Secuity Cameras Caught the Break-In

That makes no sense.

It's much more probable that the sex worker was let into the home where he had geriatric sex. He then broke a window from the inside in an attempt to make it look like there was a hammer floating around the house due to some satanic presence.

It eventually floated right into Pelosi's head, and fractured his skull.

Occam's Razor, as it were.

I heard the attacker was carried in by a bunch of scantily-clad gay male strippers, all wearing angel wings!
Well, that's simply not one is "safe"....See the story about the mother of three who just lost her life after her mentally ill husband was released after beating her viciously for 8 minutes... Just one example...

Which is tragic, but again. Unless you have a homicidal relative, unless we're famous, we're safe.
I gave the link already, Dr. Skidmark.

See Uncle for the links.

1. Why are you calling PMP "Dr. Sidmarks"
2. No where in those links does it say Fox News has seen or has the videos of the Pelosi attack.

So cum breath show us where Fox News has viewed the Pelosi break in videos like you intimated.
and anyone with a brain would know that you telling us that the video somehow proves you are right and we are wrong, even while chortling about the fact no one gets to see what it shows, merely proves you're an idiot........

I guess he doesn't like being called out as a "penis brain". The post didn't say "the video somehow proves you are right and we are wrong". It said a video apparently exists that should settle the question but its existence "won't stop the lurid" accounts by ignoramuses like ppm who have a childish need to believe Nancy Pelosi's 82 year old husband was in a fag fight.
We can screen for it.

Relatively safer. That doesn't stop a homeless nutjob from slashing your throat when you drop a dollar in his cup.
Utah Good Samaritan lets homeless man shower in her apartment, he slits her throat
Slasher wanted: Suspect attacks homeless man with food cart and knife
Homeless man accused of fatal Brooklyn subway slash was free without bail in earlier stabbing

You're right. But you can take precautions as the Pelosi's should have. If I were them, I'd buy two 1 year-old Rottweilers right now and send them to guard dog training, Stat. Try smashing a window with two of those suckers tearing your legs off.
1. Why are you calling PMP "Dr. Sidmarks"
2. No where in those links does it say Fox News has seen or has the videos of the Pelosi attack.

So cum breath show us where Fox News has viewed the Pelosi break in videos like you intimated.

*Speaks slowly to wannabe Dr* I didn't say they viewed them.