The Christian Agnostic

LOL. You have no idea.

I was trying to give you credit, but understand you could be far, far worse off than I suspect, Perry.

Most people like you end up dead, homeless or in prison. Your illness will only get worse over time. I suspect you're under 40 and maybe under 35. In another 5-10 years, if you are not dead or in prison, you'll be pushing a grocery cart around, panhandling for money and living under an overpass.

Most people like you end up dead, homeless or in prison. Your illness will only get worse over time. I suspect you're under 40 and maybe under 35. In another 5-10 years, if you are not dead or in prison, you'll be pushing a grocery cart around, panhandling for money and living under an overpass.

That's the stuff. Fantasizing about my death. Does that get you off?

Odd chuck! Fist Ducks.
That's the stuff. Fantasizing about my death. Does that get you off?

Odd chuck! Fist Ducks.
More proof you have limited abilities, Perry, including the problem of seeing only what you want to see.

I have no doubt the sane people who are interested enough to read my post can see exactly what I wrote...especially since i included a picture for you. LOL
More proof you have limited abilities, Perry, including the problem of seeing only what you want to see.

I have no doubt the sane people who are interested enough to read my post can see exactly what I wrote...especially since i included a picture for you. LOL

Philosopher if candid production.
Weatherhead's premise for writing the book is that there are a significant number of people who are strongly drawn to the basic teachings of Jesus and the New Testament, but aren't willing to sign on the dotted line to all the details of the theological constructs and rituals of the established churches.
That doesn't make someone agnostic. It makes him "not Christian yet."

If he still isn't convinced of any theism, he remains without any theism, i.e. atheistic.

That doesn't make someone agnostic. It makes him "not Christian yet."

If he still isn't convinced of any theism, he remains without any theism, i.e. atheistic.

I think some people describe themselves as "agnostic" when they are just scared to accept their atheism. Many would be scared of offending God so they try to game the system. At the Throne of Judgement they will be able to say "I didn't DISBELIEVE in you, Lord... I said there was no way to know if you were real or not! So can I get into Heaven now?"

In all reality I accept that agnosticism is a real and legitimate position to take, but I am curious why people carve out a special exemption for God that they don't apply to ANYTHING ELSE IN THEIR LIVES. There is literally NOTHING else in one's life that one approaches as an "agnostic". No one is "agnostic" about the existence of an invisible micro elephant living in their refrigerators. They just accept that since there's no evidence for it there likely is no such thing.

But with God people get logically squirrely. Just look at the incandescent hatred Cypriss ladles on "atheists" on this forum as a great example!

Oh yeah, and I forgot to add for Doc R.: "Smutty, hot-headed discrepancy."
Bring some lighter fluid and a match...just in case. :thup:

Perry is so comfortable with JPP sock rules and his attacks on you, I suspect he's been here before. Has another militant atheist/mentally ill member ever similarly trolled you before?

A major clue is how quickly he fucked himself with the Jank sock. More evidence that 1) he's not as well educated as he claims and 2) he's emotionally irrational.

Most likely someone who has actually been around here for a while.
That doesn't make someone agnostic. It makes him "not Christian yet."

If he still isn't convinced of any theism, he remains without any theism, i.e. atheistic.

Sheer stupidity.

Agnostics by definition are not convinced of theism. Atheists are rock solid certain there is no gods.

There is no religious group identified in any reputable polling called "not yet a Christian"
Most likely someone who has actually been around here for a while.

Agreed. A person with his particular set of "talents" not only narrows the field, but is very distinctive. I've already posted some names in that category, but none seem an exact fit. The other one is goat/CO.
Weatherhead's premise for writing the book is that there are a significant number of people who are strongly drawn to the basic teachings of Jesus and the New Testament, but aren't willing to sign on the dotted line to all the details of the theological constructs and rituals of the established churches.

Leslie Dixon Weatherhead (14 October 1893 – 5 January 1976) was an English Christian theologian in the liberal Protestant tradition. Weatherhead was noted for his preaching ministry at City Temple in London and for his book The Christian Agnostic (Wikipedia)

I know many people like that, myself included.

My faith requires a personal relationship with Christ, not a church.
Weatherhead's premise for writing the book is that there are a significant number of people who are strongly drawn to the basic teachings of Jesus and the New Testament, but aren't willing to sign on the dotted line to all the details of the theological constructs and rituals of the established churches.

