The Gospel of Thomas

I was chosen, the first thing the Holy Spirit told me was
"Steer clear of churches"
It's like a prism mankind bends the message to fit their own prejudices!
Actually I was luck being Chosen,the Holy Spirit was relentless and letting me know ,I was Chosen and there's no getting out, Believe me I tried for a long time, but in time I saw there's no getting out.
Like being drafted by "The Godfather" into a Spiritual "Mafia"!

I know a lot of great people that are Christians and go to church.

I also know a lot of people who claim to be Christians, who go to church, who are evil as hell, who would cut your nuts off for money or power.

I know a lot of great people that are Christians but don't go to church.

Then again, I know a lot of great people who don't claim to be Christians period- end of story!
I tire of people who lie to cover up their actions. I find people like you who are unable to take responsibility for what you actually said to be annoying....
Yet you post at length to me despite your claims about all of my negative qualities.

Do you see how that is a feminine way of communication? Male and female are necessary to the survival of the Human Race. There's a reason why masculine and feminine qualities exist....mostly due to necessity when trying to survive in small tribes across the wilderness as mankind expanded out of Africa. Just because the Human world has been "civilized" for a few hundred years doesn't negate almost 300,000 years of natural selection.*

If you were a self-assured American male, your reaction would be to move on to someone else. A less-assured American male would say "FUCK YOU!!!" and never come back. It's more feminine to say one thing and do another. I've always found that curious because I don't understand it. Feminine personality doesn't mean a person is female. It's just that the odds favor it on the order of 9 to 1. In your case, it's my understanding that you are part of the 10%.

*My interest in genetics is limited to behavior, not deep diving into biology.
Yet you post at length to me despite your claims about all of my negative qualities.

Do you see how that is a feminine way of communication? Male and female are necessary to the survival of the Human Race. There's a reason why masculine and feminine qualities exist....mostly due to necessity when trying to survive in small tribes across the wilderness as mankind expanded out of Africa. Just because the Human world has been "civilized" for a few hundred years doesn't negate almost 300,000 years of natural selection.*

If you were a self-assured American male, your reaction would be to move on to someone else. A less-assured American male would say "FUCK YOU!!!" and never come back. It's more feminine to say one thing and do another. I've always found that curious because I don't understand it. Feminine personality doesn't mean a person is female. It's just that the odds favor it on the order of 9 to 1. In your case, it's my understanding that you are part of the 10%.

*My interest in genetics is limited to behavior, not deep diving into biology.

You really aren't very smart are you? Is that why you couldn't make any of your "basket weaving" type degrees pay off?
Oopsy! Judge not lest ye be judged.

If you feel that is how you will protect yourself from the existence of another atheist, continue.

You can always "assume" I didn't believe in the right way just because I wound up different from you. But I think it's pretty clear your grasp of your faith is far too weak to stand up to even THINKING about it. So you ram your fingers in your ears, squint real hard, and mutter "HOly SPirit, HolySpirit,Holyspiritholyspiritholyspirit" until the scary atheist goes away.

But here's the scariest part of this particular scary atheist: I actually WAS A BELIEVER. And the fact of the matter is: I lost my ability to believe.

Maybe you will one day. OooooooOOoooo that sounds spoooky! Then you'll wind up with me roasting in hell. Oopsy!

As I said before: I do NOT begrudge you your faith. I'm actually GLAD YOU HAVE IT! I wish you were more interest in THINKING about it, but I also understand that. Why would you deny me MY spiritual path as being real to me?

I'm genuinely curious why you, clearly uneducated on the details of your faith, think you are somehow SUPERIOR and can tell me my life was lived wrong.

I am reminded of your savior's words: "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

Why would an atheist quote the words of someone they don't believe in?
I know a lot of great people that are Christians and go to church.

I also know a lot of people who claim to be Christians, who go to church, who are evil as hell, who would cut your nuts off for money or power.

I know a lot of great people that are Christians but don't go to church.

Then again, I know a lot of great people who don't claim to be Christians period- end of story!

I was speaking of my situation.
But seems like a waste of time to go to church when you reject true Christian beliefs.
Oopsy! Judge not lest ye be judged. ...

Apollyon 2023 is a username for "Mason". His primary name. He changes his username a lot plus has multiple socks. IMO, he's an unmedicated bipolar who self-medicates..mostly with gummies. His choice....if you can call people who are mentally ill having a choice or clear choices.

I mention this for two reasons: Mainly informative. Mason is bipolar but means well in his own way. Don't take anything posts as being personal or factual.

You're emotionally upset with me and I'm curious if that's just me or everyone. The latter would indicate I was correct about displaced aggression. It's very common on JPP for people to come here to vent their emotions.
Apollyon 2023 is a username for "Mason". His primary name. He changes his username a lot plus has multiple socks. IMO, he's an unmedicated bipolar who self-medicates..mostly with gummies. His choice....if you can call people who are mentally ill having a choice or clear choices.

I mention this for two reasons: Mainly informative. Mason is bipolar but means well in his own way. Don't take anything posts as being personal or factual.

