The Iceage will SUCK

ROFLMAO... you are actually making toppy sound intelligent. I did not say I wanted an industry insider to give an expert opinion. There are many who are not IN the industry, that study the industry and follow it closely. They are called analysts and economists. Of which you are neither.

Saying something ignorant like "pinheads are in charge" just shows how little you comprehend the industry. Also, to pretend that there are no capitalists running with alt energy is simply ignorant. Or would you care to explain, ENER, FSLR, LDK, TSL and the countless other alt energy companies that exist today? Perhaps you could also explain why Corning continues producing windmills if alt energy has no chance?

As for 'more efficient' you clearly do not comprehend the meaning as you yet again stated 'more efficient' means 'more expensive'. Solar cell costs are coming down you twit. They are not remaining stagnant.

Toppy is very intelligent compared to you, I can see why you have that impression. You asked for an "expert opinion" and I gave you one. Then, you qualified your statement to say you wanted an "alternative energy expert" because you asked me for my "alternative energy" expert credentials. Now, you claim that wasn't what you asked for. Make up your mind!!

I never said there were no capitalists interested in alternative energy, again, you somehow derive things from my posts that I do not say. I think it is because of your mental disorder. Solar cells might be coming down in price overall, but the more efficient they are, the more expensive they are, that is a fact. They are still not competitive with traditional energy sources, and won't be for a while, unless capitalism gets involved, which liberal pinheads will not allow. If solar cells ever become competitive with traditional energy sources, you idiots will start mandating regulations and restricting capitalist ventures just like the German pinheads have, and set the industry back another few decades. As Toppy said, maybe in 50 years... but we'll all be dead by then!
Again, it's called exponential growth.,2933,334808,00.html

Tech Pundit Sees Bright Future for Solar Energy

BOSTON — He predicted the fall of the Soviet Union. He predicted the explosive spread of the Internet and wireless access.

Now futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil is part of distinguished panel of engineers that says solar power will scale up to produce all the energy needs of Earth's people in 20 years.

There is 10,000 times more sunlight than we need to meet 100 percent of our energy needs, Kurzweil says, and the technology needed for collecting and storing it is about to emerge as the field of solar energy is going to advance exponentially in accordance with Kurzweil's Law of Accelerating Returns.

That law yields a doubling of price performance in information technologies every year.
Toppy is very intelligent compared to you, I can see why you have that impression. You asked for an "expert opinion" and I gave you one. Then, you qualified your statement to say you wanted an "alternative energy expert" because you asked me for my "alternative energy" expert credentials. Now, you claim that wasn't what you asked for. Make up your mind!!

I never said there were no capitalists interested in alternative energy, again, you somehow derive things from my posts that I do not say. I think it is because of your mental disorder. Solar cells might be coming down in price overall, but the more efficient they are, the more expensive they are, that is a fact. They are still not competitive with traditional energy sources, and won't be for a while, unless capitalism gets involved, which liberal pinheads will not allow. If solar cells ever become competitive with traditional energy sources, you idiots will start mandating regulations and restricting capitalist ventures just like the German pinheads have, and set the industry back another few decades. As Toppy said, maybe in 50 years... but we'll all be dead by then!

You claim to be an expert at commercial capitalism. Great. That is not the same thing as an analyst for a specific industry, nor does it make you an economist. Tell us Dixie, what is your background that makes you an expert at 'commercial capitalism'????

I did not derive anything. I took your exact words. You stated that "pinheads" were in charge of alt energy and that if they went to capitalism then things might work. I pointed out to you that "pinheads" are not in charge of the industry. Capitalists are.

The Germans are not restricting capitalism you idiot, they are removing subsidies.

Again you state above that capitalists need to get involved.... Do you see where that implies they are not currently involved? Idiot.

yes, the costs are not competitive NOW. That is not the argument being made Dizie.

Side note... I asked to hear an opinion from an expert on the industry. You claimed to be an expert. Then show a complete lack of knowledge on the industry as a whole.

AS for this.... "As Toppy said, maybe in 50 years... but we'll all be dead by then" .... this actually made me laugh. Here we are talking about what will happen over the next 40 years and you two are all 'no way will it happen in 40, impossible!...blah blah blah' then you come back and say 'maybe in 50'.

You two are hopeless.
ohh a futurist thinks so. LOFL

it's less than 2% now for solar


Well, you asked for a link. You obviously do not understand, or want to try to understand, anything at all about the effect of exponential growth on basically every new technology throughout history.

I can't help it if you choose to willfully be dumb & ignorant.

The fact that it's 2% now for solar is about as relevant as the fact that email accounted for about 2% of correspondence in the early '90's.

Thanks for the input, though.
That is very cool. The Live Topic option is working now. It will not work in the Whatever Goes forum until I come up with another way to put the video in, and video links will no longer embed in any forum other than Whatever Goes.
That is very cool. The Live Topic option is working now. It will not work in the Whatever Goes forum until I come up with another way to put the video in, and video links will no longer embed in any forum other than Whatever Goes.

It still needs to come down quite a bit for residential, but for most commercial properties the breakeven point is down to about a year.
It still needs to come down quite a bit for residential, but for most commercial properties the breakeven point is down to about a year.
True. But I am sure we will see some sort of equity within our lifetimes.

Already it will pay for itself after a number of years. There are very few moving parts and it is relatively solid technology. Now running costs down is the only real goal. There is the paint option they are working on, and other options that look very promising.