Leslie Dixon Weatherhead (14 October 1893 – 5 January 1976) was an English Christian theologian in the liberal Protestant tradition. Weatherhead was noted for his preaching ministry at City Temple in London and for his book The Christian Agnostic (Wikipedia)

I think it's fine to deconstruct christianity but if that's the path you want to walk down understand other viewpoints will be deconstructed too.
I think some people describe themselves as "agnostic" when they are just scared to accept their atheism.
Bingo. It's entirely a self-deception thing, leading to a desperate need to hijack the word, and to redefine it in some absurd way that assuages one's own insecurities.

Many would be scared of offending God so they try to game the system. At the Throne of Judgement they will be able to say "I didn't DISBELIEVE in you, Lord... I said there was no way to know if you were real or not! So can I get into Heaven now?"
This is certainly one way to look at it. I am an atheist ... but I am an actual atheist, i.e. I lack any theism. This means that I have no affirmative beliefs. I don't believe that there is a God, and I don't believe that is not a God. An atheist is characterized by the complete lack of any beliefs. This rubs hijacking Christians who have assigned their own personal meaning to "atheist" and "agnostic" the wrong way. PostmodernProphet is forever insisting that my position is something other than what it is, and that my complete lack of any affirmative theistic beliefs is somehow a set of theistic beliefs. There is no reasoning with him; he has hijacked the words for his own personal purposes and he will no longer listen to reason. Frank Apisa is an atheist who is exactly as you describe; he will readily acknowledge his complete lack of theistic beliefs and then immediately insist that he is not atheistic. I don't think Frank Apisa has made an honest post in his adult life.

Anyway, yes, if it turns out that you are correct and that I end up before the Throne of Judgement, my plan is twofold:

1. I will hand over a list of Christians who owe me big time, as references, who will put in a good word for me, you know, looking for that "suspended sentence" as long as I complete so many hours of community service, and ...
2. I will point to the Throne and recommend a comfy recliner instead, and I will offer my services as a seating consultant.


In all reality I accept that agnosticism is a real and legitimate position to take,
Of course it is. It follows from philosophical definitions of what it means to "know" something and legitimately concluding that God and the supernatural are simply not knowable. It has nothing to do with one's affirmative belief in anything.

... but I am curious why people carve out a special exemption for God that they don't apply to ANYTHING ELSE IN THEIR LIVES.
Simple. Everything else in their lives exists within nature and is knowable. God and the supernatural do not reside in nature and are therefore not knowable. It's just a locking-down of definitions and semantics so that discussion is possible.

Look, I get it. You're a Christian so you are obligated to insist that "Of course God is knowable! blah, blah, blah ..." The problem is that you are then deviating from any locking-down of definitions, rendering discussion impossible. There is nothing you can do to get me to know God, no matter how hard you and I both try. I ask you to have Him show up for dinner so that I can meet Him, and that I'll whip up a pot roast and we can all discuss salvation over a few beers. You then say "It doesn't work that way. You need to believe first." I then ask you why you are carving out a special exemption for God that doesn't apply to ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE. This is known as a Special Pleading fallacy. Eventually, after some lengthy (and honest) philosophical discussion, we end up agreeing "OK, OK, God is not knowable in the sense of the verb 'to know' outside of a unique, miraculous, non-repeatable (per the scientific method) supernatural experience that cannot be shared ... but is definitely believable ... and it is entirely legitimate for one to have the position that 'all the evidence points to God's existence'."

So you, a Christian, and I, an atheist, engage in discussion, with both of us taking the agnostic position. Of course, many Christians simply cannot be honest in this way. They fear that if they are honest with semantics and definitions, God will be angry that mere faith in God is being claimed, not KNOWLEDGE! So yes, many Christians have taken on a rather annoying contradiction that prevents honest discussion.

But with God people get logically squirrely.
Not all of them. Try me.

