The Gospel of Thomas

Then it's not do a thing for you!

It's one of those subjective things! I don't try to be a hypocrite. When I started working as a teenager, I just never went back.

But as my Mom got up into her early 80's I started to attend church with my Mom, because she was too old to drive herself.

And so I just went with her, and it was something I enjoyed doing with my Mom. It was one of those Cowboy Baptist churches and I loved the people I met there!
The preacher turned out to be a personal friend of mine, and so did others.

Did church do anything for me? I would only have to say yes. I think it did me a lot of good, and I would recommend it to anyone! Whether you are a believer or not!
It's one of those subjective things! I don't try to be a hypocrite. When I started working as a teenager, I just never went back.

But as my Mom got up into her early 80's I started to attend church with my Mom, because she was too old to drive herself.

And so I just went with her, and it was something I enjoyed doing with my Mom. It was one of those Cowboy Baptist churches and I loved the people I met there!
The preacher turned out to be a personal friend of mine, and so did others.

Did church do anything for me? I would only have to say yes. I think it did me a lot of good, and I would recommend it to anyone! Whether you are a believer or not!

I believe it was a great social club for you,but by your own word you're an agnostic.
As long as it happens after this century, I'm good with it. :)
Does this CMB look like order to you?

Satan's fall was the action that caused The Big Bang.

And where, praytell, do you get that one?

But you can't possibly believe that as an atheist, because you don't believe God exists!

And because you just made it up.

Unless you do believe Satan exist!
But then you would be a Satanist not an atheist.

WTF? Sorry I'm not following you here. I know atheism scares the crap out of you because it shows you not everyone believes as you do. I find that the more pious one is the less strong their faith is.
You're an atheist you don't believe God exists

It's hilarious that you can't possibly understand someone talking about God when they are an atheist.

You must be dumb as a box of hammers.

It is common among people with education that we can talk about topics even ones we consider fictional.
isn't the Big Bang evidence of creation?.....

It is evidence of the start of our universe. But we don't have any idea what kicked it off. A lot of people of actual faith who believe in God like to use that opening to hypothesize that "GOD" did it.

That's fine, insofar as it is as unevidenced as the idea of a universe springing into existence ex nihilo (that means "from nothing" in Latin).

There is a famous philosopher named Aquinas who tabulated several "Proofs of God" one of which is commonly called "The First Uncaused Cause". In Aquinas view all things have an initial cause in the universe. But God does not. God is the "First Uncaused Cause". But that is nothing more than simply "special pleading" (that's a logical problem in which one arbitrarily defines some special aspect to one thing under discussion without any evidence for it).

WHY is God the first uncaused cause and why does God not need a cause? Why not simply say "The universe was the first uncaused cause"?

All we can say from the Big Bang is that apparently the Universe started. We don't know why, we don't know what came "before" time.

And, interestingly enough, neither do people of faith.
But you Always ,always,always discount the role of the Spirit world and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy spirit has nothing to do with what I might think about the possibility of a higher organizing principle underlying the physical laws and mathematical scaffolding of the universe.
Agreed there is no evidence of anything beyond our own universe.

Agreed on the tangibility of this Universe. Now explain its existence. Like Perry, we can't. We know there was a Big Bang and that's all we know about creation.

That's the ultimate mystery.

We know there is at least one observable universe.

We don't know if it's the only universe, or even that it's the first universe. Eternal cosmic inflation hypothesis and the multiverse hypothesis are wonderful ideas, but they may never be testable.
It's one of those subjective things! I don't try to be a hypocrite. When I started working as a teenager, I just never went back.

But as my Mom got up into her early 80's I started to attend church with my Mom, because she was too old to drive herself.

And so I just went with her, and it was something I enjoyed doing with my Mom. It was one of those Cowboy Baptist churches and I loved the people I met there!
The preacher turned out to be a personal friend of mine, and so did others.

Did church do anything for me? I would only have to say yes. I think it did me a lot of good, and I would recommend it to anyone! Whether you are a believer or not!

Same here. I may drift somewhere between agnosticism, deism, and some sort of vague unitarian universalism, but I periodically really do enjoy the sacred space of the Eastern liturgy, the ritual and tradition, and sharing that time with relatives.

The vodka and food at the Saint's days feasts ain't bad either!