You're emotionally upset with me and I'm curious if that's just me or everyone. The latter would indicate I was correct about displaced aggression. It's very common on JPP for people to come here to vent their emotions.

I am fascinated at how dense a human being you are. Seriously dude. I was being civil then you rolled out the "If you were as educated as you think you are..."

Well, that's an insult and I realized you were a douche.

If you were as smart as YOU fancy YOURSELF (and yes, your posts DRIP with self-love) you would understand this.

(As for the other poster being "bipolar", I don't know if I should believe you or not. Given that I no longer respect anything you say and I see you for the simple thinker you are, for all I know you could just be maligning the other poster. I've seen you try to stick SOMETHING on me. First it was trying to figure out what my degree was in, then it was my gender. So needless to say I'm guessing you are just as likely making shit up about the other poster as saying something useful. Thanks.
I am fascinated at how dense a human being you are. Seriously dude.

I was being civil then you rolled out the "If you were as educated as you think you are..."

Well, that's an insult and I realized you were a douche.

If you were as smart as YOU fancy YOURSELF (and yes, your posts DRIP with self-love) you would understand this.

(As for the other poster being "bipolar", I don't know if I should believe you or not. Given that I no longer respect anything you say and I see you for the simple thinker you are, for all I know you could just be maligning the other poster. I've seen you try to stick SOMETHING on me. First it was trying to figure out what my degree was in, then it was my gender. So needless to say I'm guessing you are just as likely making shit up about the other poster as saying something useful. Thanks.
Amazing, isn't it? Why do you think that is, Doc?

The Blame Game is feminine.

Same for the manner of insults. It varies. Certainly a STEM Doc would understand the basic differences of male and female Yin-Yang relationship? If both were the same, they'd just be Yin or Yang or Ying? Not a doctorate of Genetics, but my understanding is that there is a great advantage to having bisexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. The mixing of DNA has a statistical advantage over single DNA strands. An example is the effective extinction of the Gros Michel banana, Big Mike, which led to the song "Yes, we have no bananas". Bananas are single DNA, find a disease to kill one and you kill them all. A fungus effectively made the Big Mike strand extinct. Mixed DNA provides natural alternatives. The Black Plague wiped out a lot of people. It was human variation that prevented all of them dying.

I confess to being a typical male chauvinist pig who puts Duty, Honor, Country as the highest ideals, dying to defend the Constitution as the most noble way to die and, yes, one who thinks they are smarter than they probably are. I do have my feminine side, just like everyone else. It's just that I don't always listen to it. Go figure.

I'm open to discussing Mason's bipolarism if you like. Openly or "just us girls" in PM. Your choice. BTW, your argumentation is still on the feminine side, Doc. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Jus' sayin'. LOL
You really aren't very smart are you? Is that why you couldn't make any of your "basket weaving" type degrees pay off?

Not as smart as I think I am, but I thought we settled that part. :)

Your argumentation style is feminine, Perry...if that's your real name. LOL

Examples here:
Gendered Communication: Differences In Communication Styles
Students in an online Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising develop expertise in gendered communication because their professional careers revolve around communication with the public. Creating effective messages requires understanding differences in how genders communicate.

It’s important to realize that much of what follows deals strictly with men and women. We live in a transitional era where keeping up with the changing attitudes toward sex and gender are difficult to track.

Also, research into gendered communication started only about 50 years ago, focusing initially on differences in language styles.
I am fascinated at how dense a human being you are. Seriously dude. I was being civil then you rolled out the "If you were as educated as you think you are..."

Well, that's an insult and I realized you were a douche.

If you were as smart as YOU fancy YOURSELF (and yes, your posts DRIP with self-love) you would understand this.

(As for the other poster being "bipolar", I don't know if I should believe you or not. Given that I no longer respect anything you say and I see you for the simple thinker you are, for all I know you could just be maligning the other poster. I've seen you try to stick SOMETHING on me. First it was trying to figure out what my degree was in, then it was my gender. So needless to say I'm guessing you are just as likely making shit up about the other poster as saying something useful. Thanks.

Dutch just has a hair up his ass,because Mason permanently blocked him for being a troll!
What day is Michaelmas on?R (8).jpg
KJV was traditionally used for 400 years but that's changing in the late 20th-early 21st centuries. Agreed there are better versions.

it was used until there were better translations........but you're still using it......atheists love to quote it, because they love inaccurate translations......
It is presumed to be a Gnostic Christian work, since it was found with the Nag Hammadi corpus of writings in 1945.

Gnostics were considered heretical by orthodox Christians, which is why Gnostics writing did not make it into the accepted canon of Catholicism.

The Gnostics emphasized salvation through the teachings and secret knowledge given by Jesus, rather than through his death and supposed resurection.

It's true. Irenaeus made a big stink in the second century about "secret knowledge" sects. He made the point twice in his Against Heresies that the truth (as he believed it, anyway) was freely available to all who sought it in the form of the churches that can trace their bishops' lineage to the Apostles.

As an atheist, I see no reason to argue too much one way or another except to say that mystery sects were a trendy thing in ancient times.