Just look at the incandescent hatred Cypriss ladles on "atheists" on this forum as a great example!
Let's talk about Cypress for a moment. His problem is that he recognizes that he is a loser who squandered his years of learning opportunities and has nothing to show for it. He is desperate for the world to view him as some sort of authority. That is his sole reason for posting on JPP and it is terribly pathetic. His only tool is to rush to Wikipedia (which is a non-authoritative source that is awash in errors) and to copy-paste what Wikipedia claims that experts claim. If someone knowledgeable, such as myself, merely contributes to a thread in which he is role-playing a thmart perthon, he immediately feels threatened, he arches his back, he hisses and he lashes out with "You just rushed to Wikipedia to copy-paste that!" (because that is what he does). He panics at the thought that everybody's attention will turn away from him to whomever is contributing something more interesting and with fewer to no errors. The last thing he will ever do is simply engage in a conversation with others who are contributing because not only are they forcing him into a painful withdrawal of his desperate fantasy, he doesn't know anything to serve as any impetus for participation. He knows nothing. He is totally uneducated. The only one with whom he will "engage" is Terry (Doc Dutch) who responds to everything Cypress writes with "Agreed." It doesn't matter how stupid what Cypress writes is, Terry doesn't dare lose the only person who will actually feign respect. Terry is one of the stupidest people on the internet and won't be finding anyone else of such a low intellectual level anytime soon.


Sheer stupidity.
Too funny. Let's pick you apart, shall we?

Agnostics by definition are not convinced of theism.
Imagine if you had only stayed awake in school! If you had, you would actually know what the definition of agnosticism is, which is the position that the supernatural is unknowable. It has nothing to do with any set of affirmative theistic beliefs.

Also, agnosticism holds that it is entirely knowable that you are a moron.

Atheists are rock solid certain there is no gods.
False. If only you had not slept through your education, you would know that the Greek roots of the prefix "a-" means "lack of." For example:

Apolitical - lacking any political component
Asymmetric - lacking symmetry
Asexual - lacking any sexual aspect
Amoral - lacking any sort of morality component
Atheism - lacking any theism
Amorphous - lacking any form
Abiogenesis - A genesis lacking any living matter

I am an atheist. I lack theism. You are a Christian. You have Christian theism.

If you were to write your theism onto a piece of paper, it would include "Jesus is my savior," "God created everything," etc ...

My sheet would be blank. An atheist has no theism to write onto any paper.

Any sheet that reads "There is/are no god(s)" (a theistic statement) is not a blank sheet and is therefore not reflecting atheism.

To close out this point, I am an atheist, I do not believe that there are any gods and I do not believe that there are not any gods. I do not have any affirmative theistic beliefs. So it is not the case that I have the affirmative theistic belief that there is no god as you claim in your gross misrepresentation of my position.

There is no religious group identified in any reputable polling called "not yet a Christian"
Polling is totally irrelevant. The set of all people who are not yet Christian comprise the set of people who are not yet Christian. Don't worry if you can't grasp this logic that is admittedly rather advanced for you. If you have any questions, we can take it slowly. We're not in any rush. Baby steps.

I'm here to help.

Bingo. It's entirely a self-deception thing, leading to a desperate need to hijack the word, and to redefine it in some absurd way that assuages one's own insecurities.

This is certainly one way to look at it. I am an atheist ... but I am an actual atheist, i.e. I lack any theism. This means that I have no affirmative beliefs. I don't believe that there is a God, and I don't believe that is not a God. An atheist is characterized by the complete lack of any beliefs. This rubs hijacking Christians who have assigned their own personal meaning to "atheist" and "agnostic" the wrong way. PostmodernProphet is forever insisting that my position is something other than what it is, and that my complete lack of any affirmative theistic beliefs is somehow a set of theistic beliefs. There is no reasoning with him; he has hijacked the words for his own personal purposes and he will no longer listen to reason. Frank Apisa is an atheist who is exactly as you describe; he will readily acknowledge his complete lack of theistic beliefs and then immediately insist that he is not atheistic. I don't think Frank Apisa has made an honest post in his adult life.

Anyway, yes, if it turns out that you are correct and that I end up before the Throne of Judgement, my plan is twofold:

1. I will hand over a list of Christians who owe me big time, as references, who will put in a good word for me, you know, looking for that "suspended sentence" as long as I complete so many hours of community service, and ...
2. I will point to the Throne and recommend a comfy recliner instead, and I will offer my services as a seating consultant.


Of course it is. It follows from philosophical definitions of what it means to "know" something and legitimately concluding that God and the supernatural are simply not knowable. It has nothing to do with one's affirmative belief in anything.

Simple. Everything else in their lives exists within nature and is knowable. God and the supernatural do not reside in nature and are therefore not knowable. It's just a locking-down of definitions and semantics so that discussion is possible.

