The 'Natural Selection' Thread

He pushed me over the top. I shouldn't have revealed that snippet.

I have quite a few in this thread on ignore. If you would stop quoting them, I wouldn't feel compelled to divulge classified info.

Edit...I notice that NOBODY is quoting Into The Night, so although he's all over my quote list, I'm blissfully blind to his garbage.

He never writes a single thing that's quote worthy.
No doubt you have no clue. You don't get to speak for me. You can only speak for yourself.

Why are you under the delusion I speak for you, Sybil?
Pivot fallacy. Trolling.
Paradox A.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself.

Don't you see that your primary contribution to this and other threads is to troll? Why don't you post relevant facts and employ the art of persuasion to convince others you are both sane and intelligent?
He never writes a single thing that's quote worthy.

As far as content, I completely agree. He tears down at the thread instead of building on it.

I'm not joking when I post he's a paranoid schizo. He's ill, delusional, but not stupid. Spaz is stupid. So are most of the anti-mask/anti-vax crowd. Especially the ones who didn't actually get a vaccine in a pandemic for political reasons.

How stupid is it for people to actually believe a vaccination is a vote for Biden? They are either stupid or insane. Sybil is insane, but a few here are just stupid. All have an equal say on the Internet. Discovering who is who is one of my hobbies. Thanks Al Gore! :thup:

Pssst. You're normal. Try showing a little more light from under that bushel. The better to outshine the fucking morons. ;)
Maybe you should have read all her comments before opening up your big, nasty piehole, moron. You must think out of all her exposures only the doctors and those in their offices could have given it to her. It's bullshit.

"I've tried so hard for the last year and a half to get the rona. Went to political rallies, meetings, shopping, traveling, fishing, visiting neighbors, going to the gym.....and came up empty in my
quest for natural immunity. Then last week I went to my 2 doctor visits on the same day where everyone is masked up, jabbed up, spaced out seats in the waiting area. I came straight home,
worked a few hours, ate, went to bed. It wasn't until 3 days later that I woke up and felt 'off'. A little achy, sneezed a little, ignored it and started working. The next day I still didn't feel right and
the lymph nodes on the left side of my neck looked a bit larger and felt a bit tender. I knew for sure it was not a cold because all colds I've ever had in life began with a burning throat with that
horrible drip thing that goes on. And, still no fever. So, I figured GREAT! Maybe this is finally it. Drove down to the Regeneron treatment site 35 miles south in The Villages. Positive, got the treatment,
waited the hour for observation and headed home."
She didn't "blame the doctors" as you claimed, you retarded moron. Learn to read.

the bank of international settlements in baden, Switzerland funded hitler. that bank is the central bank of most central banks in the world, run by powerful families (rothschilds). its a for profit slush fund where they create governments and armies in a synchronized vortex of death and carnage.

Hitler wasn't alive during the Revolutionary War, the War of Secession, the terrorist war, or the war in the streets going on today by Antifa and BLM thugs.
Hitler and his party was primarily funded by the Bechstein family, Fritz Thyssun (a steel maker), and Gustav Krupp (another steel maker and heavy equipment maker), and Henry Ford (foreign automaker).

The Rothchild family does not own any Swiss bank. It DID form, an investment group in Switzerland in 1953, however. This investment group primarily invests in infrastructure such as railways, mines, and of course, gold. Most activity from the Rothchild family is in the UK and the States.

There are currently about two dozen Swiss banks, all owned by different people. A unique law in Switzerland is that they do not divulge transactions to any other nation. The privacy laws in Switzerland are among the strongest in the world, particularly in banking.
Why are you under the delusion I speak for you, Sybil?
You don't. You only get to speak for yourself.
Don't you see that your primary contribution to this and other threads is to troll?
Inversion fallacy.
Why don't you post relevant facts
Void argument fallacy.
and employ the art of persuasion to convince others you are both sane and intelligent?
Insult fallacies.

No argument presented. Trolling.
As far as content, I completely agree. He tears down at the thread instead of building on it.

I'm not joking when I post he's a paranoid schizo. He's ill, delusional, but not stupid. Spaz is stupid. So are most of the anti-mask/anti-vax crowd. Especially the ones who didn't actually get a vaccine in a pandemic for political reasons.

