The Gospel of Thomas

Agreed. That is why I liked the NSRV so much. I have never been fond of the idea that somehow the most important thing ever written for humanity should be prone to mistranslation or incomplete translations.

Like I said earlier: the book "God's Secretaries" does an excellent job of explaining how 17th century "scholarship" worked with available documents at that time to come up with the first "gold standard" type Bible translation.

But doesn't it seem interesting that over the intervening 400 years or so that the documents keep coming up that allow us to get a better translation? Doesn't that give pause that perhaps what you currently believe which is largely predicated on the Bible version of God might be incomplete or incorrect?

Now I know you will claim you don't need the Bible because God came to you in 1975 and spoke directly to you. Congrats. The rest of us have to rely on the Bible to know what God wants and what God is like.

Yes the Holy Spirit spoke to me, but I still needed to check what I was told with the book!
We don't know all the laws of physics, so we are not in a position to say if they reveal any deeper truth about a higher organizing principle underlying the cosmos.

Don't worry about me, I am confident in my commitment to explore wisdom, knowledge, and higher truths. In the past 14 days I have read the Prophet Isiah, the Prophet Micah, The Dhammapada, and I started the Daodejing.

One thing I am convinced of is that no poster on any internet forum is an agent of eternal truth and is somehow privileged with ultimate knowledge.

My point to you as a seeker,seek Spiritual knowledge, within you!
The Doors said it best,"Break on through to the other side ".
Find that connect between your mind and your Spirit,they aren't one and the same.
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I use my God given brain and make the call.

So you have elevated YOUR KNOWLEDGE? Interesting.

There's very few differences that are different enough to make a difference.

I've always been fascinated by the idea that Mary may not have needed to be a "virgin" given that the word "almah" in Isaiah where the prophecy comes from apparently can mean simply "young woman" or some such.

(And if you think there are no real differences, just look at how your friend PhalseProphet lost his shit when I quoted the KJV to him. LOL. You'd think I had pulled it out of Mad Magazine.
So you have elevated YOUR KNOWLEDGE? Interesting.

I've always been fascinated by the idea that Mary may not have needed to be a "virgin" given that the word "almah" in Isaiah where the prophecy comes from apparently can mean simply "young woman" or some such.

(And if you think there are no real differences, just look at how your friend PhalseProphet lost his shit when I quoted the KJV to him. LOL. You'd think I had pulled it out of Mad Magazine.

Catholics claim Mary stayed a virgin,that the boys the Bible says were his brothers,were really his cousins
I've always been fascinated by the idea that Mary may not have needed to be a "virgin" given that the word "almah" in Isaiah where the prophecy comes from apparently can mean simply "young woman" or some such.

(And if you think there are no real differences, just look at how your friend PhalseProphet lost his shit when I quoted the KJV to him. LOL. You'd think I had pulled it out of Mad Magazine.

Coincidentally, I've always been fascinated why intelligent, educated people run from intelligent, educated discussions in favor of trouncing nutjobs and idiots.

My operating theory is that it gives them both a chance to vent and to give them a sense of superiority...something they are not getting at their day jobs.
I've never been on a path that I sought for myself
because I don't believe that life works that way,

nor is it easy for me to believe that anybody who's ever lived
has actually, successfully executed a life plan.

I've seen the claim made, but
I've never actually seen a human life that looked like the successful execution of a plan or,
for that matter, even the fulfillment of a destiny.

All my observations of life suggest that life randomly happens to us.
If I were asked to give one fact about which I was certain,
that would probably be the fact that I'd offer.

Totally random confluence of sub-atomic particles in the infinite vacuum of space---
that's my definition of not only the universe itself,
but also of all that occurs therein.

I have no spiritual epiphanies. I have my physical senses,
and this is what they've experienced and observed.

I wish that one single person who claims to have expeirenced otherwise
could articulate such experience in terms to which I was able to personally relate.

Perhaps that's something that takes longer than my seventy-five years to be revealed.

In any case, fortunately, I don't believe that such pathfinding capabilities are necessary to endure the experience of life.
Raging against what actually happens and simply imagining that you're doing something about it
with the free will that you simulate in your imagination but probably don't actually have
can in itself be fulfilling enough to get through it.

And the best part is that in such circumstance, you don't get too attached to life.
You don't let the threat of its loss impact your attitude.
You can sneer like the prick that you are if you feel like sneering
and you can emote in platitudes when you don't have the energy to be rational.

There's liberation in understanding the concepts of both randomness and futility.

These are Nifty's uplifting Christmas thoughts for the waning days of 2021.

you're a nihilist enemy of humanity.

you hate god, because god loves people.

demons manufactured your emotional prison.

please break free.

Coincidentally, I've always been fascinated why intelligent, educated people run from intelligent, educated discussions in favor of trouncing nutjobs and idiots.

My operating theory is that it gives them both a chance to vent and to give them a sense of superiority...something they are not getting at their day jobs.

That's really interesting.
Isn't it interesting that basic facts can be a function of which sect one belongs to?

You're smart and educated enough to know that beliefs aren't facts. You know that people who equate opinions or beliefs with facts are not packing a full suitcase.
I won't bore you. You wouldn't understand. I'd probably put too many words up on the post and it would lock you up.
There it is. I'd thought you were calming down after you removed this comment: "You should develop it as well as you did your magical universe theory." You haven't.

No worries that I am taking it personally. I put it down to you being over stressed with your life and are simply venting hatred like most JPP members. Good luck, Perry.
Now I'm smart and educated? Wow. What did I do last night that suddenly increased my value? Thanks! You're great.
Yes. I've acknowledged you have a PhD...are you saying people with PhDs aren't smart and educated?

Perhaps you were so emotionally upset with me you failed to notice. That often happens with very angry people. It blinds them to the facts.
I never said you did. Someone with even a doctorate in basket weaving should be able to figure that out for themselves.

Someone with a doctorate should know that intelligence and education take many forms. No one is a Doctor of Everything...although you might think you are, Perry. LOL

Not as smart as I think I am, but I thought we settled that part. :)

Your argumentation style is feminine, Perry...if that's your real name. LOL

Examples here:
Gendered Communication: Differences In Communication Styles
But you wouldn't? Why are you threatened by facts?

I don't worry.

Thanks! You're a great guy. Hope you have a good day too.
I'm not threatened by facts. What "facts" do you think threaten or frighten me? Your belief that human beings are ambulatory meat computers solely responding to biochemical and genetic programming?

You and I can agree to disagree on that point since you are obviously over stressed as displayed by your emotional outbursts.

Thanks! You too, Perry!