The 'Natural Selection' Thread

You mean lots of posts where I never say anything on topic like you? Sorry, but Stone, and any other sane person, knows that the main reasons facts aren't provided in claims like the Israeli vaccine, is because there are either no facts or the facts, as in this case, disproved the claim.

$20 says you've fucked yourself often by failing to "read the fine print", Fredo. You're exactly the type of loser who blames others for his own life's failures. Get a grip, son. Life is worth living as you'd find out if you took your head out of your ass and started living it.

Katzgar made a step but until he stops blaming others, he can't own his own life. You are fucked up exactly like him. It's wrong of you to hate women. It's not wrong if you're gay. Katzar is a fucking moron, straight or gay. That's a personality fault, not a sexual preference.

Fredo, don't be like Katzgar. Take responsibility for yourself.


so just jibber jabber then?
Decent people will blame themselves. Assholes will blame someone else.

Yes, it's a tragedy that politics has been allowed to infect common sense so deeply that Americans are needlessly dying because they didn't believe the facts in front of them.

IMO, this is type of problem arises from an educational system that teaches children what to think instead of how to think. When Americans come of age, if We, the People have done our job preparing the next generation to protect our republic, then they will be able to clearly see truth mixed in all the bullshit constantly being fed to them. They'll be experienced in handling such situations and make a decision based on facts and the current situation.

In combat, when something comes under review from the rear, a lot of latitude is given to the commanders on the ground to decide what is best to complete their mission. Sometimes the micromanageing asshioles on the other side of the planet muck it up and cost lives because they don't know what they are talking about.

The job of the Federal government is to set policy, not micromanage a tactical combat situation. Same goes for pandemics and our nation's First Responders who have to deal with the micromanagement bullshit flowing out of Washington DC.

History will prove that the fucking morons in our generation needlessly caused tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of deaths with politics just as surely as if they had deliberately infected each one of them. IMO, almost all of those deaths will prove to be Republicans who were politically micromanaged to death.

At least post-vaccine availability. If there really are any JPP posters still unvaxxed at this point as claimed, I expect that we will see fewer and fewer of them posting as this latest surge spreads.
At least post-vaccine availability. If there really are any JPP posters still unvaxxed at this point as claimed, I expect that we will see fewer and fewer of them posting as this latest surge spreads.

ive had covid six times. I pissed in covids face everytime.

I kind of enjoy it now.
At least post-vaccine availability. If there really are any JPP posters still unvaxxed at this point as claimed, I expect that we will see fewer and fewer of them posting as this latest surge spreads.

As far as know it’s down to me lol.

Avoid the horse race track until you have a better grasp of probabilities.
At least post-vaccine availability. If there really are any JPP posters still unvaxxed at this point as claimed, I expect that we will see fewer and fewer of them posting as this latest surge spreads.

For a few days. Of course, all those whose health is already compromised could be in for a rough, if not final, ride to the hospital.

Over a year ago I joked to my wife early in the pandemic "maybe we should get sick first before the hospitals fill up!" LOL I crack myself up.
Dude, if that were true you'd be quoting facts instead of opinion. Even Tucker and Sean admit they are full of opinion and not journalists with facts.

you've still not posted a rebuttal.

you just ask accusatory questions and go on idiotic rants about blame and therapeutic man-rape.
For a few days. Of course, all those whose health is already compromised could be in for a rough, if not final, ride to the hospital.

Over a year ago I joked to my wife early in the pandemic "maybe we should get sick first before the hospitals fill up!" LOL I crack myself up.

Hahahahaha! How funny! In a macabre sort of way.
For a few days. Of course, all those whose health is already compromised could be in for a rough, if not final, ride to the hospital.

Over a year ago I joked to my wife early in the pandemic "maybe we should get sick first before the hospitals fill up!" LOL I crack myself up.

you yourself up crack.
As far as know it’s down to me lol.

Avoid the horse race track until you have a better grasp of probabilities.

Nah, there are several of you knuckleheads here. Only one is a LWer.

The poster named MAGA claimed last week that there have been "6,000" adverse events from the vaccine, which he included as ppl who died from COVID even though they were fully vaccinated. So that is a perfectly good reason not to get the jab.

Let's see your math skills and expertise at calculating probabilities, 61. 6,000 adverse events out of 369 million shots is what now? How does that answer compare to a RW-claimed 2% death rate, or the even more unlikely 1%?

Smart people know and that's why we are vaccinated. Stupid ppl are still looking at 6,000 as a huge number. :laugh:
Nah, there are several of you knuckleheads here. Only one is a LWer.

The poster named MAGA claimed last week that there have been "6,000" adverse events from the vaccine, which he included as ppl who died from COVID even though they were fully vaccinated. So that is a perfectly good reason not to get the jab.

Let's see your math skills and expertise at calculating probabilities, 61. 6,000 adverse events out of 369 million shots is what now? How does that answer compare to a RW-claimed 2% death rate, or the even more unlikely 1%?

Smart people know and that's why we are vaccinated. Stupid ppl are still looking at 6,000 as a huge number. :laugh:

No backing out of it.

You implied the CCP bug would get me in spite of the ‘north of 99%’ odds it wouldn’t. I’ll die of something someday but the odds are stacked *greatly in favor* of being due to something besides the damn China bug. You know what the odds of dying from cancer are? Way, way, greater than from the bug.

Stay away from the horse track and stop looking at anecdotes.
No backing out of it.

You implied the CCP bug would get me in spite of the ‘north of 99%’ odds it wouldn’t. I’ll die of something someday but the odds are stacked *greatly in favor* of being due to something besides the damn China bug. You know what the odds of dying from cancer are? Way, way, greater than from the bug.

Stay away from the horse track and stop looking at anecdotes.

you nailed that dumb cunt.
OpEds are fine but an entire newspaper of OpEds with the really sound news confined to page 6 isn't a "news paper". When people believe it is a newspaper, then we have fucking morons beating up cops and breaking into Congress to murder the people inside.
its called hard newz and opinion based shows. same as a newspaper
Every day there's another one of these stories. Many of them coming out of Florida and Texas, of course.

My nurse GF tells the same story every week:

People who refused to get vaccinated, but have now found religion upon falling ill. Many crying for their families to get vaccinated as they breathe their last gasps.

My own sister in law has been refusing to get vaccinated out of fear of 'what is in it'.

A friend of hers died this week, and now she has condescended to get the jab.

These Texas idiots succumbed to pressure from their neighbors, and refused the vaccination. Now their 19 year old daughter is dead, and they're getting the vaccine.

The mother of a college student who died 'screaming through the mask' wished she had made her get the COVID-19 vaccine

This is a thread where the daily stories about the under educated can be shared. It seems as if they occur every day.

Not the deaths. The fact that it takes a family tragedy to show people the light.

It's probably time for them to turn off the t.v., and go out and get vaccinated.

And then vote their governors out of office.

Propaganda. Trolling.
No backing out of it.

You implied the CCP bug would get me in spite of the ‘north of 99%’ odds it wouldn’t. I’ll die of something someday but the odds are stacked *greatly in favor* of being due to something besides the damn China bug. You know what the odds of dying from cancer are? Way, way, greater than from the bug.

Stay away from the horse track and stop looking at anecdotes.
everybody ignores acquired immunity.
Im sure you have it by now, and it's more durable then vaxing as we've seen in recent studies