Stick A Fork In It...Truth Social Is Done

No one replying to your sorry self? I think I'll join them. Attention whore.

Lots of people reply to me, Pinkie, including you. You're free to try that ignore thing. LOL

BTW, I know a nice dentist I could hook you up with. Maybe he'll fix your teeth in exchange for your loving attention. :thup:
Agreed 100%. His fans, the MAGAts, don't understand either.
Because like Orange Jesus, they know nothing about economic policy.

So they rely on trump for all of their opinions. Just look at the lies on this board that are so void of fact, they are laughable.

Especially in the 'four years ago' thread.
Because like Orange Jesus, they know nothing about economic policy.

So they rely on trump for all of their opinions. Just look at the lies on this board that are so void of fact, they are laughable.

Especially in the 'four years ago' thread.

Agreed. No one accused MAGAts of being bright, just violent and racist.

Agreed they let Pedo Don do their thinking for them as most JPP MAGAts prove daily.

They are silly people. Sad.
He is trying to sue 2 people who helped start Lies Social because he said they were incompetent. Therefore they should give up their stock. Any guesses as to who would profit from that? Trump no longer needs them.

They were both contestants on Trump’s the Apprentice, just like Omarosa, they served their purpose, now flush them
This will likely be yet another lawsuit Trump loses and is forced to pay the costs of those he is suing. And he and his lawyers may face more sanctions.

A version of this lawsuit dispute was filed by the two founders in Delaware when Trump was trying to take away their stock. It threatened to derail the Public listing of the stock so Trump's lawyer went in to the Delaware court and said 'We are not going to go after their stock anymore, so this lawsuit is moot and not needed'.

The stock then listed and Trump files the lawsuit, trying to take their stock, in another jurisdiction.

They LIED to the judge so they could get the stock listed, which was one of the pressure tactics the Founders had to get Trump to settle and not sue them.

...The judge involved in the Delaware case, Sam Glasscock III, said he was “gobsmacked” by Trump’s decision to file separate litigation, Bloomberg writes...

As I said when MAGAs were here bragging about how wealthy trump now is

Analysis-Trump-and-dump: Speculators bet on Truth Social 'meme' stock

...“I invested $10,000 last Tuesday because MAGA is crazy and they will pump the stock,” said Sarah, a 21-year-old software developer from Pennsylvania who asked for her last name not to be published....

I doubt there was a single investor in this stock who was anything resembling a 'Long'. I doubt anyone was buying it betting that if Trump became POTUS it would become more valauble.

There is a massive community of Day Trader types who absolutely love a ponzi scheme, meme stock, with no inherent value where your only goal is make better choices on buying and selling than the other suckers.

If you told them today, this is a classic ponzi scheme and there is no value here and you are solely momentum trading to beat others in and out for profit, they would be very happy to play that game.

This is something you can take to the bank and quote me later on, as many others have also said.

As soon as the momentum trading of the stock dies off and no one sees any chance of making money in that way, the operating company will be allowed to go bankrupt. Currently and pre IPO they propped it up in the hopes they could sucker enough people to buy the stock at inflated values, as they then dumped their stock. They were willing to risk a few 10's of millions in the hope of selling the stock at a multi billion valuation.

If the momentum traders bail out of the stock before the Insider Restrictions lapse (as they should), and the stock plummets to near zero (as it should) then the operating company will die as NO ONE will loan it any more debt knowing it is already technically an insolvent company, just waiting for its bankruptcy filing.
Then there'd be no Donald Trump or MAGAts on JPP. I imagine it'd be pretty nice, Legion. :D

You do not see posters here cry every time LyingFish bumps his 20 Biden threads with the same content as we know this is an election year and Biden is fair game.

But you see LyingFish and other Magats cry constantly whenever Trump is mentioned, thinking that even though this is an election year, no one should compare Trump with Biden and Trump should be left out of discussions.
You can follow its demise in real time here

The platform has no income, tens of millions in losses, and no plan to earn anything in the future.

Sure...many jumped on the IPO in order to ride the roller coaster up and then jump off.

No analyst has a positive review for this sham.

Leftists who watch NSNBC and parrot it never seem to learn. Here's another company that didn't make any profits for years after it went Public: Tesla. People who bet against it and shorted it lost.
You can follow its demise in real time here

The platform has no income, tens of millions in losses, and no plan to earn anything in the future.

Sure...many jumped on the IPO in order to ride the roller coaster up and then jump off.

No analyst has a positive review for this sham.

Trump Media stock tanks as new filing reveals heavy losses, 'greater risks' on Trump's involvement[FONT=&]




And less than a month ago we were hearing Trump would reap billions from it.

How unsurprising.

You do not see posters here cry every time LyingFish bumps his 20 Biden threads with the same content as we know this is an election year and Biden is fair game.

But you see LyingFish and other Magats cry constantly whenever Trump is mentioned, thinking that even though this is an election year, no one should compare Trump with Biden and Trump should be left out of discussions.

Lyinfish is Legion with his nuts cut off for a 12B violation. Legion has never been the same since. That's how weak, lame and pussified he has become.

Legion 12b
Legion has violated rule 12b and because of his being very familiar with the rule he is banned for 7 days.
Agreed. No one accused MAGAts of being bright, just violent and racist.

Agreed they let Pedo Don do their thinking for them as most JPP MAGAts prove daily.

They are silly people. Sad.
Every American has the right to be ignorant. What surprises me is the lengths many will go to prove it.

In writing, no less.
I doubt there was a single investor in this stock who was anything resembling a 'Long'. I doubt anyone was buying it betting that if Trump became POTUS it would become more valauble.

There is a massive community of Day Trader types who absolutely love a ponzi scheme, meme stock, with no inherent value where your only goal is make better choices on buying and selling than the other suckers.

If you told them today, this is a classic ponzi scheme and there is no value here and you are solely momentum trading to beat others in and out for profit, they would be very happy to play that game.

This is something you can take to the bank and quote me later on, as many others have also said.

As soon as the momentum trading of the stock dies off and no one sees any chance of making money in that way, the operating company will be allowed to go bankrupt. Currently and pre IPO they propped it up in the hopes they could sucker enough people to buy the stock at inflated values, as they then dumped their stock. They were willing to risk a few 10's of millions in the hope of selling the stock at a multi billion valuation.

If the momentum traders bail out of the stock before the Insider Restrictions lapse (as they should), and the stock plummets to near zero (as it should) then the operating company will die as NO ONE will loan it any more debt knowing it is already technically an insolvent company, just waiting for its bankruptcy filing.
Pretty accurate analysis. Most who follow the market for a living are predicting a $2/share price before long.
And less than a month ago we were hearing Trump would reap billions from it.

How unsurprising.
Every single trump venture entails him draining the coffers while investors lose out.

His latest, most lucrative ploy entails selling pseudo martyrdom to the poorly educated in exchange for small dollar donations.

Which is the only reason he can game the legal system. NOBODY else would waste that kind of money on bogus motions that are sure to fail. He's taking other peoples' money and buying time.

At some point, his time will run out.
Every single trump venture entails him draining the coffers while investors lose out.

His latest, most lucrative ploy entails selling pseudo martyrdom to the poorly educated in exchange for small dollar donations.

Which is the only reason he can game the legal system. NOBODY else would waste that kind of money on bogus motions that are sure to fail. He's taking other peoples' money and buying time.

At some point, his time will run out.

It is always a bad sign when the guy you have running the company walks away from the bankruptcy with a lot of money.
Trump said he was filthy rich from Truth unsocial. He was pulling down several billion. Yet there he was begging for bail money. You cannot believe what Trump says. You never could and never will.