The Gospel of Thomas

I'm not threatened by facts. What "facts" do you think threaten or frighten me?

You know.

Your belief that human beings are ambulatory meat computers solely responding to biochemical and genetic programming?

That bothers you? My apologies! I don't want you to be threatened by other thoughts. Sorry, again.

You and I can agree to disagree on that point since you are obviously over stressed as displayed by your emotional outbursts.

You are super great. And very interesting. A really good person.
You know.

That bothers you? My apologies! I don't want you to be threatened by other thoughts. Sorry, again.

You are super great. And very interesting. A really good person.
Obviously, you are overrating my mind reading skills, Perry. That's irrational on your part. Not something I'd expect from a "hard science" PhD....unless it was someone like Ted Kaczynski. LOL

No. It's common among atheist. Your beliefs don't bother me any more than a Jesus freak's belief that Heaven is kneeling before an old man on a golden throne, singing Hosannas for all eternity. People often think funny things when it comes to finding their place in the Universe.

If you are being honest, you are in the minority. If you are lying and being insulting, you are in the majority. Not much different than the White Supremacists, antisemitics and other haters. :)
Obviously, you are overrating my mind reading skills, Perry. That's irrational on your part. Not something I'd expect from a "hard science" PhD....unless it was someone like Ted Kaczynski. LOL

More diagnoses from the failed psychology major.

No. It's common among atheist. Your beliefs don't bother me any more than a Jesus freak's belief that Heaven is kneeling before an old man on a golden throne, singing Hosannas for all eternity. People often think funny things when it comes to finding their place in the Universe.

Excellent. Good for you!

If you are being honest, you are in the minority. If you are lying and being insulting, you are in the majority. Not much different than the White Supremacists, antisemitics and other haters. :)

Very nice. Thank you. Have a great day!
They let their prejudice dictate their judgment

Do you think that most Catholics (who have a slightly different Bible than the Protestants and a somewhat different view of justification and salvation) are LESS dedicated to the TRUTH of their faith than you are?

Do you think that most Muslims are less dedicated to the TRUTH of their faith than you are?

Do you think most Buddhists are less dedicated to the TRUTH of their faith than you are?

Doesn't that give pause that perhaps what you currently believe which is largely predicated on the Bible version of God might be incomplete or incorrect?

to the contrary......the older sources have shown us the essential accuracy of the current translations.......oh sure, we now know how many horses Solomon REALLY had in his stables, but nothing of the essential truth about God's plan of salvation has changed......
to the contrary......the older sources have shown us the essential accuracy of the current translations.......oh sure, we now know how many horses Solomon REALLY had in his stables, but nothing of the essential truth about God's plan of salvation has changed......

Is that why there are differences in the faithful as to what the Bible actually says and means about God? And there's even debate over the justification by faith vs works. And then there's the countless variants of Christianity....why do they exist? Is it because EVERYONE except you is wrong? How did you get so lucky to find the ONLY TRUTH in your sect?
not that different......oh sure, there's that silly crap about being loyal to the pope, but after that its the same.....

If one ignores the central theses and the impact they had on the Catholic church when Luther posted them I suppose it's easy enough just to sweep away all the religious wars and killing in the name of God over those things.

Good job. You seem to have completely wiped out the history of the Church and replaced it with your fantasy.
Do you think that most Catholics (who have a slightly different Bible than the Protestants and a somewhat different view of justification and salvation) are LESS dedicated to the TRUTH of their faith than you are?

Do you think that most Muslims are less dedicated to the TRUTH of their faith than you are?

Do you think most Buddhists are less dedicated to the TRUTH of their faith than you are?


Most Catholics go through the motions and rarely think about their Faith .
If one ignores the central theses and the impact they had on the Catholic church when Luther posted them I suppose it's easy enough just to sweep away all the religious wars and killing in the name of God over those things.

Good job. You seem to have completely wiped out the history of the Church and replaced it with your fantasy.

lol dude.....I've merely wiped away yours......did you know the Catholic church stopped selling indulgences shortly after Luther posted his theses?......
You get to sit in judgement of others' faith too????
I realize you struggle with logic but certainly you realize EVERYONE sits in judgement of his own faith.......I chose to believe what I believe.....of course I believe that whatever others believe that contradicts it is a bad your case massively so.......
I realize you struggle with logic but certainly you realize EVERYONE sits in judgement of his own faith

But you are sitting in judgement of OTHERS' faith. That's a big no-no in your faith. (Unless you are a fake Christian).

.......I chose to believe what I believe.....of course I believe that whatever others believe that contradicts it is a bad your case massively so.......

Atheism scares you. You see that many of us actually know your faith better than you do. Some of us, like me, actually LIKE CHRISTIANITY more than you do. You treat the ideals of your faith like a joke.