Storm the Bastille

Wait a minute, the only one echoing fraud in the election is Trump, and he does it without any proof, repeatingly, telling those people storming the Capital today they were cheated, unsubstantially, so if you are going to conclude “this election did it” who are you talking about

Trump is hardly the only one echoing fraud.

The amount of anomalies alone is sufficient enough to make nearly half the country suspicious of the results. And that fact alone, is more than ample reason to further investigate the election. Personally, that’s all I advocated for since overturning the election was a long shot.

And it was heading that way until some idiots decided to get their Antifa on and storm the capital. That played right into the hands of the Democrats because now it will all be dismissed. Starting today, the Trump movement will be defined by the one act.

Antifa was there just last summer, remember? Torched that historic chapel on the Capital grounds. Don’t seem to recall the same degree of handwringing, for some odd reason.

Actually, I would not be the least bit surprised if Antifa infiltrated the ranks of the protestors. Either that or it was the first time Trump supporters engaged in that sort of behavior.
ha ha ha.
so BLM riots are just fine ( and they destroyed peoples lives across the nation) because you support their Marxist politics. that is a hypocrite of the first order

try to get a clue....BLM was no more in charge or responsible for the looters and arsonists and brick throwers who used their protests as cover to do their lawbreaking, than the thousands of trump voters who only showed up for trump's rally, and who only stood around outside the capitol and did not try to break in. the people that actually did it are responsible. and trump is responsible for leading these thugs and goons on by calling them patriots, when similar shit was done in Michigan and other places by redneck goons praising trump. No BLM leader praised any violence, or called for violence, in fact, most CLEARLY ASKED THERE BE NONE, AS IT TOOK AWAY FROM THEIR MESSAGE.

you are a racist liar.
try to get a clue....BLM was no more in charge or responsible for the looters and arsonists and brick throwers who used their protests as cover to do their lawbreaking, than the thousands of trump voters who only showed up for trump's rally, and who only stood around outside the capitol and did not try to break in. the people that actually did it are responsible. and trump is responsible for leading these thugs and goons on by calling them patriots, when similar shit was done in Michigan and other places by redneck goons praising trump. No BLM leader praised any violence, or called for violence, in fact, most CLEARLY ASKED THERE BE NONE, AS IT TOOK AWAY FROM THEIR MESSAGE.

you are a racist liar.
complete horseshit AGAIN all you EVER POST -
BLM/ANTIFA were seen using fireworks at cops and prepositioning bricks for riots.
A friend of mine is ANTIFA in Portland -they doxx and use social media to organize as well

BLM DOES say looting is OK as "reparations" as well..They take part in looting and riots
I'm not wasting any more time correcting you AGAIN
Trump is hardly the only one echoing fraud.

The amount of anomalies alone is sufficient enough to make nearly half the country suspicious of the results. And that fact alone, is more than ample reason to further investigate the election. Personally, that’s all I advocated for since overturning the election was a long shot.

And it was heading that way until some idiots decided to get their Antifa on and storm the capital. That played right into the hands of the Democrats because now it will all be dismissed. Starting today, the Trump movement will be defined by the one act.

Antifa was there just last summer, remember? Torched that historic chapel on the Capital grounds. Don’t seem to recall the same degree of handwringing, for some odd reason.

Actually, I would not be the least bit surprised if Antifa infiltrated the ranks of the protestors. Either that or it was the first time Trump supporters engaged in that sort of behavior.
so dont let the press define -and the "commission" was just an ad hoc idea that had no power
complete horseshit AGAIN all you EVER POST -
BLM/ANTIFA were seen using fireworks at cops and prepositioning bricks for riots.
A friend of mine is ANTIFA in Portland -they doxx and use social media to organize as well

BLM DOES say looting is OK as "reparations" as well..They take part in looting and riots
I'm not wasting any more time correcting you AGAIN

The biggest distinction between BLM and Trump protests is the frequency of rioting/destruction.

Going all the way back to the Tea Party days, populist/conservative rallies or protests were known for being just that—actual protests. They even had a reputation for cleaning up after themselves.

What went on yesterday was an aberration in that sense.
The biggest distinction between BLM and Trump protests is the frequency of rioting/destruction.

Going all the way back to the Tea Party days, populist/conservative rallies or protests were known for being just that—actual protests. They even had a reputation for cleaning up after themselves.

