The Gospel of Thomas

What is the difference between that and YOUR idea of an "eternal God" or a god that simply popped into existence?

In point of fact they are COMPLETELY INDIFFERENTIABLE. At least we have EVIDENCE for the Big Bang.

Satan's fall was the action that caused The Big Bang.
But you can't possibly believe that as an atheist, because you don't believe God exists!
Unless you do believe Satan exist!
But then you would be a Satanist not an atheist.
When you assume.

I am a neutral when it comes to what books are in the Bible. And no I don't assume everything in the Gospel of Thomas is Gospel.

Nor do I assume Mary Magdalene was just a repented whore and a charity case for Jesus as the Bible tends to make her out to be.

But that doesn't explain how Jesus went from baby Jesus in a manger all the way to Sermon on the Mount with nothing in between! Where did those 30 or more years go?

What about his education and the many years he spent in Damascus? Why are those stories not told in the Bible?

Here Jesus is the most important person in the Bible, and we know almost nothing about him!

So I say don't leave room for assumptions! And the Bible leaves a lot of room for assumptions on everybody's part.

It's a theory with as much validity as the single universe theory. The good news is that a multiverse would answer a lot of questions about creation and life.

It's actually a big difference.

A multiverse is just an interesting idea with no tangible evidence supporting it.

The observable universe and it's critical density, physical constants, and fine tuning are empirically observable, and mathmatically quantifiable.
I am a neutral when it comes to what books are in the Bible. And no I don't assume everything in the Gospel of Thomas is Gospel.

Nor do I assume Mary Magdalene was just a repented whore and a charity case for Jesus as the Bible tends to make her out to be.

But that doesn't explain how Jesus went from baby Jesus in a manger all the way to Sermon on the Mount with nothing in between! Where did those 30 or more years go?

What about his education and the many years he spent in Damascus? Why are those stories not told in the Bible?

Here Jesus is the most important person in the Bible, and we know almost nothing about him!

So I say don't leave room for assumptions! And the Bible leaves a lot of room for assumptions on everybody's part.


I didn't write the Bible,it's not a history book of everything that happened to everyone from Adam to Jesus
Nor do I assume Mary Magdalene was just a repented whore and a charity case for Jesus as the Bible tends to make her out to be.
The Bible does no such thing. A 6th Century Pope conflated two Biblical references to demean women's place in society.

Let's not forget that, before the Bible was canonized around the 4th Century, there were dozens of books about Jesus that had been written and discarded in favor of publishing a specific message 300 years after the Crucifixion. This includes the Gnostic books.

Even then, people had the Bible filtered through Catholic Priests until both Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1450 and Martin Luther published his Ninety-five Theses in 1517. It was 1500 years after Jesus was nailed to a cross that people were allowed to read about it.
Mary Magdalene was None of the Things a Pope Claimed
A long miscast outcast.
Few characters in the New Testament have been so sorely miscast as Mary Magdalene, whose reputation as a fallen woman originated not in the Bible but in a sixth-century sermon by Pope Gregory the Great. Not only is she not the repentant prostitute of legend, meditating and levitating in a cave, but she was not necessarily even a notable sinner: Being possessed by "seven demons" that were exorcised by Jesus, she was arguably more victim than sinner. And the idea, popularized by The Da Vinci Code, that Mary was Jesus's wife and bore his child, while not totally disprovable, is the longest of long shots.

But arguments over whether Mary Magdalene was Jesus's wife, a reformed harlot, or the adulterous woman Jesus saved from stoning pale in comparison with the most rancorously disputed aspect of her legacy—what exactly she witnessed at Jesus's Resurrection. In a new biography of Mary Magdalene, theologian Bruce Chilton contends that Mary witnessed not the resurrection of a flesh-and-blood Jesus but a spiritual visitation. This is one of the principal reasons that she has been sidelined in the New Testament, says Chilton. Like the apostle Paul, who claims that only a "fool" could believe in the physical resuscitation of the body, and Jesus himself, who maintains men will be reborn "like angels," Mary perceives the risen Christ as a "sequence of visions," shared by the disciples, argues Chilton. (Luke, of course, insists that Jesus is bodily resurrected. "A spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have," Jesus tells the disciples in Luke, then eats broiled fish to drive his point home.)
I am a neutral when it comes to what books are in the Bible. And no I don't assume everything in the Gospel of Thomas is Gospel.

