Suggestion: ban posters who imply threats against other posters

Can we start a petition to ban anyone who post any type of threat to another poster ...or their family...

Hmmm, is this more of your patented victimhood schtick, or did DU talking about rocks through windows really scare you that badly? Or both? BOTH!? lol

Be careful, my dear stalker, what you wish for. You'll be down to an army of one if that comes true. :rofl2:
It's pretty simple. This should be a debate board, and a board for people to air their opinions, differences & agreements.

It shouldn't be a board where people are pestered to provide their address, because some posters have nothing to offer in terms of counterpoints.

That's all. I know this is a libertarian board, and is pretty loose that way. But no one here should feel threatened.

This is why libertarianism doesn't really work.

Because those who claim to believe in it's ideology the most, are the worst possible people to abide within it's pretense and ideology the most!

I agree... we should vote.....think about how lovely This forum would be without daily threats or doxxing...

Sounds lovely and I agree. Your little pack of yapping hyenas would all be gone. You'd retreat to your angry, hangry spider's web, where half the board is banned. Spending the rest of your sad and empty days logging in, saying "good morning;) " face -- but no one ever responds. Meanwhile, the Nice Thread has hit 234,999 posts, because not a single member got banned.

I LOVE this idea! Go start the petition, and I'll sign it!


You're a chronic liar, goat. You had previously threatened to dox me and now you have.

You've been banned twice for doxxing. You threatened to dox me and now you've doxxed for a third time.

When I get banned, your info gets sent out through email. This I swear.
In the wild west of Yahoo, I used Google maps to show the location and phone number of online cops. Is that where you want to go with this?