The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Same thing with haircuts and mani / pedis.
Everybody needs to purge unwanted cells at some time or another.
I just don't know why everybody makes a big deal about it.
Because it creates political division, which is the only Republican platform.

Us/Them is effective when targeting the under educated.
"Abstinence sex" is a modification of Nancy Reagan's "Just say 'No' to drugs!" phrase...which didn't work for drugs either.
And ironically, the face of the movement continued her whoring ways and birthed more Palins while on tour.
I just saw a video by an Alabama nurse. She said the unvaccinated get the more severe disease, need more intervention, and have worse results. She has not talked to Alex jones, I guess.
It's every nurse in every state.
And ironically, the face of the movement continued her whoring ways and birthed more Palins while on tour.

Bristol is still hot.


New Zealand woman dies after receiving Pfizer vaccine

[FONT=&]An independent vaccine safety monitoring board said the woman's death was "probably" due to myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle.[/FONT]

IN the U.S. at least 369 MILLION have received at least one vaccine so far; the number worldwide is 5.44 BILLION with 2.17 BILLION fully vaccinated. Yet you're going to point to a single death that may or may not have been caused by the vaccine as a reason to not get it yourself. :rolleyes:

Source for numbers:
"Abstinence sex" is a modification of Nancy Reagan's "Just say 'No' to drugs!" phrase...which didn't work for drugs either.


there's no free will.

we're all slaves to our base drives.

people shouldn't try, right deep state demoralizer?

you're literally satanic.
Every day there's another one of these stories. Many of them coming out of Florida and Texas, of course.

My nurse GF tells the same story every week:

People who refused to get vaccinated, but have now found religion upon falling ill. Many crying for their families to get vaccinated as they breathe their last gasps.

My own sister in law has been refusing to get vaccinated out of fear of 'what is in it'.

A friend of hers died this week, and now she has condescended to get the jab.

These Texas idiots succumbed to pressure from their neighbors, and refused the vaccination. Now their 19 year old daughter is dead, and they're getting the vaccine.

The mother of a college student who died 'screaming through the mask' wished she had made her get the COVID-19 vaccine

This is a thread where the daily stories about the under educated can be shared. It seems as if they occur every day.

Not the deaths. The fact that it takes a family tragedy to show people the light.

It's probably time for them to turn off the t.v., and go out and get vaccinated.

And then vote their governors out of office.

Actually the natural selection should be to consider tRump, his criminal family and sewer covid spreading GQPers at being subhuman creatures and savages that are incapable of coexisting and being productive members of a civilized society.
IN the U.S. at least 369 MILLION have received at least one vaccine so far; the number worldwide is 5.44 BILLION with 2.17 BILLION fully vaccinated. Yet you're going to point to a single death that may or may not have been caused by the vaccine as a reason to not get it yourself. :rolleyes:

Source for numbers:

Surely you don't think I'm stupid enough to think there was only one death from this experimental technology? This is the Natural Selection thread and that is but one of many thousands who have died, not to mention the others who have had all kinds of side effects. The long term side effects which are yet to be known.

Go to VAERS and download the data.
Actually the natural selection should be to consider tRump, his criminal family and sewer covid spreading GQPers at being subhuman creatures and savages that are incapable of coexisting and being productive members of a civilized society.

Surely you don't think I'm stupid enough to think there was only one death from this experimental technology? This is the Natural Selection thread and that is but one of many thousands who have died, not to mention the others who have had all kinds of side effects. The long term side effects which are yet to be known.

Go to VAERS and download the data.

It’s almost certainly just a partial picture because not all adverse incidents get reported. There’s also no long term data—because there can’t be.

Only ‘happy talk’ about the vax is permitted on social media. Anything else gets flagged.