The 'Natural Selection' Thread


Did you see the movie "Bombshell"? Key phrase "It's a visual medium". That's the reality which translated into politics with the first televised Presidential debate.

Most people on the radio believed Nixon won, but most who watched on television thought JFK won. This data was not lost on most statisticians and advisors for political campaigns.

That said, I do think the artificiality of television is influencing too many people with superficial values. It's up to parents to influence their children otherwise.

Parents are the ones who are responsible, not Fox News, the schools or local politicians. Sure, they can all help, but it's still up to the parents.

I agree. In Bristol's case, she was doomed from the start then by having a media whore of a mother who herself has had procedures and who is wrapped up in appearances rather than substance.
Agreed. Natural Selection. We're weeding out the fucking morons. Now you know why I'm against helmet and seatbelt laws except for minors. I support requiring them in vehicles, including school busses, just not ticketing those who don't wear them.

God Bless America!


In rural areas I would agree with you regarding seatbelts and helmets. Up here, for instance, by the time first responders get to you and cart you off, you're usually already dead. In more urban areas though, the response is faster. So they end up "saving" someone who will forever be, in the immortal words of my late husband, "a head on a pillow." We taxpayers shouldn't have to be on the hook for their care when their insurance (if any) runs out.

In the medical field, we call motorcycles "donor cycles." lol
Every day there's another one of these stories. Many of them coming out of Florida and Texas, of course.

My nurse GF tells the same story every week:

People who refused to get vaccinated, but have now found religion upon falling ill. Many crying for their families to get vaccinated as they breathe their last gasps.

My own sister in law has been refusing to get vaccinated out of fear of 'what is in it'.

A friend of hers died this week, and now she has condescended to get the jab.

These Texas idiots succumbed to pressure from their neighbors, and refused the vaccination. Now their 19 year old daughter is dead, and they're getting the vaccine.

The mother of a college student who died 'screaming through the mask' wished she had made her get the COVID-19 vaccine

This is a thread where the daily stories about the under educated can be shared. It seems as if they occur every day.

Not the deaths. The fact that it takes a family tragedy to show people the light.

It's probably time for them to turn off the t.v., and go out and get vaccinated.

And then vote their governors out of office.

They're dropping like flies. We're all better off because of it.
She was thrust into the spotlight when her mom appeared on the national stage. Like her special needs infant brother, she was used as a prop. for years after the embarrassment of a campaign that Palin created.

Absolutely. Palin is a plastic Barbie doll creature who really damaged her kids by using them as political props. It will be a wonder if any of them end up being anything more than caricatures of famous ppl.
I believe it was Nixon's profuse sweating that created the impression that he was struggling. Yes...that wasn't evident on the radio

I also read that his "five o'clock shadow" made him look swarthy, old, and untrustworthy compared to the younger, clean-shaven, energetic JFK.
When it was first implemented in NY, it was the insurers who pushed for it. I seem to remember there being pressure put on the states re insurance rates, etc..

Yes there's a profit motive. Insurance companies charge the same rates but with less payouts. No shit.

That said, the insurance companies couldn't pass it without the help of Nanny State voters. NY is a good place for it.

One theory of why our society is failing is because we force too many Darwin Award candidates to wear seatbelts, helmets and other Nanny State laws so they grow up to produce half a dozen little idiots.

Note that the Red States are out producing the Blue States in reproduction. It's not just about abortion rights.
In rural areas I would agree with you regarding seatbelts and helmets. Up here, for instance, by the time first responders get to you and cart you off, you're usually already dead. In more urban areas though, the response is faster. So they end up "saving" someone who will forever be, in the immortal words of my late husband, "a head on a pillow." We taxpayers shouldn't have to be on the hook for their care when their insurance (if any) runs out.

In the medical field, we call motorcycles "donor cycles." lol
Change the law so they die. Easy peasy.

As a wise Korean hooker once told me, "No payee, no suckee". :)
violence solves nothing, shitwad.

reject evil.

Bullshit. It solved oppression from the fucking Limeys, it stopped States from seceding, it stopped the endless carnage in WWI (violence to stop violence. I love it!) and it stopped your heroes, the fucking Fascists in WWII.

Violence, skillfully applied, is a tool for building. Misapplied, it's a tool of destruction. Just like any other tool.

The problem is too many idiots like yourself who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and are too fucking stupid to know the difference.
Bullshit. It solved oppression from the fucking Limeys, it stopped States from seceding, it stopped the endless carnage in WWI (violence to stop violence. I love it!) and it stopped your heroes, the fucking Fascists in WWII.

all wars are bankers wars. they are a cynical coordinated machination to terrorize humanity, make massive profits, and depopulate the world.

yes. violence to stop violence. kind of retarded. you believe irrational slogans. that makes you dumb.
Unnecessary. I know the vaccines are safe. Two-thirds of the world's population have received at least one dose. That is 5.44 BILLION human beings. You're talking about what... a few thousand cases, most of which have not been directly linked to receiving the vaccine?

If getting poked scares you, don't do it. Live in fear instead. Your choice. As for me, I chose to follow the science and have been vaccinated, and will be getting a booster as soon as it's available. We are enjoying life as much as we did pre-pandemic. We go out to eat, we go to busy venues, we've traveled this summer (once by plane). I don't put on a mask unless it's required. Life is good when you aren't living in fear.
Wonderful. Then you have nothing to worry about in the future. I just don't have that much confidence in it. The way it is pushed and lied about, media downplaying therapeutics and side effects, further deters me.

Hopefully you will not catch it or give it to someone else. Again, this is a waiting game. It will end.
She had plastic surgery when she was still back in Alaska. Her dad is part Native Alaskan, and Bristol had the typical rounded facial features. She had them "fixed" to look more Caucasian. She was super cute and very natural-looking before. Now she just looks like every other botoxed-and-plasticized wannabe star. *sigh*

Could she have just lost weight? What kind of surgery does this? Her nose looks the same.
Change the law so they die. Easy peasy.

As a wise Korean hooker once told me, "No payee, no suckee". :)

Nah, I don't want to live in a country where we just let the uninsured die. It would be swell if people who drive cars and ride motorcycles would take responsibility for themselves, but since they don't, we have to do it for them.
I'm healthy. I hope everything works out for you in the long run. Not knowing what the end result might be couldn't be a good feeling.

so you haven't caught the virus yet, must mean you never will

please attend a Trump rally ASAP

vaccines work.....which means you wouldn't need a hospital stay, intubation, or therapeutics to begin with
I'm healthy. I hope everything works out for you in the long run. Not knowing what the end result might be couldn't be a good feeling.

There is no reason to worry about the "end result" (not getting sick lol) of the vaccine if you know how it works. I've explained it here more than once.

Your choice, again. As for me, it's far better to prevent illness than wait till you have it and try to treat it and hope for the best.