The Gospel of Thomas

If you're an atheist then you believe all Christians are "fake" as Jesus couldn't be devine,as there's no God!

Let me attempt to explain it to you. Hopefully it will make sense to you.

I do not believe in God. But I USED TO. And I have almost exclusively friends who are Christians. People I greatly RESPECT. And there's even parts of Christianity that I actually VALUE! (Not the supernatural stuff, the "good teachings" sort of stuff).

So when I see a fake Christian like PMP I am disgusted because they are making Christians look vile. Stupid, evil, liars. And I know that my Christian friends are NOTHING LIKE THAT. NONE OF THEM would mock the disabled for laughs. But PostmodernProphet does it.

That's a "fake Christian". One who CLAIMS to be a Christian but acts in every way like they think God is a joke.

At least they should be HONEST. But PMP has shown himself to be a pathological liar repeatedly. So that is what I was talking about.
It is a sad state of affairs that the modern Christian Church, especially in the US, is dedicated 100% to "ignorance". They want to come to Jesus "as a child", so they seem to despise "thought".

Yeah, yeah it is. It would be really COOL if there were actual EVIDENCE for that set of events.

Too bad God made so many people who won't believe in something just because some random anonymous person in the distant past said it happened.

Now as for the flying snakes Herodotus wrote about...I wonder where those are these days. Hmmmmmm.....

The true Christian church is the exact same as at the first Pentecost!
Jesus warned " Many come in my name but they aren't mine".
Because you refuse to admit you being God doesn't exist,

Where do I do that???? I am an atheist. As such I fail to believe that God exists. What's the problem?

and you also sit on the fence whether God does exist.

So you are just REALLY stupid? Got it. I've been pretty clear on my position. YOU are the one having difficulty understanding it.

Basically you have no beliefs ,so you just troll.

Nope. But I understand, people like you with really weak tenuous faith look at ANYONE who is an atheist as a DIRECT THREAT TO EVERYTHING YOU HOLD DEAR. Don't. I don't mean your faith any harm. I am actually GLAD you have your faith. If it brings you joy, then good! ENJOY IT!

But if you discuss faith be prepared that sometimes not everyone will agree with you. They are not evil incarnate. You WILL, however, have to actually LISTEN to what they say about themselves BEFORE you try to interpret it.
You're right you "fail" !
"Search and you shall find"

I searched. Why do you think I didn't search. I was a believer for 35 years of my life.

Why does the existence atheists SO THREATEN you? Is you faith REALLY so weak that you cannot bear the thought someone disagrees with you? That's sad.
It's not about me,you're the one that wants to talk about a God you don't believe exist!
Go with that ,become the best atheist you can.

I sense I'm a better atheist than you are a Christian. Mainly because I actually WORKED for my "spiritual path". Seems you just took what someone told you and you don't have a firm grip on it. Hope it sticks for you.
I searched. Why do you think I didn't search. I was a believer for 35 years of my life.

Why does the existence atheists SO THREATEN you? Is you faith REALLY so weak that you cannot bear the thought someone disagrees with you? That's sad.

You were NEVER a believer, you were an assumer,and when you realized you were assuming that ended your assumption that you were a believer!
You were NEVER a believer,

Oopsy! Judge not lest ye be judged.

you were an assumer,and when you realized you were assuming that ended your assumption that you were a believer!

If you feel that is how you will protect yourself from the existence of another atheist, continue.

You can always "assume" I didn't believe in the right way just because I wound up different from you. But I think it's pretty clear your grasp of your faith is far too weak to stand up to even THINKING about it. So you ram your fingers in your ears, squint real hard, and mutter "HOly SPirit, HolySpirit,Holyspiritholyspiritholyspirit" until the scary atheist goes away.

But here's the scariest part of this particular scary atheist: I actually WAS A BELIEVER. And the fact of the matter is: I lost my ability to believe.

Maybe you will one day. OooooooOOoooo that sounds spoooky! Then you'll wind up with me roasting in hell. Oopsy!

As I said before: I do NOT begrudge you your faith. I'm actually GLAD YOU HAVE IT! I wish you were more interest in THINKING about it, but I also understand that. Why would you deny me MY spiritual path as being real to me?

I'm genuinely curious why you, clearly uneducated on the details of your faith, think you are somehow SUPERIOR and can tell me my life was lived wrong.

I am reminded of your savior's words: "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"