have a type of fellowship with God that Adam/Eve never had at the time, which is fellowship not only with a 'Creator', but also with a 'Savior/Redeemer'.
The Democrat Party, of which you support, are trying their damnedest to force you into worshipping particular gods, such as the goddess Climate (Church of Global Warming).

In order to assist her in her battle against the Global Warming villain, you will have to give up some of your freedoms, including your freedom to choose to drive gas powered vehicles, tractors, lawn mowers, etc... and your freedom to choose to eat as much red meat as your heart desires.

You are as dumb as dishwater!
There is the faith in science to figure it all out. Then there is "science" applied to prove the validity of faith.

Neither side shall ever meet....but occasionally they do call each other on the phone to shoot the breeze.

Since there are doctors and scientist who are "of faith", we agnostics feel better about ourselves. ;)
There is the faith in science to figure it all out. Then there is "science" applied to prove the validity of faith.

Neither side shall ever meet....but occasionally they do call each other on the phone to shoot the breeze.

Since there are doctors and scientist who are "of faith", we agnostics feel better about ourselves. ;)

Just curious, what are the properties of God?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
There is the faith in science to figure it all out. Then there is "science" applied to prove the validity of faith.

Neither side shall ever meet....but occasionally they do call each other on the phone to shoot the breeze.

Since there are doctors and scientist who are "of faith", we agnostics feel better about ourselves. ;)

Just curious, what are the properties of God?

Damned if I know.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Damned if I know.

I see. You just do not care.

Hey, if that thought keeps you off the streets and helps you sleep at night, then mazel tov.

I leave you with this....across the globe and throughout time human beings have worshiped some form of deity (ies). Science doesn't explain everything, and faith needs to overlook the contradictions of religious dogma too often. I personally believe that something is going on out there that neither side has pondered or can accept. Perhaps we'll never know. But life is more than enough to handle without worrying if I offend some deity according to someone's "scripture". So I keep this in mind and periodically ponder it. It is what it is.

As they use to say, peace out.
Hey, if that thought keeps you off the streets and helps you sleep at night, then mazel tov.

I leave you with this....across the globe and throughout time human beings have worshiped some form of deity (ies). Science doesn't explain everything, and faith needs to overlook the contradictions of religious dogma too often. I personally believe that something is going on out there that neither side has pondered or can accept. Perhaps we'll never know. But life is more than enough to handle without worrying if I offend some deity according to someone's "scripture". So I keep this in mind and periodically ponder it. It is what it is.

As they use to say, peace out.

Mish mash of nothing.
That's not proving a negative, Sybil. Nice try though. :thup:

C'mon, Doc. That is proving a negative.

One can easily prove some negatives. What one cannot do is to prove a universal negative like, "There are no gods." The assertion, "There are no gods" (one often made) is NEVER anything but a blind guess.

Actually, the assertion "There is at least one god" also is a blind guess.

This "faith" thing everyone is talking about merely bullheadedness. Faith, in a religious context, is merely insisting that a blind guess is correct. Faith is not something to be proclaimed with pride.
C'mon, Doc. That is proving a negative.

One can easily prove some negatives. What one cannot do is to prove a universal negative like, "There are no gods." The assertion, "There are no gods" (one often made) is NEVER anything but a blind guess.

Actually, the assertion "There is at least one god" also is a blind guess.

This "faith" thing everyone is talking about merely bullheadedness. Faith, in a religious context, is merely insisting that a blind guess is correct. Faith is not something to be proclaimed with pride.
Agreed on blind guesses. There is no evidence of supernatural forces at work inside our Universe.

Disagreed on proving a negative. If I ask you to prove one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eaters don't exist, that's an impossible task. Why? Because it's proving a negative. There are no one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eaters in Sybil's marble bag.....a bag which, BTW, is missing several marbles.

Pulling out unicorns and rainbows from the bag then proving its empty only shows there is nothing else in the bag. It doesn't prove the non-existence of one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eaters.

The main flaw in Sybil's logic is he changed the parameters to a closed set. Questioning if God, gods or an existence beyond the Natural Universe is an open set. In short, he dodged the question....probably due to something about his marble bag.
Actually, yes one can (via a closed set).

For instance, if you have 10 red marbles, 8 blue marbles, and 2 yellow marbles inside of a bag, then I can prove the non-existence of white marbles inside of the bag. How so, you ask? I can simply pull out all 20 marbles from that bag and show you that none of them are white. Simple as that.
Agreed on blind guesses. There is no evidence of supernatural forces at work inside our Universe.

Disagreed on proving a negative. If I ask you to prove one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eaters don't exist, that's an impossible task. Why? Because it's proving a negative. There are no one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eaters in Sybil's marble bag.....a bag which, BTW, is missing several marbles.

Pulling out unicorns and rainbows from the bag then proving its empty only shows there is nothing else in the bag. It doesn't prove the non-existence of one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eaters.

The main flaw in Sybil's logic is he changed the parameters to a closed set. Questioning if God, gods or an existence beyond the Natural Universe is an open set. In short, he dodged the question....probably due to something about his marble bag.


I did not say you could prove EVERY negative. But you did say you could not prove a negative.

One can prove a negative.

There is no living African elephant in my desk drawer.

I open the drawer...and prove it.