Nor do I assume Mary Magdalene was just a repented whore and a charity case for Jesus as the Bible tends to make her out to be.

But that doesn't explain how Jesus went from baby Jesus in a manger all the way to Sermon on the Mount with nothing in between! Where did those 30 or more years go?

What about his education and the many years he spent in Damascus? Why are those stories not told in the Bible?

Here Jesus is the most important person in the Bible, and we know almost nothing about him!

So I say don't leave room for assumptions! And the Bible leaves a lot of room for assumptions on everybody's part.


If you read what IS in the Bible you'll see The Holy Spirit was sent at Pentecost and is available to you!
That where to direct your questions! Which are good questions.
It's actually a big difference.

A multiverse is just an interesting idea with no tangible evidence supporting it.

The observable universe and it's critical density, physical constants, and fine tuning are empirically observable, and mathmatically quantifiable.

But you Always ,always,always discount the role of the Spirit world and the Holy Spirit.
It's actually a big difference.

A multiverse is just an interesting idea with no tangible evidence supporting it.

The observable universe and it's critical density, physical constants, and fine tuning are empirically observable, and mathmatically quantifiable.
Agreed there is no evidence of anything beyond our own universe.

Agreed on the tangibility of this Universe. Now explain its existence. Like Perry, we can't. We know there was a Big Bang and that's all we know about creation.
Agreed there is no evidence of anything beyond our own universe.

Agreed on the tangibility of this Universe. Now explain its existence. Like Perry, we can't. We know there was a Big Bang and that's all we know about creation.

To be fair, we do not know, It's a hypothesis. Yes there are plenty of evidence to support that hypothesis such as red shift. But in the end, do we really know?

Basically the main theory is this: BOOM! We're here. GULPS!

Cue in the Gone With the Wind theme song.
If you read what IS in the Bible you'll see The Holy Spirit was sent at Pentecost and is available to you!
That where to direct your questions! Which are good questions.

I grew up in church! I still enjoy reading the Bible. There is a lot of great philosophy, Wisdom, History, and great stories told in the Bible.

I use Bible quotes all the time. Some of my favorites. I am not sacrilegious in any way. OK I lied! I have taken the lord's name in vain before.

But, I remain agnostic!
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To be fair, we do not know, It's a hypothesis. Yes there are plenty of evidence to support that hypothesis such as red shift. But in the end, do we really know?

Basically the main theory is this: BOOM! We're here. GULPS!

Cue in the Gone With the Wind theme song.
Red shift is a fact, not a theory. Doing the math takes us back to a point in time around 13.8B years ago.

The facts are: BOOM! We're here. What caused it, if there's anything outside our Universe, and what happens upon mortal death is all a matter of conjecture or theory.
Agreed there is no evidence of anything beyond our own universe.

Agreed on the tangibility of this Universe. Now explain its existence. Like Perry, we can't. We know there was a Big Bang and that's all we know about creation.
We didn't know there were other galaxies besides the Milky Way until 1923. How many galaxies do we know of today?
I grew up in church! I still enjoy reading the Bible. There is a lot of great philosophy, history, and great stories told in the Bible.

I use Bible quotes all the time. Some of my favorites. I am not sacrilegious in any way. OK I lied! I have taken the lord's name in vain before.

But, I remain agnostic!

Then it's not do a thing for you!
We didn't know there were other galaxies besides the Milky Way until 1923. How many galaxies do we know of today?
The galaxies existed for billions of years before people became aware of them.

Regardless, galaxies are tangible and known to exist. What's not known/understood is dark matter, dark energy, the circumstances resulting in the Big Bang and different planes of existence.
The galaxies existed for billions of years before people became aware of them.

Regardless, galaxies are tangible and known to exist. What's not known/understood is dark matter, dark energy, the circumstances resulting in the Big Bang and different planes of existence.
How many Big Bangs do we know of today?