The Gospel of Thomas

...well, to be fair, in many sects of Christianity failing to believe the right thing is a guaranteed trip to eternal torment in the fires of hell.

But if that doesn't bother someone, sure they can believe what they like!

to be fair, that is God's requirement.......not Christianity's......but then, you are free to believe there is no God....
Well, we do have lots of fossils showing development over time of various animals (including humans), so yeah, that's what science is selling.

What is your hypothesis?

that the links you imagine between fossils is speculation....remember when we agreed that an hypothesis needed to be testable before it could become a theory?.....
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its pretty obvious that trying to claim that an ape could build a space ship just like a human simply because humans are classified as apes is a deflection from the issue of whether humans evolved from the same strain of genes as the apes........

the fact you claim that link is not proof of the link.......

Not wrong in any way.

Absolutely correct. And the fact that "believers" are so adamant that it is wrong serves to suggest it is correct.

YOU blindly guess that there is a god responsible for the creation of what we humans call "the universe"...and then blindly guess about the nature of that god.
that the links you imagine between fossils is speculation....remember when we agreed that an hypothesis needed to be testable before it could become a theory?.....


Yes, my parents were great apes.

I'm always fascinated at how scared "Christians" are over being reminded they are animals just like all the other animals. But I get it, some people are just weak minded.

actually.....those who are weak minded are the ones who are the most like those apes who will never build a space ship.........
and your test?.....

Science also works with what is called OBSERVATION.

For instance there is a field called GEOLOGY which studies the earth. We have learned how continental land masses and tectonic plates move around without ever creating a planet of our own in the lab.. We've also learned how volcanoes work without ever creating an actual volcano ourselves in the lab.

There's a field called FORENSIC SCIENCE which solves murders by observation of the data. Forensic scientists are NOT required to go out and kill a person in order to make a test to solve a crime scene.

Hopefully you are getting my point.