The Iceage will SUCK

I got a dept of energy link that has renewables at 10% ish in 2030
I don't see any real number from you just the usual fustrated righty attacks.
AutoNation CEO: Gas Tax a Must To Sell Electric Cars
Topics:Alternative Energy * Energy * Environment * Transportation * Automobile Industry
Sectors:Oil and Gas * Automobiles and Parts
Companies:AutoNation Inc * General Motors Corp * Toyota Motor Corporation * Ford Motor CompanyBy: Cadie Thompson, Special to * 13 Jan 2009 * 01:22 PM ET Text Size

The automobile industry may be rolling out electric cars in attempt to save their companies, but consumers have no incentive to buy the cars if an energy policy and a gas tax are not implemented soon, said Mike Jackson, CEO of automotive retailer AutoNation [AN 9.04 0.08 (+0.89%) ].

Jackson blames the fluctuation of gas prices during the last nine months for the confusion among consumers as to why they should buy a fuel-efficient car. With gasoline below two dollars, it is no wonder people are shying away from fuel efficient technology, he said.

“I was turning down Priuses in March and Japan was sending them to other countries. I was taking Cadillac Escalades in trade on Priuses by July and now, today I can’t give away a Prius,” Jackson said. (Watch the accompanying video for his full comments. Jackson was a guest host on "Squawk Box" today and made his statements during an interview with Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm).


Current DateTime: 09:11:51 13 Jan 2009
LinksList Documentid: 28638717
US Carmakers Tout New Products at Detroit Autoshow
Ford Plans Rollout of Electric Car in 2011
Detroit Auto Show: 2009

“Sales are down 50 percent all because the price of gasoline is on a roller coaster. I mean when are we going to have energy policy and a gas tax that puts a floor under the price of gasoline so that we can cease whipsawing the American consumer back and forth on this issue of fuel efficiency which for industries for lead times of two, three, four years, it’s an impossible situation.”

Gov. Jennifer Granholm, D-Mich., said she agreed an energy policy was necessary, but emphasized the need to use tax credits as an incentive for those who invest in cars with electric capability. The stimulus package and unfreezing credit are also necessary to boost the automobile industry, said Granholm.
I got a dept of energy link that has renewables at 10% ish in 2030
I don't see any real number from you just the usual fustrated righty attacks.

Please provide the link, then stop and realize that 2030 is not the same as 2050.

I say again... look at the market penetration of PC's and cell phones 25 years ago and then look where they are today. Technology improved vastly. They became much more efficient AND they become much more affordable.
blow me on the link
like I said I'll be dead so I don't care enough.
I see energy experts all the time and seriously never heard one call a date when oil would be surpassed by alternatives.
Even amoung the turbo-libs experts got to the Obama crowd during the campaign and got them to change the get of oil to get off foreign oil by x as the former is a pipe dream.
blow me on the link
like I said I'll be dead so I don't care enough.
I see energy experts all the time and seriously never heard one call a date when oil would be surpassed by alternatives.
Even amoung the turbo-libs experts got to the Obama crowd during the campaign and got them to change the get of oil to get off foreign oil by x as the former is a pipe dream.

It's not a pipe dream. 5 years might be; not 40.

Progress in every industry is EXPONENTIAL. The landscape just 10 years from now is going to look completely different than it does now; you're basing everything on the idea that current technology will remain relatively the same. It won't.
blow me on the link
like I said I'll be dead so I don't care enough.
I see energy experts all the time and seriously never heard one call a date when oil would be surpassed by alternatives.
Even amoung the turbo-libs experts got to the Obama crowd during the campaign and got them to change the get of oil to get off foreign oil by x as the former is a pipe dream.

LMAO... so you have a link that supports you, but you don't want to provide it? idiot.
because unlike you I see this stuff frequently

Oncelor I truely hope your right, but common sense say not.
So what you are saying is that you do NOT have any expertise in the area and are simply spouting off your normal idiocy? Thanks... next time just say... more of the same.... that way we don't believe you may actually be looking to contribute to a thread.

You obviously have no idea what 'more efficient' means. It does not mean 'we'll charge more for more production'. You also have shown that you have no knowledge about why Germany removed subsidies.

