The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Ok, well the science says that if you’re unvaccinated your 7 times as likely to test positive for COVID-19, 49 times as likely to be hospitalized and 37 times more likely to die than the vaccinated.

Please stop confusing the Trumpian Dick Suckers with facts. They don't understand them and will only flood the thread with bullshit about BLM and Antifa then resort to personal attacks.

Follow of advice of the Black Goddess, Kali: Fuck'em. You can't fix stupid. Let them return to the Earth.

She can be harsh, but like a good mother, she knows right is right.
I have always thought that conservatives threw around buzzword terms like personal responsibility and rugged individualism too quickly, without ever stopping to really define what they really meant about it and what the consequences were.
You never hear those terms when their campaign donors are in line waiting for a govt. bailout.

As we speak, the Fed is buying millions of dollars worth of corporate bonds in order to keep the market strong. Have been since the trump virus crashed the market.
First, I think we can agree that saving lives is, in general, a good idea. OTOH, as we've discussed in the religious threads, to a certain degree they are just meat. Like the unvaccinated idiots clogging up our ICUs.

Sure, it would suck if a loved one or myself was in an auto accident because some drunken Trump voter (no seatbelt, natch) crossed the median and we died in a tent because the ICU was clogged with said drunk's friends.

However, statistically, it's the only option open to us at this point. We can't fix stupid. We can't kill stupid. Therefore we must let stupid die by it's own hand.

As the Great Black Goddess once said:


Or maybe I'm just pedestalizing God, wherever she may be.
I wear seatbelts in all 3 of my vehicles. I hated them in the past, and in my pickup I was never worried about hitting anyone and getting the short end of the stick.

In my VW, I always wore it because I'm in a tuna fish can compared to my truck. In my work van, I wear it because I got used to it. All of my vehicles ding at me if I don't wear it, but I'm sure there's a way to shut that off.

But....with airbags in every vehicle, no seatbelt typically yields worse injuries FROM THE BAG in the event of a head on collision. Most trucks are now designed to have the engine collapse under the vehicle in a head on, instead of landing in the driver's lap.

Nanny State:

I was in a bar having a discussion with a local cop. He went outside for a smoke, as did my GF. That was soon after it was mandated that there is no smoking inside. He started going off about the bullshit smoking laws, and how he doesn't need to be told what to do.

"Just like the seatbelt laws?" I asked.

End of discussion.
You never hear those terms when their campaign donors are in line waiting for a govt. bailout.

As we speak, the Fed is buying millions of dollars worth of corporate bonds in order to keep the market strong. Have been since the trump virus crashed the market.

I always thought a good Republican party motto would be:

"Socialism for me, but not for thee."
Ok, well the science says that if you’re unvaccinated your 7 times as likely to test positive for COVID-19, 49 times as likely to be hospitalized and 37 times more likely to die than the vaccinated.

nicely regurgitated.

all the numbers all falsified.

pcr tests yield bad results.

doctors are pressured to put covid on every cause of death.

vaccine adverse results are suppressed.

a death from the vaccine is recorded as unvaxxed if the death is within 14 days of death jab.

truth has no chance here.

wake up, sheeple-person. npc satanic grifter-bot. Borg collective miscreant. necromonger recruiter fool.
"Just like the seatbelt laws?" I asked. End of discussion.

Being old enough to have begun driving without seatbelts, I really hate them--especially in coat weather.
But I DO wear them, even when driving up north in New Hampshire, the one state that doesn't mandate them [Live free or die, etc, Motorcyclists don't have to wear helmets, either]

I wear them for the sole reason of not looking like a moron-libertarian. It's sort of like covid masks.
Being old enough to have begun driving without seatbelts, I really hate them--especially in coat weather.
But I DO wear them, even when driving up north in New Hampshire, the one state that doesn't mandate them [Live free or die, etc, Motorcyclists don't have to wear helmets, either]

I wear them for the sole reason of not looking like a moron-libertarian. It's sort of like covid masks.
When the laws were first passed in the mid 80s in NY, there were still quite a few cars on the road that didn't have them. They used to be an option when buying a car. So those drivers got a pass.

I always hated them. I never wore mine in my old truck. In my new truck I wear it out of habit. I can't really argue that they're a bad idea. I just didn't like being told that I had to.

And as you say...they're a pain in the ass in the winter.
Unnecessary. I know the vaccines are safe. Two-thirds of the world's population have received at least one dose. That is 5.44 BILLION human beings. You're talking about what... a few thousand cases, most of which have not been directly linked to receiving the vaccine?

If getting poked scares you, don't do it. Live in fear instead. Your choice. As for me, I chose to follow the science and have been vaccinated,
There is no science here.
and will be getting a booster as soon as it's available.
So you have joined the Covid religion. Meh.
We are enjoying life as much as we did pre-pandemic. We go out to eat, we go to busy venues, we've traveled this summer (once by plane). I don't put on a mask unless it's required. Life is good when you aren't living in fear.
So are people that are not vaccinated.
I hope she remains well. I have a friend in the hospital right now, that they thought was doing well last week and now they don’t know if he’ll make it.
That's how quickly this virus changes you. Generally, once on the vent, you're done.
Ok, well the science says that if you’re unvaccinated your 7 times as likely to test positive for COVID-19, 49 times as likely to be hospitalized and 37 times more likely to die than the vaccinated.
Don't call it science if you want to keep their short attention.

Call it math.

Or bacon. Everyone loves bacon.