taking a break from JPP

All true, Don.

My change of perspective has revealed the innate hypocrisy of the shallow identity politics some pursue here on JPP, I think.

Hypocrisy in politics is not hard to find. I myself have and probably do hold some hypocritical positions, although I do try to stay on guard.

As I have said before, I have given up on trying to determine what your "perspective" is. You are pretty cagey about letting anyone pin you down on a position. I suspect that more than anything, you realize that regardless what your positions are it is pointless really arguing them on these kinds of forums and you are more interested in pointing out people's hypocrisy and fucking with people. Who knows, next week you will be back to fucking with the righty's and the lefties will love you again.


Never been in one, for reasons I don't need to explain. What were the ones you're familiar with like?

Well, I could show you ... but it looks like YOU deleted your incriminating evidence. No biggie, don't worry about it. Naturally, ... this WILL go on your PERMANENT RECORD.
Hypocrisy in politics is not hard to find. I myself have and probably do hold some hypocritical positions, although I do try to stay on guard.

As I have said before, I have given up on trying to determine what your "perspective" is. You are pretty cagey about letting anyone pin you down on a position. I suspect that more than anything, you realize that regardless what your positions are it is pointless really arguing them on these kinds of forums and you are more interested in pointing out people's hypocrisy and fucking with people. Who knows, next week you will be back to fucking with the righty's and the lefties will love you again.


Left Troll,right Troll.
Is a troll
that happens.....she invited me to join Good Reads because they had no conservatives......then she banned me from Good Reads for abusing lib'ruls......then she begged me to come back........then she banned me again for using the word cunt........then she comes here and uses the same word......../shakes head.....

So you joined that forum on false pretenses, got booted yet have the nerve to complain about it...
He got an invite...guess you didn't? Btw...the question of the day is...do I have access to your account's IP address-or anyone other account ...unless I am a mod...you've been here a long time...I guess you would know....
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This is very disturbing, isn't it? When did unhinged blustering and bullying become "smart and witty"? How can anyone see her petty vendettas against the strangers on an internet forum as anything but a sociopath with no sense of class or dignity?
Hmmm......wait for it;)

You mean like the petty vendettas of trumpanzees who can't stand to see their messiah insulted so they start threads and make numerous nasty comments and lies because of signature pictures... those petty vendettas?
If that's how he acted when he was there, he deserved the boot.

Just because this forum has an anything goes policy and Pmp's nastiness is tolerated doesn't mean every forum in cyberspace has to put up with him.

We had a open forum till one poster here kept posting our members post here.Then we made it private,that post kept trying to sneak in,Owl busted her ,she tryed sneaking on about 4 times,once using her best buds personal information,throwing him under the bus.I don't want to say her name,but she was ,and is a Toxic person.
She hasn't found the new one yet.