The Gospel of Thomas

And where, praytell, do you get that one?

And because you just made it up.

WTF? Sorry I'm not following you here. I know atheism scares the crap out of you because it shows you not everyone believes as you do. I find that the more pious one is the less strong their faith is.

Simple as an atheist, do you believe God exists? Satan exist?
The Holy spirit has nothing to do with what I might think about the possibility of a higher organizing principle underlying the physical laws and mathematical scaffolding of the universe.

That's my point! The Spirit realm isn't subject to the laws of the physical universe.
But that's a part of reality and life,that you discount and shy away from exploring.
of course you are free to say any stupid thing you come up've been doing it all month......

Why do you mock the disabled? Are you hoping that God makes someone in YOUR family a downs syndrome person? Is that why you MOCK THEM?

Seriously, Prophet, why do you seem to think the mentally challenged are something you should LAUGH AT? Are you really that HEARTLESS?? Seriously. You better get your morals right, fuck up. You are on the wide path straight to hell acting like that and mocking the disabled.

Sick fuck.
That's lame even by your standards.

No, quite the opposite. I see a person who has thought about things but lacks the structure and skill from a philosophy class or logic class. You seem to be onto some "ideas" like a high school kid just figuring out how to use his brain. But your thinking is crude on this particular topic and lacking any subtlety or skill.

And when you took to slamming my education I figured out you probably topped out at MAYBE a BS(?) but somehow hade it through a BS without taking any philosophy classes.

As such you kind of bore me with your pedestrian and poorly-reasoned views.
What, I don't understand how pilot licensure works? Well, duh. Who cares? Honestly I couldn't care less about you or your interests.

How do you know I'm "anti-military"? You do a LOT of wrong guesses it seems.

Keep guessing, moron. I don't have a liberal arts degree. It's a hard sciences degree. Something you might have had some classes in. But I doubt you'd understand what it is that I did.

I'm not a woman. You are thinking of your mom.

Meeee-Owwww! You can retract your claws, "sir". They don't go through the keyboard any more than JPP's infamous assault and death threats can do. Still, thanks for revealing yourself.

As for which of the 53 Genders you align yourself with, it's your freedom to choose. I strongly support everyone living as they please as long as they don't hurt anyone. :thup:

Like your other false accusations, I never impugned your education, just your veracity.

As I attempted to explain previously, results count. If a person claims to have a high degree of education and/or experience, then it should show in their behavior. Age can roughly be determined by level of maturity....although JPP's elderly RWers are almost universally immature man-childs. If the claims don't match the qualities, then something is off. My apologies for any misunderstandings.

My own education is nothing to write home about; BA in Psychology at Podunk U. in Colorado. An MS in International Relations through Troy State by attending night classes at Hurlburt AFB, FL for 10 classes. All of which required 10-15 page papers plus one-each 15 page papers for midterms and final. All were written on an Apple IIGS with a dotmatrix printer. Mostly I focused upon the Middle East and South America because that's where I thought the next wars would be fought. This was in 1989. I was mostly wrong about South America, thank God! <---joke for those with a sense of humor. More correct in the ME. Long term, the last wars will probably be fought in Africa.

By admitting you don't know how pilot certification works, you confessed that your previous comment about my "pilot's license" was both out of emotion and from a point of complete ignorance. That's fine. I look at is a "learning moment". :)

Lest we stray too far from the topic, despite my pleasure taking a deep dive into your personality, Perry, let's not forget that your anger and emotion is over two assumptions you made: 1) You defended atheism (a belief unsupported by facts) against an attack where no such attack existed* and 2) You made assumptions about my beliefs that were not in evidence.

*FWIW, the RW "Christian Nationalists" accuse me of being an atheist. LOL
The Christian philosophers of the Middle Ages were keen to use the logic, reason, and the syllogisms of Plato and Aristotle and put it in the service of Christianity.

Augustine, Abelard, Aquinas were highly educated men who desired to infuse Christianity with a strong measure of reason and logic.

Then why do you ignore the Spiritual side of Christianity?
Augustine and Aquinas didn't.
There's way more to Christianity than brick and mortar buildings and the Bible! Those will get you to the gate,then it's up to you to step through that gate!
I have always been a fan of the Scholastics. Anselm's Ontological Argument used to be my favorite. Until I heard about Kant's critique which seems pretty reasonable.