No, what I said is I am an expert, you didn't say an expert at what. Now we find, you want an expert in alternative energy who says that alternative energy doesn't stand a chance, and that is quite an impossible task. Show me an "expert" in any field, who claims his field doesn't have a chance, and I'll show you someone who is beyond pinheaded.

I am an expert in commercial capitalism, and as such, I can say that alternative energy doesn't stand a chance. I also told you why! Pinheads are in charge of it! Now, one of two things could happen (they won't)... Pinheads could suddenly discover capitalism, or alternative energy could be turned over to capitalists. Under either scenario, alternative energy would have a chance, but currently, it has no chance. That's my expert opinion.

I do know what "more efficient" means, and I explained correctly, that "more efficient" only means "more expensive." That is the case with solar cells, ask any solar cell expert! I never said anything about "we'll charge more for production" and have no idea where you derived that from my comments. It simply costs more to make solar cells more efficient.

I also told you why Germans removed subsidies, and ironically, it supports my expert opinion on why alternative energy doesn't stand a chance! Pinhead environmentalist liberals don't understand or believe in capitalism! I have said before, I am all for alternative energy... bring it on! Let's do it! If you will allow capitalism and free markets to prevail, I think it may stand a chance in a few decades. What I am not for, is forking over a few trillion tax dollars for Berkley to do feasibility studies of how much money would be saved if we converted the entire west coast to windmill power. That's the kind of shit liberal environmentalist pinheads want to do, and it is counterproductive.
No, what I said is I am an expert, you didn't say an expert at what. Now we find, you want an expert in alternative energy who says that alternative energy doesn't stand a chance, and that is quite an impossible task. Show me an "expert" in any field, who claims his field doesn't have a chance, and I'll show you someone who is beyond pinheaded.

I am an expert in commercial capitalism, and as such, I can say that alternative energy doesn't stand a chance. I also told you why! Pinheads are in charge of it! Now, one of two things could happen (they won't)... Pinheads could suddenly discover capitalism, or alternative energy could be turned over to capitalists. Under either scenario, alternative energy would have a chance, but currently, it has no chance. That's my expert opinion.

I do know what "more efficient" means, and I explained correctly, that "more efficient" only means "more expensive." That is the case with solar cells, ask any solar cell expert! I never said anything about "we'll charge more for production" and have no idea where you derived that from my comments. It simply costs more to make solar cells more efficient.

I also told you why Germans removed subsidies, and ironically, it supports my expert opinion on why alternative energy doesn't stand a chance! Pinhead environmentalist liberals don't understand or believe in capitalism! I have said before, I am all for alternative energy... bring it on! Let's do it! If you will allow capitalism and free markets to prevail, I think it may stand a chance in a few decades. What I am not for, is forking over a few trillion tax dollars for Berkley to do feasibility studies of how much money would be saved if we converted the entire west coast to windmill power. That's the kind of shit liberal environmentalist pinheads want to do, and it is counterproductive.

ROFLMAO... you are actually making toppy sound intelligent. I did not say I wanted an industry insider to give an expert opinion. There are many who are not IN the industry, that study the industry and follow it closely. They are called analysts and economists. Of which you are neither.

Saying something ignorant like "pinheads are in charge" just shows how little you comprehend the industry. Also, to pretend that there are no capitalists running with alt energy is simply ignorant. Or would you care to explain, ENER, FSLR, LDK, TSL and the countless other alt energy companies that exist today? Perhaps you could also explain why Corning continues producing windmills if alt energy has no chance?

As for 'more efficient' you clearly do not comprehend the meaning as you yet again stated 'more efficient' means 'more expensive'. Solar cell costs are coming down you twit. They are not remaining stagnant.
show a chart from an expert that has oil at 20% by 2050 and alternatives having the majority. Don't see it
your own chart shows 4x renewables growth
7% now
shit who's money do you manage?

well gee toppy, you see, I actually read ALL of the data. Not just one piece of it.

Look at the numbers toppy.... where did you make your mistake?

Hint... look at the total consumption... 30 is what percent of 60?