Site Registration Problem - am I posting to the right place?

Where were you before?
There's a core group that met some 6 or 7 years ago on a huge Bill Maher message board. It eventually fried, and we were orphans. Some of us have stayed in touch...some have met in person. Typically, we find that overmoderation can mark the end of a flourishing board. As well, any board that's comprised of too many of one ideology or another, will wither due to boredom.

We just felt the need to expand our horizons recently, and opted for a right leaning board, that was very small. We brought a lot of traffic, but in the end, they couldn't deal with an opposing viewpoint. They started flexing their muscles, and we decided to seek greener pastures. We don't mind debating, but we drew the line when posts were being moved to a rumble area every time they didn't agree with us.

Their loss. They're back to a very quiet, very deluded board.
I'm close to calling it quits on another extremely right leaning board. I don't mind heated debate, but when they pile on in an attempt to sway the discussion, it just seems like a waste of keystrokes to me. That one's called 'Debate Policy'.

Over the years, I've become fairly knowledgable on a number of topics, due solely to bullshit claims made on these boards.
It forces me to do the research, in order to formulate my own opinion. These boards are often a better way to stay informed, than most media outlets.
I'm close to calling it quits on another extremely right leaning board. I don't mind heated debate, but when they pile on in an attempt to sway the discussion, it just seems like a waste of keystrokes to me. That one's called 'Debate Policy'.

lol, so THAT'S who you are.....
Do you have thousands of posts over there, too? How do guys like you who post all day and night on message boards ever get anything done?

conservatives don't have the same handicap that liberals have.....we don't have to make shit up before we post.....
Aside from being a steaming turd, what does that have to do with anything? It still takes a lot of time to post prolifically on one board, let alone two.

three actually....and I generally step over the steaming turds unless they stop and talk to me....