The Iceage will SUCK

fool Ted Kennedy & co blocking wind mills
green groups blocking windmills due to bird killings
ineficiency of solar cells
silocon cost
reluctance to buy plug in cars due to milage limits.
Stop being an asswhole salesman your whole life and use you brain you rightwingnut.

LMAO... those are your obstacles?

You need to read more. Windfarms are going up.... just ask Corning. Ted Kennedy will be dead within five years.

Solar cells are becoming more and more efficient you twit... which is why they are being used more. Also... you again are attempting to use data from today and pretend that no advancements will be made in the next FORTY years. Again... computers were NOT efficient in 1985 either... yet 25 years later how far have we advanced?

Electric cars are NOT a good solution. As I stated earlier moron, it will be nat gas, hydrogen and biofuels that diminish the use of oil in cars.

As for bird killings... birds fly into buildings too... yet they are still built moron.
fool Ted Kennedy & co blocking wind mills
green groups blocking windmills due to bird killings
ineficiency of solar cells
silocon cost
reluctance to buy plug in cars due to milage limits.
Stop being an asswhole salesman your whole life and use you brain you rightwingnut.

Wow. You have no idea what's going on right now.

That's a tough one.
The drop in oil prices certainly put alt energy stocks into a downspin, the shortsellers helped as well. Put the uptick back in place and watch the spike.

That said, the shakedown in the industry is upon us. Time to get rid of the weaker companies. Either through bankruptcy or acquisition.

ill take an acquisition of ESLR but i doubt will get me back to the 8's maybe 5 or 6's
we are getting a windfarm in my town.. they going up everywhere. Capewind will prob start construction this year.
Wind and solar are NOT supposed to take over for gasoline you moron. They are designed to take over ELECTRIC production. Nat gas, hydrogen fuel cells, biodiesel etc... are supposed to diminish the use of oil in vehicles.

Show me one expert that supports your views toppy... just one that says alt energy doesn't have a chance.

You clearly are not informed on the progress being made in solar, so why would we expect you to know anything about any other alt energy source?

I'm an expert and I say alt energy doesn't have a chance. There is no progress being made in solar, it is essentially the same principle it has always been and will always be. The primary stumbling block at this time, is cost.

The reason I can say alt energy doesn't have a chance is, because pinhead liberals are at the forefront. You guys totally don't believe in capitalism and free markets, you prefer socialism and government controls. This is why there is no chance for alt energy to ever emerge to the point of overtaking the current energy sources. IF you idiots could grow a brain and learn to accept capitalism and free markets, there might be a chance for alt energy, but you won't do that. Instead, you'll try to mandate it and force it down our throats by instigating governmental controls and regulation, and this will result in resistance by capitalism.

Eventually, the cost of energy will rise to a point where alt energy becomes attractive to capitalists, and you will get what you could have had 50 years earlier. This will cause you to all stand up (and cast aside your walkers) to claim a moral victory, like the idiot pinheads you are! The thought that you could have had alt energy 50 years earlier, won't even enter your pinheaded minds.
ill take an acquisition of ESLR but i doubt will get me back to the 8's maybe 5 or 6's

My guess is that ESLR will go to positive earnings by third quarter, that should propel stock and make it more attractive buyout target. It will be interesting to see what Obama does with his alt energy plans.
I'm an expert and I say alt energy doesn't have a chance. There is no progress being made in solar, it is essentially the same principle it has always been and will always be. The primary stumbling block at this time, is cost.

The reason I can say alt energy doesn't have a chance is, because pinhead liberals are at the forefront. You guys totally don't believe in capitalism and free markets, you prefer socialism and government controls. This is why there is no chance for alt energy to ever emerge to the point of overtaking the current energy sources. IF you idiots could grow a brain and learn to accept capitalism and free markets, there might be a chance for alt energy, but you won't do that. Instead, you'll try to mandate it and force it down our throats by instigating governmental controls and regulation, and this will result in resistance by capitalism.

