taking a break from JPP

You mean like the petty vendettas of trumpanzees who can't stand to see their messiah insulted so they start threads and make numerous nasty comments and lies because of signature pictures... those petty vendettas?

Good point! And the threads about scholarships? And thread-bans, and ignore lists? lol

BTW, she "borrowed" the quote you're responding to from a post I made this morning about Trump, and tweaked it. Tweaking while twerking, quite the talent there. She's too stupid to come up with her own words so she has to use mine.
I was creator moderator,and pulled the plug on Owl than me,leaving a headless forum!
Top likes to pretend GR shut it down.
But as usual Top lies.I pulled the plug!
GR sent me a warning email,after we abandoned ship!

Then you admit that there is not a real GR forum. You and Owl removed yourselves. When trying to reach the site, I saw, "secret." Admit that the GR site failed. Blame it on the fact that GR was not a designed for politcal debate.
If that's how he acted when he was there, he deserved the boot.

Just because this forum has an anything goes policy and Pmp's nastiness is tolerated doesn't mean every forum in cyberspace has to put up with him.

He didn't discuss things; he just insulted ppl and kept calling everyone cunts. A few ppl complained privately about the c-word; more complained publicly because all he did was interrupt and derail. He was given a 2nd chance to no avail. Mason booted him the 2nd time. Goodreads is owned by Amazon and has a zero tolerance policy for abuse; it is possible that they would have closed the whole group had we let it continue. Despite Toxic's screeches to the contrary, btw, the group still exists.
Then you admit that there is not a real GR forum. You and Owl removed yourselves. When trying to reach the site, I saw, "secret." Admit that the GR site failed. Blame it on the fact that GR was not a designed for politcal debate.

We got bored with it,pulled the plug.
We hope the new one is more fun,we have a great thread on staying on Topic:)
He didn't discuss things; he just insulted ppl and kept calling everyone cunts. A few ppl complained privately about the c-word; more complained publicly because all he did was interrupt and derail. He was given a 2nd chance to no avail. Mason booted him the 2nd time. Goodreads is owned by Amazon and has a zero tolerance policy for abuse; it is possible that they would have closed the whole group had we let it continue. Despite Toxic's screeches to the contrary, btw, the group still exists.

He acted the same there as he does here. He's lucky to have found JPP, not many forums would tolerate his type of "debate."
He acted the same there as he does here. He's lucky to have found JPP, not many forums would tolerate his type of "debate."

I was shocked to see mention of him allegedly being a Christian minister of some sort. If so, I don't think he's quite got the hang of the whole Jesus thing.