Scott McClellen's new book

However praising one leaving a appointed position is common practice on both sides of the aisle,regardless of how the administration actually felt about them!
Scott McClellen has been with Bush since his first term as governor of texas. Scott McClellen was not just given a nice little two minute send off. Bush glad handed him, patted him on the back and spoke of how someday they were going to sit on the porch together in Rocking Chairs and talk about the good old days in the whitehouse. Funny how you are such a Bush apologist and you know NOTHING about the man and those around him. I hope Bush already bought those rocking chairs.
I am so waiting for BB to come back and tell me that none of this happened. That it was JUST a run of the mill send off.
Yes I saw the tv clip also.........

I am so waiting for BB to come back and tell me that none of this happened. That it was JUST a run of the mill send off.

and Scott became involved with GW in 1999 while GW was running for President...what is your point?...I said this was common practice for all appointed positions leaving...we could take a little trip back in time and view what alot of presidents said about their appointed officials when leaving...I honestly cannot remember one saying something bad...even when they left under a cloud of suspicion! So how does this relate to me being a apologist?
and Scott became involved with GW in 1999 while GW was running for President...what is your point?...I said this was common practice for all appointed positions leaving...we could take a little trip back in time and view what alot of presidents said about their appointed officials when leaving...I honestly cannot remember one saying something bad...even when they left under a cloud of suspicion! So how does this relate to me being a apologist?

If you can't see it BB NO one can help ya.

The New Drug Reparin shows promise though, follow it's development.
Here is a video from This Week about two thirds through it shows Bush and Scotty Boy. He did NOT leave as a disgruntled employee. He was completely gruntled. But keep pretending that this is ONE MORE in a long line of Bush people that got fed up with the 'misleading' of the american people and quit.

When did he die?

In september 2001

a year and a half before his death what was going on?

The election fo GWBush which included the fraud in Florida.

They were cleaning house to get him out because he knew too much about AQ. I wonder who it was who hired him for the WTT job?

Do you know?

Woah. Woah. Hold on.

You are trying to tie events together that have nothing to do with each other.

Who was cleaning house? There was no house cleaning going on. O'Neils issues were within the FBI based on his personality and work style. He was damn good at what he did but he also pissed off some higher ups within the FBI which held him back.

Bush's election and the recount in Florida has absolutely nothing to do with O'Neil.

O'Neil got hired by Larry Silverstein to head security at the Towers. Silverstein is developing the new towers in partners with my company who is giving him the equity. And FWIW Silverstein is a big Democrat so there was no conspiracy behind him hiring O'Neil. (In fact my boss who works closest with Silverstein has gone to several fundraisers Silverstien's held for both Hillary and Obama.)

There is no tie to O'Neil and either the Bush or Clinton Administrations as far as his work at the FBI.
Look us cit!

If you can't see it BB NO one can help ya.

The New Drug Reparin shows promise though, follow it's development.

I have issues with alot of GW's policies...from immigration to outsourcing of jobs to insourcing of jobs...and his failure to release the two Border Patrol Agents falsley imprisoned...however this does not distract from my comment that back patting is a common practice when one leaves a appointed position within an and soco's 'Gotcha' fell really short this time around!
No go back and read what the woman wrote about him. She knew him and you did not.

I was asking who hired him as a real question because I did not know who hired him.

I would like to know who it was that dropped out of the bidding when Sliverstein was bidding for the 99 year lease on the building which ended up giving him the lease ?

I would also like to know if John O'Neill applied directly for the job or if he was contacted by Silverstein. Who recomended him for the job if it was from the silverstein side?
No go back and read what the woman wrote about him. She knew him and you did not.

I was asking who hired him as a real question because I did not know who hired him.

I would like to know who it was that dropped out of the bidding when Sliverstein was bidding for the 99 year lease on the building which ended up giving him the lease ?

I would also like to know if John O'Neill applied directly for the job or if he was contacted by Silverstein. Who recomended him for the job if it was from the silverstein side?

I read it Desh. The lady is talking about the FBI. I've read about John O'Neil. No offense but you obviously haven't otherwise you would know what this lady meant. O'Neil had a family in New Jersey but was seperated from his wife although they were not divorced. He had a three other women in three different cities. He liked expensive suits and to pick up all the bills while entertaining while only making between $70k - $80k. That's what that lady is refering to.

We he refers to 'their out to get him' they are talking about the higher-ups within the FBI who would not promote him and went after him for the breach of private documents when he left his briefcase.

No disrespect Desh but go read up on the guy.
No go back and read what the woman wrote about him. She knew him and you did not.

I was asking who hired him as a real question because I did not know who hired him.

I would like to know who it was that dropped out of the bidding when Sliverstein was bidding for the 99 year lease on the building which ended up giving him the lease ?

I would also like to know if John O'Neill applied directly for the job or if he was contacted by Silverstein. Who recomended him for the job if it was from the silverstein side?

Who dropped out? I have no clue. Many times no one drop's out they just get outbid. Happens to us quite often. As for Silverstein and O'Neil I don't know and I see no relevance between that and what you were trying to argue earlier.
I firmly believe that those who still support bush have Mental problems in several areas.

A new drug is needed for their affliction. Megagra ? Dopeamine sounds about right but the name is taken.

I rarely comment when I've read only 1/3 or so of a thread, but that one was too good to pass up.

Good one, usc! :p
Not sure if this was even touched in the thread, but I'm wondering if he's doing the book to get some credibility restored to his resume. Having worked for Bush in any capacity seems to be shaping up to be a scarlet letter.

Now that its generally accepted that Bush's regime was a disaster and his enablers took part in one our nations darkest times in recent history, one has to admit, its almost en vogue to come out against them now.

Where were these brilliant minds 5 years ago?
Not sure if this was even touched in the thread, but I'm wondering if he's doing the book to get some credibility restored to his resume. Having worked for Bush in any capacity seems to be shaping up to be a scarlet letter.

Now that its generally accepted that Bush's regime was a disaster and his enablers took part in one our nations darkest times in recent history, one has to admit, its almost en vogue to come out against them now.

Where were these brilliant minds 5 years ago?

Calling me stupid for saying such things.
I'm not sure what anyone of this has to do with O'Neil but it wouldn't be the first time a company bid (Vornado) without having secured its equity if that's what caused to drop out. If you are dying to know I'll ask the guy down the hall.

Silverstein won the bid in a default 6 weeks before 911.

The building had not passed hands in decades before that.

Funny it sells right before 911 and the winning bid dropped out right before 911.