The thing I'm finding interesting here on JPP is that so many of the faithful seem incapable of understanding how an atheist could possibly talk about the concept of "god". As if being an atheist renders you incapable of discussing things theoretically. And my fascination with the Christian faith is informed by my many decades as a believer, but also by the fun philosophy and conceptual stuff I've picked up from reading and various philosophy classes in undergrad.

I am more curious why some of the faithful seem so resistant to even THINKING about God.

You're a piss poor atheist!
Like your other false accusations, I never impugned your education, just your veracity.

I tire of people who lie to cover up their actions. I find people like you who are unable to take responsibility for what you actually said to be annoying.

My own education is nothing to write home about; BA in Psychology at Podunk U. in Colorado. An MS in International Relations through Troy State by attending night classes at Hurlburt AFB, FL for 10 classes.

Sounds like you wasted a lot of mommy and daddy's money. And tax payer money if you were in the military. Why did you waste my tax $$$$ getting a fake degree?

Lest we stray too far from the topic, despite my pleasure taking a deep dive into your personality, Perry, let's not forget that your anger and emotion is over two assumptions you made: 1) You defended atheism (a belief unsupported by facts) against an attack where no such attack existed* and 2) You made assumptions about my beliefs that were not in evidence.

Nope. You are wrong. I'm annoyed because you decided to simply start insulting me. And now you are, like the pussy you probably are IRL, running away trying to make it different that what it was.

*FWIW, the RW "Christian Nationalists" accuse me of being an atheist. LOL

I don't actually care. You see, your "thoughts" and what you think is something interesting is kind of a waste of time. You bore me now.
I actually think Aquinas' proof of God is more compelling than Descartes' proof of God, though they are both full of holes logically.

I am willing to discuss the crimes of Christianity anytime, but I am also willing to acknowledge how acutely important Christianity was to the development of western civilization and thought. The Medieval monasteries and the scholastic universities were centers of learning which kept alive literacy and resurrected Greek logic through the otherwise intellectual wasteland of the Dark Ages.

There's no logic in true Christianity!
Simply because logically it's near impossible to believe
God would become a man and live a life in the flesh.
And go to the cross for the sins of mankind.
That takes a mustard seed of Faith.
But it's Catch 22! Until you have Faith,it's hard to put a bit of faith in Faith.
There's no logic in true Christianity!

It is a sad state of affairs that the modern Christian Church, especially in the US, is dedicated 100% to "ignorance". They want to come to Jesus "as a child", so they seem to despise "thought".

Simply because logically it's near impossible to believe
God would become a man and live a life in the flesh.

Yeah, yeah it is. It would be really COOL if there were actual EVIDENCE for that set of events.

Too bad God made so many people who won't believe in something just because some random anonymous person in the distant past said it happened.

Now as for the flying snakes Herodotus wrote about...I wonder where those are these days. Hmmmmmm.....
I am a hard sale, when things rely upon faith rather than proof. I've been that way ever since I learned the truth about Santa, the Stork, the Easter Bunny, the Boogy Man, and the Tooth Fairy!

Sorry, but I kinda lost faith in heresay I suppose! I started demanding proof about everything!

I never regretted going to church, and I even acquired a pin at 7 YO, that linked other pins every year for not missing Sunday school for 7 years in a row when I was 14.

I was also a Royal Ambassador, and attended Church Camp for years. I was also a First Class Boy scout.

But when I turned 15 I got my drivers license and got my first car, and began working in the Butcher shop at a local food store, where I worked until I graduated High School.

But, after I started working, I dropped out of Church because I had to work on Sundays, the Boy Scouts, and the Royal Ambassadors!

All the extra curricular stuff was a conflict with my work schedule. I was focused more on making good grades and getting through High School early.

I graduated HS at 17!

I was chosen, the first thing the Holy Spirit told me was
"Steer clear of churches"
It's like a prism mankind bends the message to fit their own prejudices!
Actually I was luck being Chosen,the Holy Spirit was relentless and letting me know ,I was Chosen and there's no getting out, Believe me I tried for a long time, but in time I saw there's no getting out.
Like being drafted by "The Godfather" into a Spiritual "Mafia"!