What went on yesterday was an aberration in that sense.
The press is trying to spin it as "Trump called for riots" as he said go on to Capitol hill
You can se other deranged posts here - "impeach/25th amendment" -they never stop ( see my sig)

frankly it was amazing they did no damage in the Capitol - can you imagine BLM topping all kinds of statues?
The press is trying to spin it as "Trump called for riots" as he said go on to Capitol hill
You can se other deranged posts here - "impeach/25th amendment" -they never stop ( see my sig)

frankly it was amazing they did no damage in the Capitol - can you imagine BLM topping all kinds of statues?

It would have been different but one would expect it to be because Antifa and Trump supporters come at it from opposite directions.

Antifa hates this country or at least they hate it as it’s presently constituted: it’s institutions are ‘racist’ blah-blah-blah. Trump supporters love the country and want to preserve its institutions and etc.

So it makes no sense for them to destroy property in the capital.
It would have been different but one would expect it to be because Antifa and Trump supporters come at it from opposite directions.

Antifa hates this country or at least they hate it as it’s presently constituted: it’s institutions are ‘racist’ blah-blah-blah. Trump supporters love the country and want to preserve its institutions and etc.

So it makes no sense for them to destroy property in the capital.
it's insane to defend th riot.
it's truth not to say Trump incited riots.

I notice the Senate Weasels are all running for cover.

Frankly I am of the mind of the French Revolution. as I wrote in the OP

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
prior litigation gets rulings of "no damages = no cause"
Sec. of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts.
SCOTUS again dodges their Original Jurisdiction between states..
This is popular redress because they have no other recourse..
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

A bunch of fucking pussies is what they are. I thought they were supposed to be tough guys and this was a revolution? They all just go home at 6 o'clock when they were told to? How many were you all able to kill? I know one deplorable with a flag wrapped around her neck was gunned down but no democrats. One less shithead, when's the next battle?
Appears “dukka” is glued to Fox, Newsmax, and OAN, currently those networks are saying this is the culminating expression of frustration over the way Trump has been treated for the last four years, that it is no different than the summer riots, and Democrats now criticizing Trump for his inaction are hypocritical because they said little during those events

It’s beautiful, of course nothing is mentioned of the fact that Trump not only encouraged these people to come to Washington on January 6th, but also hours before fired up the very individuals storming the House/Senate chambers, and actually instructed them to March down to the Capital

Then when the jackass realizes what he has done he tweets "hey everybody, be peaceful" Fuck you Trump but thanks just the same, republicans are running from that party now like rats on a sinking ship. I don't think they will ever win another presidency.
Marching down to the Capitol is a common protest. "firing up" is a common methodology for DC protests/
and no it's nott the "last 4 year" i specifically gave the reason -the stolen election -and lack of accountable redress

why is it OK for BLM/ANTIFA to riot ALL SUMMER and destroy countless properties for political purposes
yet "storming the Bastille" is "different"??

I don't know why when we know there is to be trouble we don't have choppers on standby and when protests get violent they just open up and start gunning down the shitheads. That goes for BLM, Antifa or Trumps little shitheads. We are always saying peaceful protest is fine and it's our right and I agree but we do fucking nothing when they turn ugly. If that shithead looting a store and coming out with a TV in his hands were gunned down from a rooftop and flopping around like a fish out of water on the sidewalk spitting blood everywhere I bet the looting would stop real quick. If as soon as these shitheads hit the steps of the Capitol a gun opened up and a dozen of them cut in half with 50 caliber rounds I bet the rest would have stopped. Hell, choppers could have been just flying low over the mall and these worthless pussies would have thought twice.
BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

You have been heard. States recount votes as many as 3 times, judges hear your cases some 50+ times, Your own asshole's justice dept says there is nothing to investigate. How long are the rest of us supposed to entertain your fucking stupid claims? What the fuck do you assholes expect?
The press is trying to spin it as "Trump called for riots" as he said go on to Capitol hill
You can se other deranged posts here - "impeach/25th amendment" -they never stop ( see my sig)

frankly it was amazing they did no damage in the Capitol - can you imagine BLM topping all kinds of statues?

They did no damage to the Capitol? Where the fuck have you been?

Not according to Democrats. They think and have convinced many there is nothing but oppression in this country. That is it impossible to make it here unless you bow down to Democrat handouts. And please, do not even bother trying to argue that fact.

Do you know what the word liberal means? If they had their way you would have more freedom than any fucking conservative would be willing to give you.
Why aren't you there, comrade dookie? Was it laundry day?

Face it, limp dick, you're all talk and no action. You're a typical Russian coward.

LMAO. you are such a little dweeb troll

Translation: Because I'm a lying coward.

No worries, dookie. Most people on this forum know you are all hat, no cattle.