Secuity Cameras Caught the Break-In

You didnt see how.much glass was outside did you?lmbo

Photograph shows a large broken window and small amount of glass on the pavement immediate outside. That there might be glass on the floor inside, possibly more than outside, is out of sight and therefore, since we are dealing with Trumpworld, out of mind.
Here's the story but it won't stop the lurid account promoted at Fox and by our former 76 year old gay baiting President who still wears his makeup and dyes his hair blonde.

"Inside the command center for the U.S. Capitol Police, a handful of officers were going through their routines early Friday morning, cycling through live feeds from the department’s 1,800 cameras used to monitor the nearby Capitol complex as well as some points beyond, when an officer stopped. On a screen showing a darkened street nearly 3,000 miles away, police lights were flashing outside the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), officials say.

The officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering the speaker’s home, according to three people familiar with how Capitol Police learned of the break-in and who have been briefed on or viewed the video themselves.

The 911 call and the struggle inside the home that followed have led to charges of attempted homicide of the speaker’s husband, and attempted kidnapping of the speaker, who is second in line to the presidency. The incident has also put a spotlight on the immensity — and perhaps the impossibility — of law enforcement’s task to protect the 535 members of Congress at a time of unprecedented numbers of threats against them."

So where's the video? Or do they only have the one hastily faked in DC?
Here's the story but it won't stop the lurid account promoted at Fox and by our former 76 year old gay baiting President who still wears his makeup and dyes his hair blonde.

"Inside the command center for the U.S. Capitol Police, a handful of officers were going through their routines early Friday morning, cycling through live feeds from the department’s 1,800 cameras used to monitor the nearby Capitol complex as well as some points beyond, when an officer stopped. On a screen showing a darkened street nearly 3,000 miles away, police lights were flashing outside the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), officials say.

The officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering the speaker’s home, according to three people familiar with how Capitol Police learned of the break-in and who have been briefed on or viewed the video themselves.

The 911 call and the struggle inside the home that followed have led to charges of attempted homicide of the speaker’s husband, and attempted kidnapping of the speaker, who is second in line to the presidency. The incident has also put a spotlight on the immensity — and perhaps the impossibility — of law enforcement’s task to protect the 535 members of Congress at a time of unprecedented numbers of threats against them."

The pelosi's net worth is well over $100 million, maybe,they should invest in a RING camera alarm system. Perhaps a S&W or two may be of further assistance.
The pelosi's net worth is well over $100 million, maybe,they should invest in a RING camera alarm system. Perhaps a S&W or two may be of further assistance.

On this we agree. Better security should already have been in place a the Pelosi's.
The reason Trumpys believe the insane lies about the Pelosi break-in and attack, is because they desperately want to. It was an attack by a far righty, Trump, Rush type who swallowed the crap they threw at him. His boss said he did not talk to him about politics because he was down the Fox hole. He bought the lies about kids being shot were faked. He believed in Pizzagate and lizard people. He believed Dems were drinking kid's blood. Just how stupid do you have to be to swallow that crap? Parler, Infowars and the rest have created people like him. The right should be ashamed to claim him. But instead, they make up excuses and lies.
We have to now protect all elected officials homes and families

Thanks cons

Since John Lennon's assassination, we know there will always be crazy people out there. I'm going to get "killed" for this, but the maniac who tried to assassinate Reagan did it to impress Jody Foster, I believe.

We can't control mental illness. The good thing is - unless we're a president, a legendary artist, or a responsible politician, we're safe.
The reason Trumpys believe the insane lies about the Pelosi break-in and attack, is because they desperately want to. It was an attack by a far righty, Trump, Rush type who swallowed the crap they threw at him. His boss said he did not talk to him about politics because he was down the Fox hole. He bought the lies about kids being shot were faked. He believed in Pizzagate and lizard people. He believed Dems were drinking kid's blood. Just how stupid do you have to be to swallow that crap? Parler, Infowars and the rest have created people like him. The right should be ashamed to claim him. But instead, they make up excuses and lies.

I don't think it's stupidity. I think it comes from a need to direct hatred and paranoia elsewhere. The 911 terrorists were not all "stupid". They were radicalized and programed by the same propaganda that motivated DePapSmear.
Photograph shows a large broken window and small amount of glass on the pavement immediate outside. That there might be glass on the floor inside, possibly more than outside, is out of sight and therefore, since we are dealing with Trumpworld, out of mind.
I believe the windows probably had plastic film on the out side and he pulled glass out when he pulled the hammer back out after striking the window.