Starving In Ohio - No Meat To Eat

It's cheaper to eat poorly - McDonalds, etc - than it is to cook for yourself. There's no surprise why poor people are often so over weight. They have a terrible diet. They're not starving. They eat poorly.
Where did you get that info from? I can serve burgers and fries at home - made from leaner beef and using larger patties, with all the trimmings, for less than a big mac, let alone adding fries and a drink.

And for healthy eating I can use the extra lean ground beef in a number of casserole recipes that would feed a family of 4 for what a Big Mac extra value meal costs.

For that matter, I could make a meal of a 12 ounce top sirlion, baked potato, steamed broccoli and spinach salad for the price of a big mac extra value meal.

It is FAR cheaper to make your own meals. Where people tend to get confused is comparing store-bought pre-made meals to fast food meals. Comparing to the meals one can make from scratch, then home made is WAY cheaper.

It can also be time consuming, which is where most people fall off the home-made idea. But with the right set of recipes and planning ahead, it can be done without eating too much at-home free time that is so precious in today's two-paycheck families.

And if you're "stuck" at home living on assistance, there is ZERO time excuse.
You can't buy vegetables that aren't fried at McDonalds. Your comparison is stupid. And so are you.

Unless you want to suggest that poor people should be vegetarians, the point of the story is valid - meat is very expensive, and its' getting more expensive because of a lot of economic factors that are probably far above your level of comprehension since you seem to think McDonalds and canned vegetables are comparable.

Turns out these girls rely on food stamps for their food anyway, so they don't even eat fast food. They probably already buy frozen vegetables.

I was addressing the comment YOU made that its cheaper to eat McDonalds than to eat healthy food. And that is bullshit. Look at the post of yours that I quoted. Did it say ANYTHING about fried foods? No, you simply "It's cheaper to eat poorly - McDonalds, etc - than it is to cook for yourself". Can't buy vegetables that aren't fried at McDonalds? Here is a tip, don't eat at McDonalds.

I am not suggesting that anyone become a vegetarian. I am suggesting that its cheaper to eat healthier than it is to live on McDonalds and other junk foods. Yes, meat is more expensive than lots of other foods. So you buy less meat and use other foods to stretch the meat you have.

Lots of healthy people have very little money. I have seen chicken leg quarters on sale for as little as $1.25 a pound. Take that chicken and add it to a pasta dish or something similar and you are eating WAY cheaper than McDonalds.

Before you go all hostile, try thinking about what you are saying. I have been poor and raised kids. They ate healthy.
Another thing, if you're working two minimum wage jobs, raising kids, have no benefits, one can hardly call you lazy for eating McDonalds on the way home instead of making a meal for yourself.

-- not the case for these hefty girls, but certainly the case for many Americans. Bush calls it "uniquely American."
Its wrong to eat anmals; it causes pain death and suffering, its bad for humans and the planet.
Meat is good for you. Our bodies demand the amino acids found easily and in the right proportions found in animal flesh. It is much harder to balance the required amino acids from plant sources without going over your caloric budget.

Trace minerals and iron are easily assimilated from animal sources, and very hard to assimilate from plant sources. You can eat spinach - supposedly a good plant source of iron - but most of that iron will go right out the poop chute. Again, getting enough from plant sources will almost invariably wind up busting the caloric budget.

I have known many vegetarians and vegans. Almost all of them get ill more easily than I do, and take longer to recover. Most women who are vegetarian I know are always on the edge of anemia.

My daughter tried the vegetarian life style for a little over three years. She did it right - lots of research into plant sources of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Carefully planned her meals for nutritional balance. She has a constitution like mine - rarely sick and very quick to recover. During her vegetarian period she was sick at least twice a year, where her norm was less than once a year. During that time she was never allowed to donate blood because her iron was too low. Within a month of allowing meat back into her diet her iron was back to normal.

I will not denigrate those who desire the vegetarian life style for what ever reasons they choose. Each to their own and all that. But anyone who tries to claim meat is unhealthy as a means to promote vegetarianism is either talking out of ignorance, or lying.
Another thing, if you're working two minimum wage jobs, raising kids, have no benefits, one can hardly call you lazy for eating McDonalds on the way home instead of making a meal for yourself.

-- not the case for these hefty girls, but certainly the case for many Americans. Bush calls it "uniquely American."

Not quite "its cheaper to eat McDonalds" argument is it?

So we go from trying to justify eating McDonalds because its cheap to saying its ok to eat McDonalds to save time?

How about spending the time cooking (30 mins or so) WITH your kids. Let them help. That way you have both quality time with your kids AND you teach them that its better to eat wholesome, healthful food than to live on a drive-thru menu.

Unless the person working two minimum wage jobs and raising kids stops at McDonalds all the time, its really not a valid point. You called me an idiot for telling you that its cheaper to cook at home. Now you are trying to dance around the topic.

The fact is that you can feed your family better food for less money if you buy ingredients and cook. You can also make dinner in 30 mins or so without any problem.

But while we are adding to the topic, maybe you should come up with some job skills or career options BEFORE you start popping out multiple kids?

Meat is a healthful and natural part of our diet. If you want to try and give yourself a warm fuzzy feeling by proclaiming that its murder, you are only fooling yourself.

The predator/prey relationship is a fundamental part of our world.

Me? I'll still eat meat. In fact, I'll put my smoked venison tenderloin on the list of "god this is so good".
They eat at McDonald's because it's easy. Americans are lazy.

WM, that is the best explanation so far. Americans are also addicted to sugar, which McDonalds adds to quite a few of their foods. Its one of the reasons their fries are so popular.

Next time everyone is in a fast food place, grab a packet of salt and read the ingredients. In more than a few places you will find sugar as an ingredient.
It is not cheaper to eat at mcdonalds.

It is.

Didn't any of you dicksuckers take economics? Opportunity cost isn't even something I touched on yet, but why don't we allow Topspin our resident "MBA" explain that one to you all?

Take it away Topper.
It is.

Didn't any of you dicksuckers take economics? Opportunity cost isn't even something I touched on yet, but why don't we allow Topspin our resident "MBA" explain that one to you all?

Take it away Topper.
of course it is. I took 4 grandchildren there 2 days ago. with myself 28.50 for one meal. At 3 meals a day that is a LOT of groceries.