Eventually, the cost of energy will rise to a point where alt energy becomes attractive to capitalists, and you will get what you could have had 50 years earlier. This will cause you to all stand up (and cast aside your walkers) to claim a moral victory, like the idiot pinheads you are! The thought that you could have had alt energy 50 years earlier, won't even enter your pinheaded minds.

Ok, I'm curious.... what part of alt energy do you have an expertise in?

Side note... given some of the advancements in the past decade at facilities like the one at Colorado State University, I find it hard to believe that we are where we have always been with regards to efficiency. I am not an expert by any means, but I do follow the sector pretty closely. From what I have read, efficiencies have increased over the past decade. Which from what I have read is why Germany took away its solar subsidy.
My guess is that ESLR will go to positive earnings by third quarter, that should propel stock and make it more attractive buyout target. It will be interesting to see what Obama does with his alt energy plans.

that would pretty much suck considering they been preaching positive earnings by Q109 the whole time.
Ok, I'm curious.... what part of alt energy do you have an expertise in?


Ok, I'm curious.... what part of alt energy do you have an expertise in?

Side note... given some of the advancements in the past decade at facilities like the one at Colorado State University, I find it hard to believe that we are where we have always been with regards to efficiency. I am not an expert by any means, but I do follow the sector pretty closely. From what I have read, efficiencies have increased over the past decade. Which from what I have read is why Germany took away its solar subsidy.

Oh, you meant an expert in alternative energy? So you want us to show you one person who is an expert in, and has devoted his life's work to, alternative energy, saying that it doesn't stand a chance? Hmmm... that might be difficult to do, as people who are so invested in something, are generally reluctant to go on record bashing it in any way! It is kind of like finding a priest to say that God doesn't exist.

Efficiency hasn't changed much with relation to cost, more efficient just means more expensive. Germany took away solar subsidies because Germany is the Home of Pinheads! Being a pinhead yourself, you should know this!
most solar companies bleed cash
how many investors in the next 5 yrs are going to be willing to invest in companies that lose money.
I saw lots of windmills in Ca. Zero in La, MS, Fl
Again sf, oncelor have there heads up there asses and don't read.
they can't tell you where we are but can spew pipe dreams about where we are going. thanks for the comedy
Oh, you meant an expert in alternative energy? So you want us to show you one person who is an expert in, and has devoted his life's work to, alternative energy, saying that it doesn't stand a chance? Hmmm... that might be difficult to do, as people who are so invested in something, are generally reluctant to go on record bashing it in any way! It is kind of like finding a priest to say that God doesn't exist.

Efficiency hasn't changed much with relation to cost, more efficient just means more expensive. Germany took away solar subsidies because Germany is the Home of Pinheads! Being a pinhead yourself, you should know this!

So what you are saying is that you do NOT have any expertise in the area and are simply spouting off your normal idiocy? Thanks... next time just say... more of the same.... that way we don't believe you may actually be looking to contribute to a thread.

You obviously have no idea what 'more efficient' means. It does not mean 'we'll charge more for more production'. You also have shown that you have no knowledge about why Germany removed subsidies.
most solar companies bleed cash
how many investors in the next 5 yrs are going to be willing to invest in companies that lose money.
I saw lots of windmills in Ca. Zero in La, MS, Fl
Again sf, oncelor have there heads up there asses and don't read.
they can't tell you where we are but can spew pipe dreams about where we are going. thanks for the comedy

Again you initiate your ignorant attacks on me rather than providing ANYTHING that backs up your assertations.

As for windfarms, yes there are many states that do not have them. That doesn't mean they aren't being built you twit. Or was Boone just kidding about developing one? Is Corning just making them for shits and giggles?

Yes, a lot of solar companies bleed cash and many are very small and unprofitable. As I stated earlier, the time has come to weed out the pretenders. But companies like FSLR, LDK, TSL, etc... are already profitable. They will in turn buy out companies with good product or market penetration that are not efficient enough to survive. Many others will go bankrupt.

Keep in mind toppy, when the auto came out... there were over 100 automakers in the US. THREE survived. At the time when there were 100, I am sure grampa topppy was saying... 'well MOST automakers bleed cash, so ain't none of em going to make much a difference... I is keppin muh horse and buggy'