The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Surely you don't think I'm stupid enough to think there was only one death from this experimental technology? This is the Natural Selection thread and that is but one of many thousands who have died, not to mention the others who have had all kinds of side effects. The long term side effects which are yet to be known.

Go to VAERS and download the data.

Unnecessary. I know the vaccines are safe. Two-thirds of the world's population have received at least one dose. That is 5.44 BILLION human beings. You're talking about what... a few thousand cases, most of which have not been directly linked to receiving the vaccine?

If getting poked scares you, don't do it. Live in fear instead. Your choice. As for me, I chose to follow the science and have been vaccinated, and will be getting a booster as soon as it's available. We are enjoying life as much as we did pre-pandemic. We go out to eat, we go to busy venues, we've traveled this summer (once by plane). I don't put on a mask unless it's required. Life is good when you aren't living in fear.
Actually the natural selection should be to consider tRump, his criminal family and sewer covid spreading GQPers at being subhuman creatures and savages that are incapable of coexisting and being productive members of a civilized society.
LOL. That's implied in every thread about the state of our nation
Surely you don't think I'm stupid enough to think there was only one death from this experimental technology? This is the Natural Selection thread and that is but one of many thousands who have died, not to mention the others who have had all kinds of side effects. The long term side effects which are yet to be known.

Go to VAERS and download the data.
LOL. You're vaccinated.
Unnecessary. I know the vaccines are safe. Two-thirds of the world's population have received at least one dose. That is 5.44 BILLION human beings. You're talking about what... a few thousand cases, most of which have not been directly linked to receiving the vaccine?

If getting poked scares you, don't do it. Live in fear instead. Your choice. As for me, I chose to follow the science and have been vaccinated, and will be getting a booster as soon as it's available. We are enjoying life as much as we did pre-pandemic. We go out to eat, we go to busy venues, we've traveled this summer (once by plane). I don't put on a mask unless it's required. Life is good when you aren't living in fear.
The family in the OP didn't live in fear. ;)

They didn't live in reality either, but no trumpers do
Now THAT is one primo piece of ass! You have to know all the gross ugly duckling libtard women in here just despise her for how she looks. :laugh:

She's definitely hot, but like all the other Hollywood women, she had a little help. LOL

She's now in Austin. A single mother with two kids.....and I love helping single mothers. ;)
She's definitely hot, but like all the other Hollywood women, she had a little help. LOL

She's now in Austin. A single mother with two kids.....and I love helping single mothers. ;)

Im sure she will find LOTS and lots of help!
She's definitely hot, but like all the other Hollywood women, she had a little help. LOL

She's now in Austin. A single mother with two kids.....and I love helping single mothers. ;)

She had plastic surgery when she was still back in Alaska. Her dad is part Native Alaskan, and Bristol had the typical rounded facial features. She had them "fixed" to look more Caucasian. She was super cute and very natural-looking before. Now she just looks like every other botoxed-and-plasticized wannabe star. *sigh*

Surely you don't think I'm stupid enough to think there was only one death from this experimental technology? This is the Natural Selection thread and that is but one of many thousands who have died, not to mention the others who have had all kinds of side effects. The long term side effects which are yet to be known.

Go to VAERS and download the data.

I love Natural Selection. 1/6 was a example of what happens when We, the People, collect all the idiots together in Washington. Well, at least all the brave idiots. Still lots of pussified idiots on this forum who were too chickenshit to go.

Here's the bottom line: post the numbers of vaccinated deaths to unvaccinated deaths.
Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated
Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

An Associated Press analysis of available government data from May shows that “breakthrough” infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for fewer than 1,200 of more than 107,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations. That’s about 1.1%.

And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.

I'm not a doctor or a fucking politician, but I do know a lot about statistics and calculating odds/risk. I went with the vaccinations as soon as I could and will do the same with the booster. Not just COVID either, I'm always current on all of my shots such as tetanus, pneumonia, flu, shingles, etc. Vaccines work.
She's definitely hot, but like all the other Hollywood women, she had a little help. LOL

She's now in Austin. A single mother with two kids.....and I love helping single mothers. ;)

BTW,....not meaning this as a dig,....I am honestly curious. Why is the Capital building in Austin so low end? I was actually shocked as much of Texas is really very nice. Then I toured the capital and I was like...:| WTF???Our county seat courthouse back home is way nicer than this POS let alone our actual state capital! :laugh: I was seriously shocked. Not what I was expecting for such a nice state.
She had plastic surgery when she was still back in Alaska. Her dad is part Native Alaskan, and Bristol had the typical rounded facial features. She had them "fixed" to look more Caucasian. She was super cute and very natural-looking before. Now she just looks like every other botoxed-and-plasticized wannabe star. *sigh*


She was definitely cuter in the before photo. She's still attractive, but I agree she looked better natural.
BTW,....not meaning this as a dig,....I am honestly curious. Why is the Capital building in Austin so low end? I was actually shocked as much of Texas is really very nice. Then I toured the capital and I was like...:| WTF???Our county seat courthouse back home is way nicer than this POS let alone our actual state capital! :laugh: I was seriously shocked. Not what I was expecting for such a nice state.

Texans say "If you want it, build it yourself".
I love Natural Selection. 1/6 was a example of what happens when We, the People, collect all the idiots together in Washington. Well, at least all the brave idiots. Still lots of pussified idiots on this forum who were too chickenshit to go.

Here's the bottom line: post the numbers of vaccinated deaths to unvaccinated deaths.
Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated
Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

An Associated Press analysis of available government data from May shows that “breakthrough” infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for fewer than 1,200 of more than 107,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations. That’s about 1.1%.

And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.

I'm not a doctor or a fucking politician, but I do know a lot about statistics and calculating odds/risk. I went with the vaccinations as soon as I could and will do the same with the booster. Not just COVID either, I'm always current on all of my shots such as tetanus, pneumonia, flu, shingles, etc. Vaccines work.

Those numbers are even more compelling when you realize that none of the vaccines are 100% effective. An infection rate of 1.1% far surpasses their claimed 94-95% efficacy rate.

Or to look at it another way, it's been claimed that 6,000 or so vaccinated ppl have either died from COVID, or allegedly suffered some adverse effect from receiving the vaccine. (Caveat: There is little proof yet other than a handful of anaphylactic episodes that the vaccine itself has killed.) Given that 369M vaccines have been administered in the U.S., that gives us an astounding rate of 0.00001626016% of vaccines have either been ineffective leading to death, or directly caused death.
She was definitely cuter in the before photo. She's still attractive, but I agree she looked better natural.

It makes me sad for young women who feel inside that they are ugly, and undergo surgery to "fix" themselves. More encouraging, positive friends and family would be better.
It makes me sad for young women who feel inside that they are ugly, and undergo surgery to "fix" themselves. More encouraging, positive friends and family would be better.

Well,... if thats how you dealt with the anguish of your own subpar looks then thats fine. Whatever works for you. Not every woman can be gorgeous. :good4u:
Well, one member of that OP family isn't living in fear, or at all.

True. That's akin to the old maxim "Only the dead have seen the end of war."*

Meanwhile, there's this: 94% of Alabama COVID-19 deaths among unvaccinated
ADPH reports that between April 1 and Aug. 18, a total of 89.8% of the state’s coronavirus cases were among those who were unvaccinated against the disease. In the same time period, ADPH reports that 94.1% of all COVID-19 deaths were among those who were not vaccinated.

“Current data shows that fully vaccinated persons who get COVID-19 are much less likely to get severely ill, go to the hospital, or die from COVID-19,” the health department said. “The COVID-19 vaccines are working.”

*George Santayana attributes it to Plato