Look, I get it. You're a Christian so you are obligated to insist that "Of course God is knowable! blah, blah, blah ..." The problem is that you are then deviating from any locking-down of definitions, rendering discussion impossible. There is nothing you can do to get me to know God, no matter how hard you and I both try. I ask you to have Him show up for dinner so that I can meet Him, and that I'll whip up a pot roast and we can all discuss salvation over a few beers. You then say "It doesn't work that way. You need to believe first." I then ask you why you are carving out a special exemption for God that doesn't apply to ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE. This is known as a Special Pleading fallacy. Eventually, after some lengthy (and honest) philosophical discussion, we end up agreeing "OK, OK, God is not knowable in the sense of the verb 'to know' outside of a unique, miraculous, non-repeatable (per the scientific method) supernatural experience that cannot be shared ... but is definitely believable ... and it is entirely legitimate for one to have the position that 'all the evidence points to God's existence'."

So you, a Christian, and I, an atheist, engage in discussion, with both of us taking the agnostic position. Of course, many Christians simply cannot be honest in this way. They fear that if they are honest with semantics and definitions, God will be angry that mere faith in God is being claimed, not KNOWLEDGE! So yes, many Christians have taken on a rather annoying contradiction that prevents honest discussion.

Not all of them. Try me.

Let's talk about Cypress for a moment. His problem is that he recognizes that he is a loser who squandered his years of learning opportunities and has nothing to show for it. He is desperate for the world to view him as some sort of authority. That is his sole reason for posting on JPP and it is terribly pathetic. His only tool is to rush to Wikipedia (which is a non-authoritative source that is awash in errors) and to copy-paste what Wikipedia claims that experts claim. If someone knowledgeable, such as myself, merely contributes to a thread in which he is role-playing a thmart perthon, he immediately feels threatened, he arches his back, he hisses and he lashes out with "You just rushed to Wikipedia to copy-paste that!" (because that is what he does). He panics at the thought that everybody's attention will turn away from him to whomever is contributing something more interesting and with fewer to no errors. The last thing he will ever do is simply engage in a conversation with others who are contributing because not only are they forcing him into a painful withdrawal of his desperate fantasy, he doesn't know anything to serve as any impetus for participation. He knows nothing. He is totally uneducated. The only one with whom he will "engage" is Terry (Doc Dutch) who responds to everything Cypress writes with "Agreed." It doesn't matter how stupid what Cypress writes is, Terry doesn't dare lose the only person who will actually feign respect. Terry is one of the stupidest people on the internet and won't be finding anyone else of such a low intellectual level anytime soon.


You are incorrect.

An atheist doesn't believe in a God of any sort, it doesn't mean they have no beliefs.

For instance you could believe in confusionism and still be an atheist.
Atheism is about faith, agnosticism is about epistemology

I had no idea how militant both atheists and agnostics could be about their labels, until I became an agnostic myself!

Before that, when I was a believer, I pretty much thought atheism and agnosticism were two amicably related positions, one saying that there is no God and the other saying that s/he doesn’t know if there is a God. But when I became an agnostic, I started getting some very spirited emails from atheists who were incensed that I called myself an agnostic, as if I were being intellectually dishonest (that’s not the case with the person who asks the question above – he is good spirited about it and just curious).

What I came to see is that many agnostics and many atheists think they have a corner on the truth. And they think the other side just won’t come clean. In short, many atheists seem to think that agnostics are just wimpy atheists; and many agnostics seem to think that atheists are just arrogant agnostics. That is to say: atheists think that agnostics are afraid to follow the truth of their convictions; and agnostics think that atheists claim to know far more than they could possibly know.

I’m not sure that’s the best way to think about the terms. For years I thought that an atheist was someone who said there was no God, and an agnostic was someone who said they didn’t know. I’ve changed my mind about that in the past year or two. Now I think that “atheism” is a statement about faith and “agnosticism” is a statement about epistemology (the “science of knowledge”).

Bart Ehrman, professor of religious studies
You are incorrect.

An atheist doesn't believe in a God of any sort, it doesn't mean they have no beliefs.

For instance you could believe in confusionism and still be an atheist.

Atheists who include Buddhists or anyone else who believes in an existence beyond our mortal one are like the LGBTQ people who include women who once kissed another woman. It's bullshit.

Atheist believe "When you're dead, you're dead". If they believe in an afterlife, they are not atheists, only believers who do not know if there is a god or not.