The Gospel of Thomas

never have......thanks for asking......

Just saying something doesn't make it true. You should know that. You lie like most people breathe. Your lies don't become truth just because you say so.

That's the problem with being a ravening wolf and a false prophet. Your lies catch up to you sooner or later.
it is astonishing how many of the people who sit at the right hand of the Father are atheists.

There is no sky daddy

It’s a system interacting

Jesus still had beautiful ideas about how humans should interact with each other and our planet

You tout the sky daddy part and completely ignore all the philosophy

It’s what the most empty of “Christian” claimers do
Just saying something doesn't make it true. You should know that. You lie like most people breathe. Your lies don't become truth just because you say so.

That's the problem with being a ravening wolf and a false prophet. Your lies catch up to you sooner or later.

have you noticed that you didn't respond to a single issue I raised today?.......all you did was say I lied and was going to hell.......what does that tell you about what you believe?......
have you noticed that you didn't respond to a single issue I raised today?.......all you did was say I lied and was going to hell.......what does that tell you about what you believe?......

Why on earth would I bother with the points of a known LIAR?????

I don't really have time for your continual war on God and your fake Christianity so OF COURSE I'm not going to address your "points".
Did he really????

Wow. That's pretty vile.

It claims to be a female

It has supported many an evil over the time it has posted here

I came here pretty much the first day the site existed

Damocles is the poster who started this site about 15 years ago

We were both were originally from a site called

I spent a couple of years elsewhere at the times trying to look for sane people on the right to discuss with

My adventures proved to me there was no longer a sane right in this nation

They all hate democracy and government

They all seek its distruction

It’s a cult
For years This poster has trampled over all the good Jesus tried to impart to mankind

I’m an atheist

We go by facts

That means we don’t claim to know the unknowable

Most Don’t claim to know there is no god for a hard certainty

I say that those who believe in sky daddy are merely misinterpreting what “GOD” is

There is very likely something after death

We just don’t know how to understand the science of this post human form

Some need to feel there is a person controlling it

But it’s a real special person and we must grovel like we are worth crumbs to that being

But science clearly shows us EVERYTHING we have figured out is layers of a systematic inter working of all that exists

Back when the ideas of an all powerful god was stumbled upon people knew next to nothing about how the system worked

We mostly just observed the events the system produced



Plant growth

Birth and gestation

Observation over time

No idea how it came to place

Just labeling all the power to a sky daddy made sense to the average person

Science has helped us better define this “god” that runs the system

A simple sky daddy is not a Sufficient way to discribe what runs the system

The system runs because the way the parts of the system interact

I have just as much right to call all that science “god” as anyones ideas get to be labeled “god”

I tend to be agnostic, but the only thing I disagree with is that atheists only and uniquely go only by facts.

I maintain there are plenty of things to believe in that do not require empirical facts or experimental results.

I believe in fairness, equality, freedom, aesthetic beauty but there isn't any natural physical laws, equations, or universal constants supporting my beliefs
I tend to be agnostic, but the only thing I disagree with is that atheists only and uniquely go only by facts.

I maintain there are plenty of things to believe in that do not require empirical facts or experimental results.

I believe in fairness, equality, freedom, aesthetic beauty but there isn't any natural physical laws, equations, or universal constants supporting my beliefs
Agnosticism is the most logical position. The more one strays from "I don't know" the further one gets into belief...or "disbelief" as the atheist weenies squeal about.

Richard Dawkins, rich atheist who made a fortune being an atheist, had a good scale: the Spectrum of Theistic Probability. Even he waffles on the "Strong Atheist" end by claiming to be a 6 to 7 since he knows "Strong Atheist" is like saying "Strong Idiot". The opposite end can be equally idiotic but gets into a different area with truly pious people like the Amish or Buddhist monks. scale
In religion, Dawkins scale is a semi-popular tool used by people (and particularly scientists), among themselves, to quantify belief in the existence of god, in a numerical way (1-10). One's Dawkins number (1-12) is thus a numerical way to represent a person's religious outlook.
1.00: Strong theist. 100 per cent possibility of God. In the words of C.G. Jung, 'I do not believe, I know.'

