RUH ROH - Trump Lynching in Trouble.

Even getting as far as a plea agreement is prosecuting.

Garland tried to derail prosecution. They stalled until the Statute of Limitations - which for some reason meant something on this - unlike in the Trump lynching - for the most serious charges. Then the Biden DOJ put together the most absurd abortion of justice to let Prince Hunter skate, but those meanies over at Fox (if Quid Pro gets a second term, they WILL be shut down) exposed the whole thing and their was egg all over Garlands face.
Some things are just too obvious. They foot drug to get rid of some of the charges using statute of limitations, and on the rest tried an end run with a plea agreement that was basically letting Bagman off with nothing.

When that failed, the DOJ was forced into doing an actual trial to CYA their attempt to let Bagman off with nothing.
I believe that most of these far left loons know what happened but they can’t bring themselves to admit that this swine and Coke head who abandoned his own daughter…as did her swine of a grandfather, should be prosecuted.

I believe that most of these far left loons know what happened but they can’t bring themselves to admit that this swine and Coke head who abandoned his own daughter…as did her swine of a grandfather, should be prosecuted.

The Left never holds their own responsible for anything. The only time the Left goes after one of their own is when that person becomes an apostate and heretic.
Try to focus, he received a sweetheart deal from the J/D but the deal was shot down by an honest judge.

He is being prosecuted now only because the judge killed his sweetheart deal.

Just answer the phones, this is all above your pay grade…and the poor Pobre.
But the Prosecution (Biden) could have dropped the charges at any time, or not have brought any charges.
Garland tried to derail prosecution. They stalled until the Statute of Limitations - which for some reason meant something on this - unlike in the Trump lynching - for the most serious charges. Then the Biden DOJ put together the most absurd abortion of justice to let Prince Hunter skate, but those meanies over at Fox (if Quid Pro gets a second term, they WILL be shut down) exposed the whole thing and their was egg all over Garlands face.
Garland could just drop the charges.
Garland could just drop the charges.

Only in an absolute dictatorship.

You are doing your very best to turn America into one, but despite our slide into a third world, banana republic, there is still massive resistance to totalitarianism.

Garland/Biden lack the political capital to scuttle the case. They already tried, and failed.
Only in an absolute dictatorship.

You are doing your very best to turn America into one, but despite our slide into a third world, banana republic, there is still massive resistance to totalitarianism.

Garland/Biden lack the political capital to scuttle the case. They already tried, and failed.
Wrong, the founders set it up so the President is in charge of such things. He clearly could do it, he simply could have had it announced that they did not have enough evidence. The people hate Trump enough they would still support Biden.

Trump did it with Bannon.
Wrong, the founders set it up so the President is in charge of such things. He clearly could do it, he simply could have had it announced that they did not have enough evidence. The people hate Trump enough they would still support Biden.

Trump did it with Bannon.


Political capital, Comrade.

AFTER the disaster of trying to scuttle it before, only to be exposed by IRS whistle blowers and a federal judge, the little toady Garland would be torn to shreds, even the party media wouldn't be able to cover for him.

Again, the North Korean type dictatorship you dream of is not a reality yet. And will never be if the election is allowed in November.
Garland did what he could to crucify an enemy of the party. While you wish it was, the power of the party is far from absolute.

America is fighting back.
I do not want either party to be more powerful nor do I want one party rule.

America is fighting back to prosecute criminals from both parties--suggesting one party is getting a pass ignores reality and is an excuse to cover up.
Exact testimony "There is no evidence that the data contained on the hard drive was tampered with."

The laptop is confirmed. Your filthy fascist party and the little Goebbels of the DNC press lied, and lied, and lied - with 51 DNC thugs lying.

This is why no one believes anything from you - or any democrat, or any of the little Goebbels of the democrat press.

Which was automatically backed up from the harddrive.

The reason for using it was to thwart lies by you Stalinists of tampering. The laptop is fully verified - you lying is irrelevant,

The point of course is that only fool would accept a "NUHN UHN" from the party press on a Saturday when no new information was to be had. WE know the party press lies about everything. The juror may turn out to be nothing, or may torpedo the lynching - we simply don't know.

We will know soon - or maybe not.
It's funny how you must make up shit and then expect us to accept it.

From the court transcript of the testimony of Erika Jensen when questioned by Prosecution.
Q. Have you seen any evidence whatsoever from the data you reviewed from this laptop to suggest that there was tampering?

A. No.
The testimony was that she hadn't seen any evidence, not that there was no evidence.
But then we get her testimony that it was other people that looked at the laptop.
Q. Did investigators ultimately extract data from that laptop?

A. Yes.

Q. How?

A. So they used forensics, FBI and other federal officials used forensic tools. Actually I think it was just the FBI that used forensic tools to extract data from the laptop

Since she never looked at the laptop, can you tell us why she didn't see any evidence of tampering?

The defense asked her specifically
Q. I’m asking whatever that person got on the 12th, was the way it was originally put, do you know? Did you do an analysis? Did you find out whether any of the files had been tampered with, added to, or subtracted?

A. I did not. Right, I did not.

The laptop is not fully verified. In fact there is no receipt anywhere to prove that Hunter bought the laptop even though the FBI found receipts for his other laptop, his ipad and multiple iphones. There is circumstantial evidence that the laptop his his because it was registered to one of his iCloud accounts but that isn't proof he bought it and registered it since different people had access to his phones and to his iCloud account. A reasonable person could assume the laptop was his based on the evidence but that doesn't make it "fully verified."

Thanks for lying to us all, Uncensored about what the testimony actually was. That seems to be what you do. Lie.
He lives for the party.

@Poor Richard Saunders is a sycophant, a mindless drone who bleats whatever he thinks will further the agenda of the party. He has zero integrity, not a shred or drop. "Truth" is anything that serves the party. He will openly lie to your face about anything - and if that fails, he'll scream "RAYSIS". He has one objective - absolute power for the party. He isn't here to debate or discuss, he's here to demagogue for his Reich, for the Stalinist democrat party. Lies, truth, objectivity - none of it means anything to him - he lives to serve the party - blindly - absolutely. We have seen those like him in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Communist China, the Khmer Rouge. It's the same pattern.
Funny that you accuse me of blindly serving when it is you that put quotes around a statement that never occurred in the courtroom. It seems it is you that has zero integrity since you lied about what was said in court.
Wrong, the founders set it up so the President is in charge of such things. He clearly could do it, he simply could have had it announced that they did not have enough evidence. The people hate Trump enough they would still support Biden.

Trump did it with Bannon.
There is no President.

Even if there was, the President has no such authority.
I do not want either party to be more powerful nor do I want one party rule.

America is fighting back to prosecute criminals from both parties--suggesting one party is getting a pass ignores reality and is an excuse to cover up.
Suggesting both parties are being treated the same is ignoring reality and is ignoring history.