study:god belief and party

Now I know what Paul's opinion was. I was asking your opinion.

Let me do it again: Are YOU of the opinion that we humans are ALL sinners?

Why would I quote the Word as an "opinion"? Why would Paul writing under the direction of the Holy Spirit be offering "opinion"?
The Word of God stands on its own as Truth. The same Holy Spirit indwells me just as he did in Paul and every believer. Therefore we walk in agreement with the Holy Spirit. Our so called "opinions" are in agreement with God's Word.
Why would I quote the Word as an "opinion"? Why would Paul writing under the direction of the Holy Spirit be offering "opinion"?
The Word of God stands on its own as Truth. The same Holy Spirit indwells me just as he did in Paul and every believer. Therefore we walk in agreement with the Holy Spirit. Our so called "opinions" are in agreement with God's Word.

My opinions are offered in regard to politics, horse racing, football. etc.
Why would I quote the Word as an "opinion"? Why would Paul writing under the direction of the Holy Spirit be offering "opinion"?
The Word of God stands on its own as Truth. The same Holy Spirit indwells me just as he did in Paul and every believer. Therefore we walk in agreement with the Holy Spirit. Our so called "opinions" are in agreement with God's Word.

I'm going to take that as a "yes"...although I gotta wonder why you didn't just say, "Yeah, my opinion is the same as Paul's opinion." seem to be saying it is a result of "God's Word."

Where did your "god" say that all humans are sinners? Can you cite a passage where the "god" says that?
My opinions are offered in regard to politics, horse racing, football. etc. are offering an opinion in other things, Stretch.

You are, for example, of the opinion that at least one "god" exists...and you are of many opinions about what pleases and offend that "god."
I'm going to take that as a "yes"...although I gotta wonder why you didn't just say, "Yeah, my opinion is the same as Paul's opinion." seem to be saying it is a result of "God's Word."

Where did your "god" say that all humans are sinners? Can you cite a passage where the "god" says that?
have you ever heard of a human who has not sinned? I don't know of any. are offering an opinion in other things, Stretch.

You are, for example, of the opinion that at least one "god" exists...and you are of many opinions about what pleases and offend that "god."

I've offered no such "opinion". I have merely provided Scriptural reference for my answers. Take the matter up with God since he is the one I have quoted. Everyone here always demands links...the Bible is my link.
have you ever heard of a human who has not sinned? I don't know of any.

Old joke:

Jesus is saying to the crowd, "Let he who is without sin cast the first rock."

From out of the crowd comes a rock...hitting the woman kneeling at Jesus' feet right in the head.

"There was no need for that, Mother," says Jesus.
Old joke:

Jesus is saying to the crowd, "Let he who is without sin cast the first rock."

From out of the crowd comes a rock...hitting the woman kneeling at Jesus' feet right in the head.

"There was no need for that, Mother," says Jesus.
? i don't get it.
Karma is an eastern concept /sin more western- both address the fact humans are flawed beings .

Heaven requires salvation - enlightenment requires self perfection. can you get there on your own?
Maybe..maybe not.

Buddhist dharma reduces dukkha /the Gospels teach a good life for it's own sake as well as salvation.

these are valuable resources
? i don't get it.

Yeah, I already realized that.

Karma is an eastern concept /sin more western- both address the fact humans are flawed beings .

Both recognize that some people want to guess that people are "flawed."

Heaven requires salvation


- enlightenment requires self perfection.


can you get there on your own?

I can...using the Richard Nixon method. You remember him. Declare victory and withdraw.

I can easily declare, "I am enlightened."

Maybe..maybe not.

Buddhist dharma reduces dukkha /the Gospels teach a good life for it's own sake as well as salvation.

these are valuable resources

Open ANY book to a random page...and if you cannot find words there that help you live a "good life" have picked up one shitty book.
Yeah, I already realized that.

Both recognize that some people want to guess that people are "flawed."



I can...using the Richard Nixon method. You remember him. Declare victory and withdraw.

I can easily declare, "I am enlightened."

Open ANY book to a random page...and if you cannot find words there that help you live a "good life" have picked up one shitty book.
pretty shallow thoughts there Frank. "really".

Buddha taught to think for ourselves- trust nothing but what we can understand, but laid out the human condition
( 4 Nobel Truths). The Nobel 8 Fold Path is the path to enlightenment. Solving the 4 Noble Truths.

Christ taught we are all sinners - i think that is a given.
He showed a path of belief backed up by parables so we can understand his teachings..

contemplate the differences - they lead to a singularity
I've offered no such "opinion". I have merely provided Scriptural reference for my answers. Take the matter up with God since he is the one I have quoted. Everyone here always demands links...the Bible is my link.

you were asked for your opinion

so that means you refused to discuss religion

leave the thread then
pretty shallow thoughts there Frank. "really".

Sorry you think they are shallow. But you are entitled to do so.
Buddha taught to think for ourselves- trust nothing but what we can understand, but laid out the human condition
( 4 Nobel Truths). The Nobel 8 Fold Path is the path to enlightenment. Solving the 4 Noble Truths.

So what?

Means nothing to me. I would rather think for myself rather than have "the Buddha" "teach" me.

Christ taught we are all sinners - i think that is a given.

It is a given that Christ taught it. It is not a given that it is so...just because Jesus guessed that way.

I'll ask you the same question I asked Stretch. Do YOU think ALL humans are sinners?

He showed a path of belief backed up by parables so we can understand his teachings..

Jesus said many things that I find edifying and comforting. I respect many of his "teachings."

So what?

contemplate the differences - they lead to a singularity

Jesus H. thing we are going to get is the sound of one hand clapping!
Sorry you think they are shallow. But you are entitled to do so.

So what?

Means nothing to me. I would rather think for myself rather than have "the Buddha" "teach" me.

It is a given that Christ taught it. It is not a given that it is so...just because Jesus guessed that way.

I'll ask you the same question I asked Stretch. Do YOU think ALL humans are sinners?

Jesus said many things that I find edifying and comforting. I respect many of his "teachings."

So what?

Jesus H. thing we are going to get is the sound of one hand clapping!
i answered you Frank.
do you know anyone tht hasn't sinned? and for the purpose of definition use the 10 commandments..

Jesus isn't about comforting your soul, he's about saving it from sullied damnation.
Buddha shows a path to enlightenment. Nirvana.

Means nothing to me. I would rather think for myself rather than have "the Buddha" "teach" me.
i haven't a lot of self-awareness on this subject from you , but it's not for me to judge.
Be good frank
Interesting. The (R)s are going to have to put the Evangelicals back in their closet and find a new group to schmooze if they want to remain viable.

From the article:

"Belief in the God of the Bible declines with age.
Those under age 50 viewed God as less powerful and less involved in earthly affairs than do older Americans.
Among college graduates, only 45 percent believe in the God of the Bible."

This was surprising.
"Then there are the hardcore disbelievers: about 10 percent who say they don’t believe in the God of the Bible or a higher power."

I thought that percentage would be higher.

“Gods are fragile things, they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense. They thrive on servility and shrink before independence. They feed upon worship as kings do upon flattery. That is why the cry of gods at all times is “Worship us or we perish.” A dethroned monarch may retain some of his human dignity while driving a taxi for a living. But a god without his thunderbolt is a poor object.”

― Chapman Cohen