Secuity Cameras Caught the Break-In

When the attacker withdrew the hammer to strike the window a second and third time the hammer encountered part of the window on the way out, pulling the window glass outside the home.

You're welcome.

That makes no sense.

It's much more probable that the sex worker was let into the home where he had geriatric sex. He then broke a window from the inside in an attempt to make it look like there was a hammer floating around the house due to some satanic presence.

It eventually floated right into Pelosi's head, and fractured his skull.

Occam's Razor, as it were.
Since John Lennon's assassination, we know there will always be crazy people out there. I'm going to get "killed" for this, but the maniac who tried to assassinate Reagan did it to impress Jody Foster, I believe.

We can't control mental illness. The good thing is - unless we're a president, a legendary artist, or a responsible politician, we're safe.
Well, that's simply not one is "safe"....See the story about the mother of three who just lost her life after her mentally ill husband was released after beating her viciously for 8 minutes... Just one example...
Since John Lennon's assassination, we know there will always be crazy people out there. I'm going to get "killed" for this, but the maniac who tried to assassinate Reagan did it to impress Jody Foster, I believe.

We can't control mental illness. The good thing is - unless we're a president, a legendary artist, or a responsible politician, we're safe.

We can screen for it.

Relatively safer. That doesn't stop a homeless nutjob from slashing your throat when you drop a dollar in his cup.
Utah Good Samaritan lets homeless man shower in her apartment, he slits her throat
Slasher wanted: Suspect attacks homeless man with food cart and knife
Homeless man accused of fatal Brooklyn subway slash was free without bail in earlier stabbing
Well, that's simply not one is "safe"....See the story about the mother of three who just lost her life after her mentally ill husband was released after beating her viciously for 8 minutes... Just one example...

Brilliant analogy!
A lawyer would know the video most likely is being sequestered as evidence and it's release withheld to avoid influencing the jury pool if the case is tried.

and anyone with a brain would know that you telling us that the video somehow proves you are right and we are wrong, even while chortling about the fact no one gets to see what it shows, merely proves you're an idiot........
and anyone with a brain would know that you telling us that the video somehow proves you are right and we are wrong, even while chortling about the fact no one gets to see what it shows, merely proves you're an idiot........

The Capitol police saw them, penis breath.
and anyone with a brain would know that you telling us that the video somehow proves you are right and we are wrong, even while chortling about the fact no one gets to see what it shows, merely proves you're an idiot........

Only lame-ass fucking morons are stupid enough to believe they speak for others.

Once the investigation is closed and/or the trial begins, all the facts will be revealed.

This appears to be exactly what it appears to be; a fucking nutjob attacked a prominent political figure. Since the figure was out of town, the home wasn't being watched as closely but the evidence from the security cams is still available.

DePape needs to be in a mental hospital, but in America, he'll end up in prison with all the other MAGA nutjobs.

5,000 JPP points says DePape breaks down and cries at trial, claiming he never meant to hurt anyone. LOL

It's a good thing you're too weak and cowardly to become a terrorist, eh Pmp? :thup:

Here's the story but it won't stop the lurid account promoted at Fox and by our former 76 year old gay baiting President who still wears his makeup and dyes his hair blonde.

"Inside the command center for the U.S. Capitol Police, a handful of officers were going through their routines early Friday morning, cycling through live feeds from the department’s 1,800 cameras used to monitor the nearby Capitol complex as well as some points beyond, when an officer stopped. On a screen showing a darkened street nearly 3,000 miles away, police lights were flashing outside the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), officials say.

The officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering the speaker’s home, according to three people familiar with how Capitol Police learned of the break-in and who have been briefed on or viewed the video themselves.

The 911 call and the struggle inside the home that followed have led to charges of attempted homicide of the speaker’s husband, and attempted kidnapping of the speaker, who is second in line to the presidency. The incident has also put a spotlight on the immensity — and perhaps the impossibility — of law enforcement’s task to protect the 535 members of Congress at a time of unprecedented numbers of threats against them."

Hey sperm belcher. It was a homosexual 3 some that went wrong

I thought this thread was about 1/6.Boy those police are
It's confirmed by Fox News, cum breath.

what has been confirmed, shit for brains?.....

MARTIN:A lawyer would know the video most likely is being sequestered as evidence and it's release withheld to avoid influencing the jury pool if the case is tried.

that nothing has been released?'re probably right......but apparently you idiots think you can tell us what it shows because someone may or may not have leaked something to a newspaper reporter who also hasn't seen it.....
what has been confirmed, shit for brains?.....

that nothing has been released?'re probably right......but apparently you idiots think you can tell us what it shows because someone may or may not have leaked something to a newspaper reporter who also hasn't seen it.....

The Capitol police already confirmed it to Fox News, shit breath. Even Fox News doesn't agree with your narrative.
We can screen for it.

Relatively safer. That doesn't stop a homeless nutjob from slashing your throat when you drop a dollar in his cup.
Utah Good Samaritan lets homeless man shower in her apartment, he slits her throat
Slasher wanted: Suspect attacks homeless man with food cart and knife
Homeless man accused of fatal Brooklyn subway slash was free without bail in earlier stabbing
You seriously want them to remove you from the street?

Fox News already have an article stating what are on the videos, Dr. Fart.

Do you ever get the impression JPP's fake doc smells his own farts to get high?
Officers from the U.S. Capitol Police have live video surveillance outside the Pelosi's San Francisco residence, but weren't watching it when David DePape, 42, allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sources tell Fox News.

The officers were monitoring a live-feed of many cameras, which include surveillance of the capitol complex, but also monitor some points away from the capitol, which include the Pelosi residence.

According to sources, an officer was monitoring the feeds and saw police lights on a dark street outside the Pelosi's residence. When going through surveillance footage, the officer saw the alleged attack on Oct. 28, when DePape allegedly struck Paul Pelosi, people briefed on the incident said.

The security detail traveling with Nancy Pelosi weren't at the San Francisco residence when the incident happened, as the House Speaker wasn't in the city.