Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) floats idea for no taxes for Blacks

Why, the Irish were not forced to come here,
Nor were any blacks already here. In fact, they're free to try to immigrate anywhere they desire.
nor was their assimilation blocked by society and legislative hurdles
And neither are any blacks now. In fact they have advantages progenies of Irish immigrants don't have.
In a sense, reparations have already been paid w/ AA.
It doesn't matter. Dims will always find ways around paying actual reparations. When I say always, I mean as long as those blacks looking for a free handout present the 'rayciss' card. Fortunately not all do. I'd be willing to bet that those that don't fare better in life.
If not for slavery Obama would be sitting in a mud hut like his half brother

Oprah Winfrey would have about 15 kids saggy boobs carrying a basket on top of her head... While walking around barefoot in Africa
The Melrose was eventually owned by a white woman after the civil war. She let artists say there as long as they were productive and produced art. There was an employee at the Melrose who was a member of a sharecropper family. Her name was Clementine Hunter she picked up discarded paint and brushes and started painting primitive art depicting life on the plantation. Hunter became very famous some of her art is on display in the Louvre. Hunter isone of the most famous African American folk artists in history.
And how did slavery bring Obama's ancestry to America? Just because he is Black does not mean he is the descendant of slaves.

Oprah Winfrey's African ancestry did come to America as slaves, so you are one for two.

And this would be her today if not for slavery

Genealogists Say Obama Likely A Descendant Of First American Slave

Just because he is Black does not mean he is the descendant of slaves.

True but ALL blacks will be screaming fo a check.
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They were separated by other blacks who captured them and sold them as slaves. They can go to Africa and seek reparations from them.

So you do not think the American government has any responsibility for allowing it for so many years?

Who forced Africans to come here? That would be Africa and the Tribe leaders

"It was the Africans themselves who were enslaving their fellow Africans, sending them to the coast to be shipped outside," says researcher Akosua Perbi of the University of Ghana.

Based on her studies, Perbi says that European slave traders, almost without exception, did not themselves capture slaves. They bought them from other Africans, usually kings or chiefs or wealthy merchants.

Bingo, too funny

Little history lesson for you there “vols,” slavery has existed in nearly every society in one form or another throughout history, but it wasn’t until the American colonies seeing it as cheap labor that it became an extremely profitable enterprise. It wasn’t Africans who came up with the the Triangular Slave trade
So you do not think the American government has any responsibility for allowing it for so many years?

American government at the time allowed something that was considered NORMAL for its day...nothing wrong with it in 1850 and it was legal etc

Why should the taxpayers of today pay for that

Hanging horse thieves was considered normal in 1860....its not now and we dont do that. So should the family members get a check form the government for allowing something that for its day was normal
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I can see you have no answers. If people were victims of slavery it was because blacks in Africa captured and sold them into slavery. That's a fact. If I were you, THANK GOD IM NOT, I wouldnt want to address this either. You should run away.

Another one

Little history lesson for you, slavery has existed in nearly every society in one form or another throughout history, but it wasn’t until the American colonies seeing it as cheap labor that it became an extremely profitable enterprise. It wasn’t Africans who came up with the the Triangular Slave trade
Yeah anchovies entire argument is blacks were brought here against their will so give them money even though no one alive todays was a slave and it won't fix anything. Can you say, "money grab"?

Not about just being a slave, also everything that has transpired since 1865, you going to tell us now Jim Crow was also a benefit for Black Americans
Nor were any blacks already here. In fact, they're free to try to immigrate anywhere they desire. And neither are any blacks now. In fact they have advantages progenies of Irish immigrants don't have.
In a sense, reparations have already been paid w/ AA.
It doesn't matter. Dims will always find ways around paying actual reparations. When I say always, I mean as long as those blacks looking for a free handout present the 'rayciss' card. Fortunately not all do. I'd be willing to bet that those that don't fare better in life.

Amazing how they can’t get beyond Affirmative Action, like three hundred plus years of history was erased because of Affirmative Action, still seeing all race issues thru the Welfare Cadillac Queen lenses
American government at the time allowed something that was considered NORMAL for its day...nothing wrong with it in 1850 and it was legal etc

Why should the taxpayers of today pay for that

Hanging horse thieves was considered normal in 1860....its not now and we dont do that. So should the family members get a check form the government for allowing something that for its day was normal

Yeah, normal equating to institutionalized racism
I would gather that the proponents of reparations would argue that their families are the victims of two plus centuries of racism in America, keep in mind, their families didn’t ask to come here

And others weren't? That too is a canard. How far back should we go with grievances that one or another group were harmed by something?