Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) floats idea for no taxes for Blacks

I didn’t say reparations reverses the effects of racism, rather, that they are past due, an attempt to settle the accounts

And the the hard knocks get a job rant is antiquated, it is not 1950

What would reparations actively do to fix the "effects" of slavery. Will the race hustlers disappear

Truth doesn't have an expiration date, unless you're a leftist. We shouldnt expect fucking adults to take care of themselves and their families. Will the race hustling stop if reparations are paid? Yes or No?
So how many of them have left the US? Slavery was HORRIBLE but which Black ran country is better than the US. Blacks have REAL opportunity in the US we have had Black Governors, Congress men/women, Senators and a VP, a President and Supreme Court Justices. Slavery while HORRIBLE for the slave was one of the best things to happen for their descendants. Especially for today's descendants. Blacks from all over the world are risking there lives to illegally immigrate to the US.

My family fought for the North in the civil war to give the slaves freedom. Non of my family ever owned a slave and my family legally immigrated here in 1843 as dirt poor Irishmen when the Irish were discriminated against. Should I pay for reparations?

Always entertaining reading the twists and turns, now we are into what country in Africa is as good as the United States. This line is classic, ”Slavery while HORRIBLE for the slave was one of the best things to happen for their descendants,” beautiful

And no, Irish Americans should not be paid, they weren’t forced to come here, their assimilated didn’t have social and legislative roadblocks, and that is coming from one with dual citizenship in both countries
Always entertaining reading the twists and turns, now we are into what country in Africa is as good as the United States. This line is classic, ”Slavery while HORRIBLE for the slave was one of the best things to happen for their descendants,” beautiful

And no, Irish Americans should not be paid, they weren’t forced to come here, their assimilated didn’t have social and legislative roadblocks, and that is coming from one with dual citizenship in both countries

Did you know that when Britain outlawed slavery they paid reparations?

Will the families of the people who fought for the North and paid the price in blood be paid reparations

No, they weren’t forced to come here against their will, and, secondly, they didn’t face social and legislative roadblocks when the war ended
No, they weren’t forced to come here against their will, and, secondly, they didn’t face social and legislative roadblocks when the war ended

Right they were forced here by blacks in Africa that captured and sold them in to slavery. That's where you need to go for reparations.
And no, Irish Americans should not be paid, they weren’t forced to come here, their assimilated didn’t have social and legislative roadblocks, and that is coming from one with dual citizenship in both countries


Who forced Africans to come here? That would be Africa and the Tribe leaders

"It was the Africans themselves who were enslaving their fellow Africans, sending them to the coast to be shipped outside," says researcher Akosua Perbi of the University of Ghana.

Based on her studies, Perbi says that European slave traders, almost without exception, did not themselves capture slaves. They bought them from other Africans, usually kings or chiefs or wealthy merchants.
Can see you are out of content

Say good night Gracie

I can see you have no answers. If people were victims of slavery it was because blacks in Africa captured and sold them into slavery. That's a fact. If I were you, THANK GOD IM NOT, I wouldnt want to address this either. You should run away.
You should get them, but only if blacks do.

Yeah in the 1840s there were lots of "Irish need not apply" signs out. The Chinese also were basically slaves working for shit pay and couldn't buy property etc. Now they are doing well as a ethnic group. Should we give them reparations too?

And MOST of Black slaves were sold into slavery by other Blacks. Europeans that ventured into the interior of Africa had a life expectancy of less than a year at that time. So they stayed on the coast and bought slaves from Blacks.
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Yeah in the 1840s there were lots of "Irish need not apply" signs out. The Chinese also were basically slaves working for shit pay and couldn't buy property etc. Now they are doing well as a ethnic group. Should we give them reparations too?

And MOST of Black slaves were sold into slavery by other Blacks. Europeans that ventured into the interior of Africa had a life expectancy of less than a year at that time. So they stayed on the cost and bought slaves from Blacks.

Yeah anchovies entire argument is blacks were brought here against their will so give them money even though no one alive todays was a slave and it won't fix anything. Can you say, "money grab"?
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I toured a plantation in Louisiana named The Melrose that was started and owned by a Black woman named Marie Therese Coincoin. She was a freed slave and she owned slaves. She bought her family out slavery but enslaved others. Should her descendants receive reparations?
I toured a plantation in Louisiana named The Melrose that was started and owned by a Black woman named Marie Therese Coincoin. She was a freed slave and she owned slaves. She bought her family out slavery but enslaved others. Should her descendants receive reparations?

What were the accomodations for the salves like at that plantation?
What were the accomodations for the salves like at that plantation?

Pretty basic . Wood frame building with a bed and that was about all. I toured another plantation in Memphis that was used as a hospital and the headquarters for Grant and the Union army. The slave quarters there was about the same too. The floors were badly pitted from metal parts of the Union boots in most of the house except for the library. Grant made them remove their boots to preserve the fancy floors. Grant's bedroom was up stairs he had and exit and stairs installed so he could leave in a hurry if needed.