Secret Service boss cites hazard of putting agent on 'sloped roof'

You're moving the goalposts. DEI is diversity, equity and inclusion. Can you stick to the topic?

Even focusing on competence first, you still have to say who is incompetent and why.
No, I'm simply stating that DIE is far, far, less important to who should be hired or promoted in a job than COMPETENCE! DIE is virtually fucking irrelevant, and where it is pushed and put to the head of the line, you get a decline in job performance because all-too-often, the people hired or promoted on the basis of race, gender, and that sort of thing are fucking retards incapable of doing the job!

Been there, seen that.
Sanity, competence, ability, intellect...

Nothing like getting a 'tard for a boss...

Ah so you were passed over because being whitey t christer wasn't the default anymore
No, I'm simply stating that DIE is far, far, less important to who should be hired or promoted in a job than COMPETENCE! DIE is virtually fucking irrelevant, and where it is pushed and put to the head of the line, you get a decline in job performance because all-too-often, the people hired or promoted on the basis of race, gender, and that sort of thing are fucking retards incapable of doing the job!

Been there, seen that.
You're not criticizing the workforce in general, you're making problems specific to DEI. Incompetence exists in every workforce, with or without regulations. And giving jobs to women, gays, blacks, older people, atheists etc. doesn't automatically translate to incompetence.

Everybody who's ever worked sees incompetence, but we don't all blame it on diversity.
Ah so you were passed over because being whitey t christer wasn't the default anymore
At least in one case. The job was for a production planner. I had a degree in industrial engineering, had already performed the job previously with the same company, had invented from scratch their time study system for the products produced, just wanted to lateral back into that position.

Instead, they promoted a female with a high school diploma and no experience in the position because they wanted a female to make their quota (they denied that was a real thing even though I was the one that had to come up with a spreadsheet to track it).
Yea, let's put that ahead of competence, intellect, ability, job performance, education, problem solving, and a plethora of other things that are useful in actually getting things done at a job.

Let's focus on competence first.

Do you even realize the expense to the taxpayers, every time Trump wants an outdoor hillbilly ass-kissing contest- you people call a Trump Rally?

Millions of dollars!

An indoor event would be about 1/4th the cost, and could be better secured.

And because Trump is being targeted for termination by the Iranian Terrorists, the SS is having to ramp up the security by doubling it already.

It's your tax dollars!
How much do Biden's weekend beach retreats cost the tax payers MILLIONS
No, I'm simply stating that DIE is far, far, less important to who should be hired or promoted in a job than COMPETENCE! DIE is virtually fucking irrelevant, and where it is pushed and put to the head of the line, you get a decline in job performance because all-too-often, the people hired or promoted on the basis of race, gender, and that sort of thing are fucking retards incapable of doing the job!

Been there, seen that.
Then too even before DIE in corporate America as Jordan Peterson has often pointed out something like 20% of the people do something like 80% of the work, the rest are on the scale of doing little work to being burdens to the company. Musk fired what 60% of Twitter and boosted performance.
You want the SS to be white men only? There was a woman who would have given her life to protect trump at that rally.

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"DEI has become a boogeyman for some people in the corporate world over the past few months, but few would have expected a debate over hiring practices to become part of the fallout from the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate...

As the gravity of the horrific events sank in over the weekend, some right wing pundits and politicians quickly shifted gears to point blame at an unlikely source: the DEI philosophy of the Secret Service, the law enforcement agency tasked with protecting politicians, and women agents in particular...

The Secret Service can and should face many questions over the coming weeks and months about what went wrong in Pennsylvania on Saturday. But the knee-jerk reaction to blame DEI in the wake of this weekend’s political violence, and to make women the focus of vitriol, is deeply disturbing. And it is the starkest example to date of how what was once a mundane hiring practice has become weaponized within the U.S. political discourse—with no signs of slowing down."

No one is questioning the efforts or heroics of those who stepped in front of Trump and whisked him away.
The question arises why if one of those snipers pictured above had a good shot at the perp, why didn't they shoot before he had 4 rounds off?
Another thing I noticed about the two positioned on the slanted roof, the one on his knees is in a bad position to fire accurately. he should be lying on his stomach, one leg extended, the other knee even with his waste to allow breathing and the slant would make it more comfortable than lying on a flat surface.
No one is questioning the efforts or heroics of those who stepped in front of Trump and whisked him away.
The question arises why if one of those snipers pictured above had a good shot at the perp, why didn't they shoot before he had 4 rounds off?
Another thing I noticed about the two positioned on the slanted roof, the one on his knees is in a bad position to fire accurately. he should be lying on his stomach, one leg extended, the other knee even with his waste to allow breathing and the slant would make it more comfortable than lying on a flat surface.
My argument with Gardner is his unproven claim that DEI is responsible for the screw ups.
Yes, because they are children IDIOT!

it just seems that way because you communicate at a second grade level.......are you perhaps so stupid you are unaware that half of the people who file income tax returns do not pay any federal income taxes?.........did you think it was only you that got EIC checks instead?......
Why, because she is a woman?

You Misogynist women haters can go and fuck yourself.
sure.......only a misogynist would think a SS head can abandon security because somebody might have to stand on a slightly sloped roof........AFTER WE SAW PICTURES OF SS AGENTS STANDING ON SLOPED ROOFS WHILE TRUMP GOT and Cheetos are clearly mentally deficient and should be paid to sweep floors instead of being given even the slightest responsibility.......