Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

Then why would they use the term in such a sparsely worded amendment?

i'm assuming you are referring to the term 'well regulated'? they used it because in those times, they would refer to it as properly running. they would take a clock to get regulated, etc. this isn't rocket scientist and if you'd bother to read the history, you'd know it.
i'm assuming you are referring to the term 'well regulated'? they used it because in those times, they would refer to it as properly running. they would take a clock to get regulated, etc. this isn't rocket scientist and if you'd bother to read the history, you'd know it.

A clock isn't regulated the same way a militia is.
The term has always had several meanings relating to context.
Even in the 18th century.
The demise of the 2nd Amendment is coming.

It's only a matter of time.

Nothing you can do about it.




oh, shithead, there's lots we can do. all it'll take is one of you assholes to utter one of your bullshit ideas and we'll know exactly where to aim! ;)
A clock isn't regulated the same way a militia is.
The term has always had several meanings relating to context.
Even in the 18th century.

then i'm sure you can produce the documentation from the founders that specifically says the 2nd is only for military personnel...........right?
what the constitution meant when it was ratified means the same now.

But that meaning has no universally accepted interpretation and it has to be applied to new developments which are not easily decided---television, movies, internet, electronic surveillance, cell phones.
But that meaning has no universally accepted interpretation and it has to be applied to new developments which are not easily decided---television, movies, internet, electronic surveillance, cell phones.

no, it doesn't. this is a very common misperception by morons who think that the constitution was written to give the government control over we the people. the constitution was written to restrict the government, not empower them. thus, tv, movies, internet, cell phones, etc. all would be completely out of the governments ability to access.
I figured you'd use this case, especially because it doesn't mean anything like what liberals claim it does. Miller, besides being a case that the supremes should not have heard because Miller was already dead, says NOTHING about the right being tied to the militia, ONLY about the types of weapons for militia use. it was also wrong because they based their decision on the LACK of evidence, which might have been provided had a better case been able to been presented. On top of all of that, every commentary, opinion, statement by every founder during the run up to ratification states very clearly that it's an individual right. So unless there's some super secret document that madison had lying around that says HA HA FUCKED YA, the 2nd Amendment is an individual right.

The point was that the court upheld the regulation of shotguns regardless of any militia argument. And that is in the past since your claim that it is an individual right is the same decision as Heller.

Because you disagree with the Supreme Court does not make them wrong. However, as I said, it doesn't really matter since all interpretations allow regulation of firearms which is really the political question today. Any argument about the role of the militia, reinterpreting the 2nd, or repealing the 2nd do not prohibit the people from owning firearms or prevent governments from regulating those firearms within limits.
The point was that the court upheld the regulation of shotguns regardless of any militia argument. And that is in the past since your claim that it is an individual right is the same decision as Heller.
my claim that its an individual right comes from cases way before heller.

Because you disagree with the Supreme Court does not make them wrong. However, as I said, it doesn't really matter since all interpretations allow regulation of firearms which is really the political question today. Any argument about the role of the militia, reinterpreting the 2nd, or repealing the 2nd do not prohibit the people from owning firearms or prevent governments from regulating those firearms within limits.
this is the main problem, people think that 19th century court decisions can change the constitution. jefferson warned about this. the courts are not the final arbiter, we the people are. the people that ratified the constitution were told in no uncertain terms that the federal government had no power to interfere with the arms of the people, so what allows you to accept that they now can?