The 'Natural Selection' Thread

I'm getting sick of these sob stories of the unvaccinated dying on their death beds, with vaccine remorse?!! It was their body, their choice not to get vaccinated?!! These people/dumbasses should not have a priority on ICU beds either, over heart attack, stroke, and other life threatening illnesses?!! Just give them some oxygen, ivermectin, remdesivir, and a bible?!!
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I'm getting sick of these sob stories of the unvaccinated dying on their death beds, with vaccine remorse?!! It was their body, their choice not to get vaccinated?!! These people/dumbasses should have a priority on ICU beds either, over heart attack, stroke, and other life threatening illnesses?!! Just give them some oxygen, ivermectin, remdesivir, and a bible?!!

False dichotomy fallacy.
We have a rare Bostonian "born again" lady in our virtually all Catholic or lapsed-Catholic neighborhood.

Friendly, nice woman, but a super church person [and almost certainly a Republican] nonetheless.

She finally got the first shot---after her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren all came down with covid.

Probably hasn't told her pastor, though.

Now THERE is a super asshole.

I heard his schtick when I attended the husband's funeral service.

As for the lady probably being a Republican, there's nothing as harmless as a Republican voter in Boston.

It's like trying to alter the tides by peeing off the deck of a boat.
Are you intentionally misconstruing the truth or do you really believe the bullshit post without actually reading the article for yourself?
He's bumping the thread. Idiot doesn't realize that the microscopic tracking devices are actually in the Ivermectin!
Extraordinary that one would make medical decisions based on peer pressure from Trump-loving Facebook friends.
I was intrigued by that, but the truth is they are simply idiots.

If they weren't, they could easily get injected privately (as trump did) while publicly denouncing the vaccine. (as trump did)
Dude, if that were true you'd be quoting facts instead of opinion. Even Tucker and Sean admit they are full of opinion and not journalists with facts.
LOL. Annoisekopf also 'reads articles'.

He finds them in the sewers, but he reads them.
I'm getting sick of these sob stories of the unvaccinated dying on their death beds, with vaccine remorse?!! It was their body, their choice not to get vaccinated?!! These people/dumbasses should have a priority on ICU beds either, over heart attack, stroke, and other life threatening illnesses?!! Just give them some oxygen, ivermectin, remdesivir, and a bible?!!

and in the end times, the inconsolably evil shall spout the truth in irony, though they are cut off from the kingdom of the father. -- adulations 4:13
Imagine listening to peer pressure from family and neighbors when you're an adult, in the face of a deadly pandemic. How many thousands more will have to die unnecessary deaths before these ignorant sheep wake up?
I'm sure Darwin asked similar questions.
I'm getting sick of these sob stories of the unvaccinated dying on their death beds, with vaccine remorse?!! It was their body, their choice not to get vaccinated?!! These people/dumbasses should have a priority on ICU beds either, over heart attack, stroke, and other life threatening illnesses?!! Just give them some oxygen, ivermectin, remdesivir, and a bible?!!
The hospital is the only real issue. Let them die at home.
Would you tell us if you got the virus?
what is "got the virus"
I assume I've gotten all the variants - vaxxes dont protect one from infections -
they stimulate the body response to infections
Acquired immunity does the same thing -stimulates immune system