2.00: Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. De facto theist. 'I cannot know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there.'

3.00: Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. Technically agnostic but leaning towards theism. 'I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.'

4.00: Exactly 50 per cent. Completely impartial agnostic. 'God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.'

5.00: Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. Technically agnostic but leaning towards atheism. 'I don't know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be sceptical.'

6.00: Very low probability, but short of zero. De facto atheist. 'I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there.'

7:00: Strong atheist. 'I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung 'knows' there is one.'

Dawkins comments in his The God Delusion book, as to his own position on the Existence of God scale, that he is in the 6 to 7 range:-

“I count myself in category 6, but leaning towards 7. I am agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden.”
Agnosticism is the most logical position. The more one strays from "I don't know" the further one gets into belief...or "disbelief" as the atheist weenies squeal about.

Richard Dawkins, rich atheist who made a fortune being an atheist, had a good scale: the Spectrum of Theistic Probability. Even he waffles on the "Strong Atheist" end by claiming to be a 6 to 7 since he knows "Strong Atheist" is like saying "Strong Idiot". The opposite end can be equally idiotic but gets into a different area with truly pious people like the Amish or Buddhist monks. scale

I think a lot of the debate is actually happening just at the margins.

Probably only five percent of people believe all of nature and all of reality just popped into existence at random for no discernable reason.

I think 95 percent of people believe there is a higher organizing principle underlying the cosmos, something beyond physics, beyond chemistry, beyond biology.

Sure we can debate or ridicule the ritual of religion, the historical accuracy of the sacred texts.

But I think the vast majority of humans accept the mystery of the infinite, as a first principle

. And to a large degree, the west has accepted as morally binding the ethics of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and in the East they accepted the binding moral framework of Confucianism/Buddhism, -- even when we choose to strip it of it's religious context and language.
I think a lot of the debate is actually happening just at the margins.

Probably only five percent of people believe all of nature and all of reality just popped into existence at random for no discernable reason.

I think 95 percent of people believe there is a higher organizing principle underlying the cosmos, something beyond physics, beyond chemistry, beyond biology.

Sure we can debate or ridicule the ritual of religion, the historical accuracy of the sacred texts.

But I think the vast majority of humans accept the mystery of the infinite, as a first principle

. And to a large degree, the west has accepted as morally binding the ethics of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and in the East they accepted the binding moral framework of Confucianism/Buddhism, -- even when we choose to strip it of it's religious context and language.

Ancient texts were ancient people's interpretations of the same things we wonder about today. IMO, no special significance should be placed on their observations that are contrary to fact.

Agreed on the "mystery of the infinite". It seems human beings have three parts: physical, mental and spiritual. The people who disregard any of the three are shorting themselves.

It seems the base ideas of all the world's religions are melding into a consensus.
I tend to be agnostic, but the only thing I disagree with is that atheists only and uniquely go only by facts.

I maintain there are plenty of things to believe in that do not require empirical facts or experimental results.

I believe in fairness, equality, freedom, aesthetic beauty but there isn't any natural physical laws, equations, or universal constants supporting my beliefs

The science of the human brain are involved in things like what we find beautiful

There are things like history which demonstrate the reasons why things like fairness, equality and freedom create good outcomes for humans

It is part of human nature to lean towards helping others which helped preserve mankind

In fact other animals display compassion for others which can display ideas like fairness

Sharing resources

Helping a fellow creature in need

Science of brain structure can pinpoint areas of the brain where such processes take place

Some mental aberrations in behavior can in fact be connected to undeveloped areas of the physical human brain

Psychopathy is one

Scientific facts are involved

Beauty has perimeters that can be measured in the human mind

Symmetry for instance

Everything is tied to knowable facts

Some of those facts we just don’t know yet