How stupid is it for people to actually believe a vaccination is a vote for Biden? They are either stupid or insane. Sybil is insane, but a few here are just stupid. All have an equal say on the Internet. Discovering who is who is one of my hobbies. Thanks Al Gore! :thup:

Pssst. You're normal. Try showing a little more light from under that bushel. The better to outshine the fucking morons. ;)

Insult fallacies. Preaching. Trolling.
As far as content, I completely agree. He tears down at the thread instead of building on it.

I'm not joking when I post he's a paranoid schizo. He's ill, delusional, but not stupid. Spaz is stupid. So are most of the anti-mask/anti-vax crowd. Especially the ones who didn't actually get a vaccine in a pandemic for political reasons.

How stupid is it for people to actually believe a vaccination is a vote for Biden? They are either stupid or insane. Sybil is insane, but a few here are just stupid. All have an equal say on the Internet. Discovering who is who is one of my hobbies. Thanks Al Gore! :thup:

Pssst. You're normal. Try showing a little more light from under that bushel. The better to outshine the fucking morons. ;)

Lol. I'm an INFJ with the emphasis on "I." My light's not under a bushel, it's locked up in the vault at Fort Knox. :laugh:
Hitler wasn't alive during the Revolutionary War, the War of Secession, the terrorist war, or the war in the streets going on today by Antifa and BLM thugs.
Hitler and his party was primarily funded by the Bechstein family, Fritz Thyssun (a steel maker), and Gustav Krupp (another steel maker and heavy equipment maker), and Henry Ford (foreign automaker).

The Rothchild family does not own any Swiss bank. It DID form, an investment group in Switzerland in 1953, however. This investment group primarily invests in infrastructure such as railways, mines, and of course, gold. Most activity from the Rothchild family is in the UK and the States.

There are currently about two dozen Swiss banks, all owned by different people. A unique law in Switzerland is that they do not divulge transactions to any other nation. The privacy laws in Switzerland are among the strongest in the world, particularly in banking.

its always been scenarios similar to that.

if you cant accept that one, you're just being obstinate.

its a litmus test.
Lol. I'm an INFJ with the emphasis on "I." My light's not under a bushel, it's locked up in the vault at Fort Knox. :laugh:

I'm an INTJ-A who is using the analysis as a permission slip. e.g. "Don't like my reply? Check out my personality analysis." LOL

There are many ways to shine. Be yourself. Just louder. :D

Don't believe MSM, use a little common sense before you parrot propaganda. Do you really believe 2/3 of Asia and Africa have been vaccinated?

I believe you're a sad psycho troll. That's enough. Now get back in your sty before your mistress starts whining again. Dismissed!
Maybe you should have read all her comments before opening up your big, nasty piehole, moron. You must think out of all her exposures only the doctors and those in their offices could have given it to her. It's bullshit.

"I've tried so hard for the last year and a half to get the rona. Went to political rallies, meetings, shopping, traveling, fishing, visiting neighbors, going to the gym.....and came up empty in my
quest for natural immunity. Then last week I went to my 2 doctor visits on the same day where everyone is masked up, jabbed up, spaced out seats in the waiting area. I came straight home,
worked a few hours, ate, went to bed. It wasn't until 3 days later that I woke up and felt 'off'. A little achy, sneezed a little, ignored it and started working. The next day I still didn't feel right and
the lymph nodes on the left side of my neck looked a bit larger and felt a bit tender. I knew for sure it was not a cold because all colds I've ever had in life began with a burning throat with that
horrible drip thing that goes on. And, still no fever. So, I figured GREAT! Maybe this is finally it. Drove down to the Regeneron treatment site 35 miles south in The Villages. Positive, got the treatment,
waited the hour for observation and headed home."

Sorry, miss, but facts don't matter when gaslighting and projection are the main tools of the day. LOL

BTW, when the term "gaslighting" first came in vogue (peaking with Trump) I was fascinated to learn there was another word for "bullshit". It really helped in a couple of parties my wife dragged me to attending. Less weird looks in my direction. :)
To be expected of a mother who uses her children as meatshields. Although her husband was a secessionist nutjob, I think he didn't like his children being pushed out front.

And now they're divorced and he's free to boink all the massage girls he wants, and she can boink anyone who can stand listening to her screechy-ass voice, too. Bristol's divorced, so is Track or Treadmill or whatever his name was, the Army "hero." Who knows about the other ones.