The Gospel of Thomas

I believe it was a great social club for you,but by your own word you're an agnostic.

I am a hard sale, when things rely upon faith rather than proof. I've been that way ever since I learned the truth about Santa, the Stork, the Easter Bunny, the Boogy Man, and the Tooth Fairy!

Sorry, but I kinda lost faith in heresay I suppose! I started demanding proof about everything!

I never regretted going to church, and I even acquired a pin at 7 YO, that linked other pins every year for not missing Sunday school for 7 years in a row when I was 14.

I was also a Royal Ambassador, and attended Church Camp for years. I was also a First Class Boy scout.

But when I turned 15 I got my drivers license and got my first car, and began working in the Butcher shop at a local food store, where I worked until I graduated High School.

But, after I started working, I dropped out of Church because I had to work on Sundays, the Boy Scouts, and the Royal Ambassadors!

All the extra curricular stuff was a conflict with my work schedule. I was focused more on making good grades and getting through High School early.

I graduated HS at 17!
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yet you consider it evidence it was NOT does that work?.....

There is zero evidence for a "creator" which puts it exactly equivalent to saying the universe popped into existence. NEITHER SIDE is in possession of any more information than the other.

All we know is that there is a universe and it apparently had a beginning. We do not know (neither you nor I) whence it came, just that it "is".

As such it is exactly as rational to assume that the universe simply "popped" into existence as it is that there is a magical, invisible being who created it all.

But let's for a moment hypothesize that there IS a God who "created" everything and we know this because we have the creation to show for it. Which God is it? Is it the God that demands you believe He manifested himself as a human to be sacrificed to himself to atone mankind to himself, or is it the God that says "Don't worship Jesus as a god, but rather as a prophet." Is it the God who the Zoroastrians worshipped? Is it Zeus? Is it Odin? Is it The Divine Om?

To hypothesize God simply because one is uncomfortable with an eternal universe or a universe ex nihilo doesn't necessarily lead to the EXACT God that the believers started worshipping BEFORE they considered the existence of the Universe. So it isn't a boon to any particular religion and is dangerously close to "The God of the Gaps" which most theologians these days feel is a weak and possible self-destructive theology in that with each new discovery the God of the Gaps gets smaller and smaller and smaller.
Another reason to suspect that you are under a lot of stress and, probably, female. Certainly under 35.

You've become emotionally upset over a discussion that both of us have agreed is unprovable. There is ZERO evidence about what caused the Big Bang, whether multiverses exist and whether our personalities survive our mortal demise.

It's all just fun speculation...yet you are emotionally disturbed by it. Why? Stress could account for it.

FWIW, human beings evolved on the plains, not cubicles. Living in cubicles causes stress.


I attempted to be quite civil with you. Apparently you are just a dick.

Fuck you. Next time try being a decent person and not a fucking dick.
There is zero evidence for a "creator" which puts it exactly equivalent to saying the universe popped into existence. NEITHER SIDE is in possession of any more information than the other.

All we know is that there is a universe and it apparently had a beginning. We do not know (neither you nor I) whence it came, just that it "is".

As such it is exactly as rational to assume that the universe simply "popped" into existence as it is that there is a magical, invisible being who created it all.

But let's for a moment hypothesize that there IS a God who "created" everything and we know this because we have the creation to show for it. Which God is it? Is it the God that demands you believe He manifested himself as a human to be sacrificed to himself to atone mankind to himself, or is it the God that says "Don't worship Jesus as a god, but rather as a prophet." Is it the God who the Zoroastrians worshipped? Is it Zeus? Is it Odin? Is it The Divine Om?

To hypothesize God simply because one is uncomfortable with an eternal universe or a universe ex nihilo doesn't necessarily lead to the EXACT God that the believers started worshipping BEFORE they considered the existence of the Universe. So it isn't a boon to any particular religion and is dangerously close to "The God of the Gaps" which most theologians these days feel is a weak and possible self-destructive theology in that with each new discovery the God of the Gaps gets smaller and smaller and smaller

Someone with a doctorate in philosophy should know the meaning of a "straw man argument".
You are an asshole. Sorry. I was initially mistaken.

I just hope you are a better pilot than you are a person.

See? Highly emotional. Too unstable to earn a doctorate...unless you earned it online.

Another possibility is what I mentioned previously: stress. Life events are putting you under a lot of pressure. Screaming insults at me is your relief valve. An example of Displaced Aggression, AKA Kick-the-Cat Syndrome.

I don't take it personally, so go ahead. :)
What Is Displaced Aggression?
Anger is a normal and common emotion, often an automatic reaction to an undesirable situation. Sometimes, though, we let our anger control our actions and take it out on someone unrelated to the situation that angered us. This is called displaced anger. Whether you've taken your anger out on your partner, children, or the barista at your local coffee shop, you've likely displaced your anger at some point in your life.

This article defines displaced aggression, discusses its cause, provides examples of displaced aggression, and offers tips on when and how to seek help....
I never said I had a doctorate in philosophy.

I actually thought pilots were supposed to have reasoning skills a bit higher than that.

I never said you did. Someone with even a doctorate in basket weaving should be able to figure that out for themselves.

Someone with a doctorate should know that intelligence and education take many forms. No one is a Doctor of Everything...although you might think you are, Perry. LOL

FWIW, there are certificated pilots and non-certificated pilots. I was a non-certificated pilot for over ten years.
If you figure that one out, I will be duly impressed. :)

Sorry, Dutch, but I honestly don't care one whit about you or what you do or what kind of things you find interesting. You are boring.
Sorry, Dutch, but I honestly don't care one whit about you or what you do or what kind of things you find interesting. You are boring.
Translation: I haven't a clue.

No worries. I don't expect anti-military liberals, especially those with a doctorate in liberal arts, to understand much about me.

Most women find me both charming and entertaining...when I'm not pissing them off. LOL
Thanks for the tacit admission that you respect me. :)

That's lame even by your standards.

I'll take that to mean you reread my post and figured out where you screwed up. Good. :thup:

No, quite the opposite. I see a person who has thought about things but lacks the structure and skill from a philosophy class or logic class. You seem to be onto some "ideas" like a high school kid just figuring out how to use his brain. But your thinking is crude on this particular topic and lacking any subtlety or skill.

And when you took to slamming my education I figured out you probably topped out at MAYBE a BS(?) but somehow hade it through a BS without taking any philosophy classes.

As such you kind of bore me with your pedestrian and poorly-reasoned views.
Translation: I haven't a clue.

What, I don't understand how pilot licensure works? Well, duh. Who cares? Honestly I couldn't care less about you or your interests.

No worries. I don't expect anti-military liberals,

How do you know I'm "anti-military"? You do a LOT of wrong guesses it seems.

especially those with a doctorate in liberal arts, to understand much about me.

Keep guessing, moron. I don't have a liberal arts degree. It's a hard sciences degree. Something you might have had some classes in. But I doubt you'd understand what it is that I did.

Most women find me both charming and entertaining...when I'm not pissing them off. LOL

I'm not a woman. You are thinking of your mom.
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